Chapter 533

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Meanwhile, a few streets away with the Halsteads:
Jay's POV: As I come out of the shower after my morning workout, I sigh when I see Erin sitting in bed already working on the case. That was completely against the deal we made so now, I have to play bad cop and make her eat before we continue. Walking over to her in my boxers, I move to close her laptop and just look at her. She then sighed and just shook her head. "I am in the middle of doing my briefing Jay. Not now." I then looked at her and sighed. "Erin, have you ate?"

Looking at me, Erin sighed and just wearing to put her hand on her stomach. "Jay, I'm..." I then shook my head as I went to grab her laptop to set it down on her side table. "Okay, move over and we can sit down together. We need to talk about this again I guess." Erin sighed when I said that and nodded before moving over in bed. Getting in with her, I went to wrap my arm around her before feeling her cuddle up to me. Putting my hand on her stomach, I jut smiled at her.

"Okay, first of all...I want to say this. Our kids and you both need food every morning. Since you are the only one who can feed the twins here right now, that means you need to eat when you wake up. Erin, please don't make me go all Hank on you and start barking orders. I love you too much to do that to you. However, I am not scared to have to put a timer on the internet. Babe, you promised me that you would put the babies first. That was our deal when you took over."

Erin nodded when I said that before going to grab my hand. She then looked up at me and held me close. "Okay, be honest with me...are you working because you need a distraction from something." Erin nodded when I said that. "I dreamed about Hank holding the twins over night. I woke up in the middle of the night and cried a lot." I sighed when she said that and went to rub her arm. "Why didn't you wake me up Erin? You know that I am here for you right? Always."

Moving to push her chin up, I went to kiss Erin softly as we held each other close. "Erin, you are more than just my are the love of my life and there is nothing more important to me than making sure that you feel good. If you are ever missing Hank, you need to tell me so that we can get through it together. I know how hard this has been for you and I want to keep my promise to you to support you through this. But, I can't do that if you lie to me about how you're feeling. So please Erin, let me in and let me do my job as your husband. Don't let me fail you."

Erin looked up at me when I said that. "Hey, you are never going to fail me Jay." I nodded when she said that and sighed. "Erin, I didn't even realize that you are trying to distract yourself. How did I not realize that you are in another period of grieving. Erin, I failed to recognize that you needed me to slow down and just concentrate on you for a bit." Erin sighed when I said that and nodded. Going to kiss her forehead, I just held Erin close while stroking her arm with my thumb. 

"I want to be there when you need me Erin. If you don't tell me when you need me...then how am I supposed to magically know? Please babe, you need to tell me so that I can set time aside with you and help you grieve. I don't care if I have a job with the CPD...and I don't care if you are head of Intelligence now. We need to put your health first. And if that means that you need to not work on a case for a day...then we are going to do that and everybody will understand." Erin sighed when I said that and agreed with me. She then leaned up and went to kiss me softly.

"It's just...this case is urgent. We are talking about a case that is trying to take advantage of the current situation. Jay, there are drug mules who are being used to bring these drugs into Chicago. And they are taking advantage of the COVID pandemic to make money, those are horrible things. Doesn't that make you mad?" I nodded when she asked me that. "Of course it makes me mad Erin, my brother is a doctor and it infuriates me that he might have to treat someone and get exposed to COVID because someone took these pills." Erin nodded.

I then sighed. "But I am more concerned about your health and the health of our unborn children. Erin, you and the twins are my priority right now because you need to eat for 3 people. You are going to be doing that for a while. So please Erin, promise me that you are going to start taking this seriously. You need to eat before you work babe for both your health...and for the health of our unborn children." Erin nodded when I said that and smiled at me.

Rubbing her arm, I just smiled at her. "Now, how about you just lay down here and I am going to go make us some breakfast? Once I am done, we can eat and then you can get to work." She agreed with me and smiled when I said that. "I promise." Going to let me get up, Erin just smiled at me. I then went to walk over to sweats and put them on so that I could make my way downstairs. "By the way, if you dare touch that laptop before I am get a 1 hour break." Erin nodded when I said that. "Fine." I then smiled at her and went to walk back over to her.

Giving her one last kiss, I smiled at her. "I love you. Be back in 20 with breakfast. Turn the TV on and just relax okay? You deserve it." Erin smiled and nodded when I said that before going to grab the TV remote so that she could turn it on. Meanwhile, me and Champ went downstairs together to get breakfast for Erin.

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