Mommy's Pregnant

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Matt's POV: After finishing up my conversation with Hermann, I smiled as I made my way upstairs to heard Gabby and Louie talking about what he and Antonio did while he was there. Setting our food down on the bed, I smiled as I went to stand at the door so that I could listen to him talking to Gabby while she took care of him in the bath. I then smiled at him. "Daddy." I just looked at him and waived. "You ready to tell him when we are in bed?" Gabby turned to look at me and laughed. "Not like he doesn't know. I am sure that Antonio already told him."

Louie then looked at Gabby. "Tell me what mommy?" Gabby then smiled at me. "Or I guess he didn't tell him." Gabby then looked at Louie. "Buddy, you remember how mommy just gave birth to your brother and sister?" Louie nodded when she asked him that. Gabby then smiled. "Mommy is pregnant with another one of your brothers or sisters." He looked at her when she said that. "You mean?" I nodded and smiled at him. "You are going to be a big brother again. Does that sound exciting buddy?" I then went to walk in and leaned against the counter.

Louie smiled when I asked him that. "Yes, I happy." I smiled at him. "Good, because you are going to need to be a good big brother. You are going to need to help daddy take care of your siblings sometimes and you are going to have to make sure you stay calm. Mommy can't be stressed out when she's pregnant. Do you think you can do that for mommy and daddy?" Louie nodded when we asked him that. "I am so proud of you Louie. And just know ahead of time that I am not going anywhere. I am safe and I am going to be here for the rest of your life."

Louie nodded when she said that and smiled. "Mommy, can I play in the bath for a bit or do I need to have supper first?" Gabby then turned to look at me and laughed. "I think we should've had supper first." I nodded and agreed with her. "You however need to eat. I am going to stay in here and talk to him. I haven't had much time with Louie since I got back to work." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Walking over to me, she went to walk her arms around me and just went to kiss me softly. "I love you and I am so happy we are pregnant."

I smiled when she said that, nodding. "Me too." I then went to kiss her and just smiled at her. "Go relax in bed okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that before going to make her way to bed. I just hoped she would eat because I am positive that she is hungry. That's when I decided to sit down on the edge of the bath next to Louie. Smiling at him, I went to grab his hand. "You sure that you are okay with mommy being pregnant again Louie?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Because I know that daddy will save my mommy if something happens. You did it last time, again right?"

I nodded when he said that. "But nothing is going to happen to mommy okay? She is going to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. We know what to do this time. However, you know you can always talk to me if you get scared. Also, you can always ask me to stay in your room with you." Louie smiled when I said that. "I love my room." I smiled when he said that. "Daddy made a lot of the stuff in there. You know the toy box you have up there that looks like a treasure chest?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Daddy made that for you." Louie smiled. "Thanks daddy."

Grabbing his hand, I smiled at him. "Listen, how about we finish up your bath? Then we can get out of here and go cuddle in bed with mommy. You can have your sandwich and daddy can have his. Daddy is starting to get hungry." He agreed with me and smiled as I went to grab the face cloth. "Close your eyes and mouth please." I then went to put some soap on it before going to wash his face. Louie didn't like it much but he put up with it amazing. "Listen, you just play a bit more. I will get your towel and PJs ready for you." I then went to get up and grabbed his towel.

Grabbing his underwear and PJs too, I smiled as I made my way back to the bath and went to start emptying the bath. "Okay, can you help daddy?" Louie agreed and nodded as he got up. Wrapping the towel around him, I went to dry him off and smiled before going to help him out of the bath. Grabbing his pull-ups, I smiled at him. "Step in?" He agreed and nodded while doing it. I then went to grab his PJ pants before getting him dressed. Quickly tickling him, I smiled at him and then went to wrap my arms around him. "I love you, know that right buddy?" Louie nodded.

Louie nodded when I said that. "I love you too daddy." He then went to kiss my forehead and smiled at me. Helping him to get dressed, I smiled as I went to pick him up in my arms. Putting his towel on a hook we had in there, I then turned to look at him while kissing his forehead. Grabbing his blanket I grabbed for him with his PJs, I smiled when he saw me grab it off the counter. He put his hands out. "Can I have my blankie daddy?" I nodded and smiled as I went to give it to him. "Of course. You can sleep up here with mommy and daddy if you want."

Louie then smiled at me. "And can we cuddle on the big couch downstairs tomorrow?" I agreed with him when I looked at Gabby. She nodded and smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. We can use the big TV down there." I smiled when she said that before going to carry Louie to bed. "Here, let's just get in bed and then we can have supper. Maybe after that, you can help daddy bring the plates downstairs. We can get you some books." He agreed and smiled when I said that. Going to join my family in bed, I smiled as I went to grab my plate on my side table.

Gabby then did the same and just smiled at me as we sat in bed with Louie, eating supper.

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