Chapter 566

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Meanwhile, with the Halsteads:
Jay's POV: As I stand in the kitchen while eating breakfast with the Deputy Commissioner of the Chicago Police Department, I sigh considering she isn't happy with the fact that Erin isn't taking a maternity leave. "Det. Halstead, I understand that you are now the heads of the division but...I am not sure if I am comfortable having a hormonal new mother to triplets in charge." I sighed when she said that and looked at her. "With all-do respect Deputy Commissioner Miller, my wife is not the only one in charge. We are the co-Heads of Intelligence. I was her Deputy."

She agreed with me when I said that. "Also, you already know about Erin's background. She carries a lot of baggage and it has never stopped her from being a good cop. Why would that change now?" Miller then looked at me and sighed. "God, you are a great debater aren't you?" I then laughed when she said that. "You seem to forget who my late-father-in-law was. You really think debating about what  the right move in an investigation should be is hard...try having to debate what the right move for my wife's health during her pregnancy is. Oh, and my brother's a doctor."

Miller nodded when I said that. "Has he cleared her to work?" I nodded. "Yes. And actually, I would like her to work this case because it's personal to us." She then looked at me. "How personal?" I then sighed. "It's a case involving fake COVID drugs and vaccines. If people who are COVID positive take these, they can go to my brother's ER and he can possibly get it." She then looked at me and got worried. "That's why you got so worried." I nodded and sighed. "Listen Miller, I get that you are concerned...and so am I. But, I would like to solve this case myself."

She nodded when I said that. "I understand. Take your time though. Since she's pregnant, you can take your time. I know Voigt liked to close the cases fast but, take your time. We would rather not have things overlooked." I nodded when she said that. "May I remind you that my wife is a former federal agent? I know what that's like. We can run cases much easier. In fact the case we are working is a joint-CPD, NYPD and Texas Rangers investigation." She was shocked when I said that. "Wow, that's a big investigation to start." I nodded and agreed with her. "Yeah."

I then looked at her. "Listen, I still need to do more training but...what is the protocol for making someone an official CPD informant? I want to use my brother as an informant. I want to give him protection since he is helping us by being our lookout at the ER at Gaffney Medical Center. I have also already debriefed the head of the hospital and my sister-in-law-to-be." She just looked at me. "You already did all that? Fast." I nodded and smiled when she said that when I heard Champ come downstairs. "Hey buddy." I then went to bend down and rubbed his head.

Miller then looked at Champ. "Nice dog, he looks new." I nodded when she said that. "It's the dog you guys helped me get remember? He's my service dog. For my PTSD." Miller then realized that. "Let me guess, you working this case helps with your mental health?" I nodded. "Yeah and it makes me feel like I am making a difference. I can't go out onto the streets because that would put both my wife's and our triplets' health at risk so...that is why were are both wearing masks." That's when I heard Erin come downstairs. "Oh, hi Deputy Commissioner. Sorry, water babe."

I nodded when she said that. "Erin, go upstairs when you are done okay? You know that you are on bedrest." Erin sighed when I said that. I then looked at her. "Go to bed and rest or else your maternity leave will become mandatory instead of optional. Remember, my job as your husband comes before my job as your co-Head of Intelligence. If I think that your health is at risk by you not taking a maternity leave....then I will call IT and block your access to the system. That is my right because I am your husband. Erin, you promised that your health comes first." Erin nodded.

Walking up to me, she wrapped her arm around me and went to kiss me softly. "Don't yell at me in front of our boss but yes, I am going to rest. I love you." Miller then smiled at Erin. "Congrats again and take all the time you need okay Erin? You are still grieving Voigt's death too." Erin nodded when she said that. "You're right but...this is also my first case since I took charge of the division. I am sorry if I am going to want to oversee it. I need to prove myself to you guys." Miller agreed with her. "Understood. But from bed." She smiled and nodded. "Of course, breakfast?"

I nodded and smiled. "Only if you go rest." She agreed and smiled when I said that. "I am on my way. Don't be too long." I smiled and agreed with her before going to grab some food that I made for me and the Commissioner. "Erin, come and grab a plate. I made some for me and the Commissioner." Erin then looked at me and smiled. "Sure, that sounds great." Walking over to me, she smiled as I gave her some eggs, bacon and toast. "Upstairs and take this." I then went to give her a new jug of water. "That has to be done by the end of the day." Erin agreed with me.

"Now can I go to bed?" I agreed with her and smiled. "I will be up once I am done having breakfast with Miller. I'll let her out, put Champ out quick and then I will come join you in bed. I expect some time with both my girls in bed." Erin agreed with me and smiled when I said that, making her way back up to bed. Miller meanwhile, looked at me. "Remind me of their names?" I smiled when she asked me that. "Jayson Henry, Sophia Marie and Justin Michael. Jayson is spelled J-A-Y-SON." She then smiled at me. "So, your name plus's cute." I agreed.

"We said it would be like, Jay's son but with only one S." She agreed with me. "Then listen, let's finish eating...then you can go upstairs to your triplets. Congratulations again Halstead." I agreed with her and smiled when she said that, enjoying our little breakfast together.

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