Chapter 560

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Jay's POV: Once I finished making Erin a (new) grilled cheese, I went to grab mine as well and started to walk back up to our room. However first, I looked at Champ because I was not impressed. "You sir are not getting any attention when you come upstairs after what you just pulled. You do not get to eat human food!" Champ then went to lay down and just gave me his signature puppy dog eyes. I sighed when he did that because he knew ahead of time that I was a sucker for that. But, I didn't cave this time and just went to make my way upstairs to Erin.

After running upstairs (and almost tripping over my feet), I went to walk into our room to see that Erin already had the iPad set up and was talking to Olivia. "I thought we agreed that you would wait." Erin then turned to look at me and blushed. "Put a shirt on and then come get in bed. I already have Jayson in my arms, grab Justin and sit in bed with me and Sophia." I nodded when she said that and just smiled as I went to give her sandwich to her. "Only if you eat. Tell me if you taste dog slobber though. I think Champ was staring at this. I didn't see him touch it."

Erin then looked at me. "Want me to make you a new one?" Erin then shook her head. "Just give me the one you know doesn't have dog slobber on it. You will eat it if there's any on it." I nodded and went to give her the newest one. Grabbing the other one, I set it down on my side table before going to walk over to my closet to grab a shirt. Once I had it on, I went to grab Justin from his crib before making my way to bed. Looking at Champ as he walked in, I just shook my head. "You're lucky that I can't yell around the kids...or else you would be in big trouble."

Olivia however was confused when I said that. "What did Erin do to get in trouble?" Getting in bed with Justin on my chest, I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around Erin before looking at Olivia. "Oh believe me Benson, Erin did nothing to get in trouble. I was talking to my emotional support dog Champ. He almost got one of the sandwiches I made for us." I then went to take a bite and then just stared at him. "Here, you might as well have it Champ." I then threw it to him and was just disgusted as I went to grab my water. Erin however just laughed when I did that.

Looking at her, I shook my head. "Erin, it's not funny. I could've gotten sick if I ate dog slobber. Who know what's in his slobber." Erin then thought about it and agreed with me. "Sorry." I then went to grab her hand and smiled at her. That's when Olivia spoke to us. "So, we haven't really spoke since you guys took over CPD Intelligence. I know you are on leave you mind if we talk about some of the cases you've gotten so far?" I then turned to look at Erin. "I know you are dying to tell her about the criminal ring we uncovered. Just do it because it might be NYPD too."

Erin smiled when I said that and grabbed my hand when I got a text from Antonio. 'I can work on the case if you need me to...Matt and Gabby just got Louie back. Long story, not talking about it.' I agreed with him before looking at Erin and showing her the text. She nodded when I did that. "Tell him to follow whatever leads her has on the go right now. We can talk to him later." I agreed and nodded when she said that, going to text Antonio. 'Just follow the leads you have. We can talk later. -Erin.'  Olivia just laughed and shook her head. "No maternity leave I guess?"

I shook my head. "No! Can you convince her to take one Olivia? You have a way of talking to woman that can get them to see what the right thing to do is. This is your specialty." Olivia just shook her head. "Yeah, and get in trouble with my counterpart at CPD Intelligence? Nope!" I then sighed because I really didn't want to have to do this. But, Hank would've wanted me to...and he would've done the same. "Then I am going to do this because Hank would've done it. You do not work any of the intelligence cases without me being present. And you do not make any calls."

Erin was about to argue with me when I said that but just sighed. "You're right...Hank would've said the same thing and I hate that." I agreed with her and nodded. Olivia then looked at us both. "How are you doing after his death Erin? You know that you always have me to talk to right?" Erin nodded when she said that. "Yeah, I am doing better...just weird with him no longer being Head of Intelligence. It's even harder to know that he will never meet the triplets." Olivia agreed with me. "Well, he's watching over them from up above...we all know that."

I smiled when Olivia said that because I knew that was the truth. "Definitely." Olivia just smiled at the both of us. "And you guys can always call me if you need to talk or get some advice. Whether it be on raising kids or running the department...I promised Hank when we last spoke that I would always be there for you guys. I am just a call away. I promise to visit whenever I can. And if there is ever an SVU Case there in Chicago...let me know and I am on the next flight." I smiled when she said that. "I like the idea that Hank asked you to watch over us Olivia."

Olivia nodded and agreed with me. "I would do anything for an old friend." Erin then looked at her. "Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy...but can you finally be honest with me, you never, ever hooked up with him did you?" Olivia shook her head. "Nope, I never hooked up with him. Erin, he was committed to Camille." She agreed with her when she said that. "Right, I should've known that." I smiled at her before going to grab her hand. "Believe me when I say this are not the only one who has ever questioned it. I have questioned it before too."

Erin laughed and smiled when I said that. Grabbing my hand, she just smiled while laying her head down on my shoulder. Kissing the top of her head, we both smiled at Olivia. "Can you maybe eat your lunch I made?" Erin agreed with me and nodded as she went to grab her grilled cheese that I cut up in quarters. "Take a quarter at least okay Jay?" I nodded when she said that and agreed with her. Grabbing a quarter, I smiled as I went to take a bite of it before looking at Champ. "You stay down do not get to slobber on this one." He nodded and laid down.

Erin and Olivia just both laughed when I said that. And honestly, so did I because I loved how this conversation was was so relax and it was just what we needed right now.

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