Tuesday, July 28th

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The Next Morning with Matt as he stands in the shower:
Matt's POV: As I stand in the shower shortly after waking up (and getting puked on by Hannah), I smile as I go to wash my hair. I was trying to hurry up so that I could be back in bed before Gabby woke up but unfortunately...that didn't happen because I just felt her kiss my back. Turning around to look at her, I was a little shocked. "What are you doing in here...Louie might." Gabby just smiled at me as she went to wrap her arms around me. "He's still asleep. That means that mommy and daddy have a little bit of time to hold each other close while taking a shower."

I smiled when Gabby said that while putting my hands on her arms. "We aren't going to work right away. I want to have breakfast as a family first...then we can sit on the nice couch downstairs to work while Louie plays with his toys, we watch TV and the twins just lay down in those nice cribs we have for them downstairs." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "That sounds like a great idea." Kissing me, Gabby put her hands on my chest and just held me close. "What is an even better idea is me joining you in the shower. I am pretty hormonal right now."

I laughed when she said that and smiled at her. "I can tell." Gabby nodded when I said that and just smiled at me. "Oh, you can can you?" I nodded while stepping closer to her. I then went to grab her butt, picking her up in my arms while wrapping her legs around my waist. "God, I love you so much." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. Putting my hand on her neck, I bent down and went to leave a soft kiss on her neck. I didn't get a chance to give her pleasure last night and I knew she wanted it. So...I was giving her what she wanted last night right now.

Taking it slow with her, I smiled when I moved my lips to hers and just held her close. "You know that I love you right and that I am living my dream life right now with you and the kids. I mean it when I say that I wouldn't trade the life we have for anything in the entire world." Gabby just smiled when I said that and nodded. "I know that baby because you always say it. However, now that you are saying it more and more often...It's starting to get me concerned that you are trying to convince yourself of that instead of just telling me that because it's the truth."

I shook my head when she said that and just held her close. "Gabby, believe me...I am so happy right now. That's why I say it so often. Saying it real to me. I mean, can a guy really be as lucky as I am?" Going to set her down, I moved to grab her hands and intertwined our fingers. Gabby then thought about it and smiled at me. "I guess you are right that it is very unlikely that a normal guy would even be as lucky as you are." I smiled when she said that and agreed with her. Moving her close to me, I went to kiss her softly and just smiled at her. "Listen, let's just relax."

Gabby nodded when I said that and just smiled as we held each other in the shower that morning, taking our time because this was going to be our last time alone for the rest of the day. Not that we are complaining because we love spending time with our amazing kids.

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