Chapter 531

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Matt's POV: Once I finished with my IV drip, I smiled as I went to take it out myself and patched myself up. The reason I was impatient to just wait for Gabby? I want to get one of the twins and cuddle up to my little girl in bed. Reaching into her crib, I smiled as I went to pick her up. "Hey princess, you ready to spend a couple days alone with your mommy and me?" I then went back to me and went to sit down when Gabby walked in carrying breakfast to me on a food tray.

Looking at me, she shook her head. "I should've expected this. You are so predictable. The minute you are get up and grab her. Matt, you need to rest okay? Yesterday, you were dehydrated and you need to rest okay?" I nodded when she said that before looking at Hannah. "Sorry if I wanted to cuddle up to my beautiful baby girl. She was just begging for me to get up and pick her up out of her crib. So, you can blame her for me disobeying doctor's orders okay?"

Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. "Sure, because your doctor is supposed to believe that your daughter has so much power over you that she is able to make you leave bed when it's healthier for you to stay in bed, receive your IV drip  and take it easy. Or do you not want me in bed?" I then smiled when she said that. "I never said that. I want you in bed later, believe me."  Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that before giving me breakfast. "Of course you do."

Going to grab Gabriel from his crib, Gabby came back to bed and smiled as she came to sit down next to me. She then went to grab the food she brought upstairs and just looked at me while grabbing her utensils. "Sorry if it wasn't as fancy as you expected." I then went to grab her hand and intertwined our fingers. "Gabby, I didn't expect anything fancy. Please just relax and eat breakfast. I love the breakfast you made and it's perfect." Gabby smiled when I said that.

Going to grab the toast she made, Gabby smiled while I ate my eggs. "So, you do realize that you do need to rest today. Just because we are alone...don't expect that you are going to get action. I mean...don't get me wrong that I would love to just have you take me in your arms and possibly start trying for a 4th child but..." I sighed when she said that. "We still need to talk about that don't we?" Gabby nodded. "I just want to know where we stand. Are we going to try or not?"

I sighed when she said that. "Listen, how about right now...we concentrate on eating. Once that's done...we can hold each other close and talk about it okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that. Moving to lean over me, she kissed me and smiled. "I love you Matt." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "I love you too. Now, let's eat and then we can hold each other close in bed like we both know that we want too." Gabby nodded. "After I bring this downstairs."

I turned to look at her when she said that but she wasn't budging. "Yes, after I bring it downstairs. If you argue with me on that...then you can kiss your sex goodbye!" I agreed with her because that was definitely something that I didn't want to do. I didn't want to risk loosing my chance at sex with her. I needed to make it up to her. Last night was supposed to be amazing. I was going to give her a massage and take her in my arms. I need to make it up to her.

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