Chapter 553

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Back with the Halsteads and their newborn triplets:
Jay's POV: As I came back from putting Champ out to go to the washroom, I smiled as I saw Erin laying down in bed while Natalie gave her a checkup. They decided to stay a while longer to make sure that Erin was okay. Okay, maybe it wasn't that they decided to. It was my idea. I was worried, I didn't want to loose my wife right when our triplets were born. Walking in, I smiled at Erin before walking over to bed. "How's she doing Natalie?" Natalie then smiled at me. "Great."

Natalie turned to look at me and smiled. "Honestly, she is doing amazing for a new mom who just unexpectedly gave birth to triplets. Your wife sure is a rock star." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Yeah, she is." Going to sit down next to her, I smiled when I saw that she was breastfeeding Justin. "You know, oddly enough...he kinda looks like Justin." Natalie then looked at me. "Yeah, because that's his name." Erin laughed when she said that. "Hank's son Justin."

Erin then turned to look at me. "Did you tell Olive yet?" I shook my head. "I wanted you to get the all clear first. Then, I wanted to call her together. After that we can call Olivia." Erin smiled when I said that. "Next year, 20th anniversary...we go to New York and introduce the triplets to her. They'll be one by then and she'll be able to meet them. Here's hoping COVID is over or better by then." I nodded when she said that and smiled at her as I wrapped my arm around her.

That's when I heard Will come upstairs. "Hey, I just missed you. I am going to make a food run. Oh and then we have to pick Owen up from daycare Nat. You want me to pick him up alone with the food?" I then looked at him. "Will, I would rather he not come here yet." Natalie then looked at us. "Why not?" I then sighed. "He's in daycare and we have newborn kids. If I was scared to go to the hospital during really think I am going to be okay with going to a daycare?"

Hearing Jayson cry in the new crib we just assembled (and Will bought for us), I went to go get him. "By the way, thanks for getting me the cribs Will. I thought we had a bit more time." He agreed with me when I said that. "And you lost your home had to get all new things." I nodded and smiled as I looked down at Jayson. "Hey buddy. You want to come cuddle up to Jaydad in bed?" Erin then looked at me when I said that and just laughed. "Good one!"

Will however didn't get it was I walked over to bed. "I don't get it." I just shook my head and went to sit in bed with Jayson. Kissing his forehead, I smiled. "This guy's name is spelled J-A-Y-S-O-N. Like Jay's son. So, I'm his dad....Jaydad." Natalie then turned to look at him. "God you're slow today Will. Even I got it and I am not a member of your family...I swear Erin, how did we both get involved with guys who have such bad senses of humor?" I then looked at Will.

That's when we realized what they said and we both took offence to it. "Hey!" I looked at Erin. "I make you laugh on a daily basis. Please tell me that you at least think I am funny." Erin nodded and smiled as she went to grab my hand. "You are funny in a dad way." I then just rolled my eyes. "Fine, I have the best dad jokes and the best dad bod." Erin smirked when I said that. She then went to rub my abs and smiled at me when I said that. "Yes you do." I then went to kiss her.

Will then looked at Natalie and smiled. "Hey Nat, we might want to get going. I have this feeling that Erin and Jay might start climbing on top of each other soon if we don't get out of here." I looked at Will when he said that. "Yeah, because I am going to do that when she just gave birth." Erin agreed with me when I said that, feeling Natalie finish her exam. "Believe me, I am tired." Erin then went to lay down in bed close to me. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled.

Will then smiled at the both of us. "Listen, if you want me to let us out with the spare key...I can do that for you guys. You both look like you want time alone." I agreed with him. "Can you maybe go get us some food first? Just McDonald's or Subway would work." Will smiled when I asked him that. "Of course. We can even pick up groceries." I smiled when he said that. "Let me make an order and you can pick it up for me." Natalie then looked at us both and smiled.

However, Will was just kidding. "I was kidding Natalie." Natalie then looked at him. "If you want a kid with me then you will support your brother right now. That means you need to help him when he asks for it. Last time I checked, he had 3 triplets who are hours old to take care of...who are also immunocompromised during this COVID-19 pandemic. I am sure that if we were in this position, Jay would offer to do the same thing." I smiled when she said that, nodding. "I would."

Will then agreed. "I will pay for them as a gift congratulating you on the triplets. Send me a list of what you guys want and I will buy it. We'll be back in say an hour okay?" I agreed with him and smiled. "There's a spare key by the door. Grab it and use it." I then turned to look at Erin. "Should we let Owen..." Erin then shook her head. "I would rather not. In fact, can you trust Will to just put it away? I want to stay in bed with you for a while." I agreed and nodded. "Tired?"

Erin nodded when I asked her that. "I could go for a nap." I smiled when she said that. "Listen, how about I get us some laundry baskets...we can put pillows in and we can use that for cribs temporarily? With pillows and blankets." Erin smiled when I said that. "I like the idea. We have a couple on the washer and dryer." That's when Natalie walked away. I then looked at Will. "And the spare pillows are located in the closet next to it." He nodded and then went to grab them.

Turning to look at Erin, I smiled at her. "We can put them on the window ledge over there. Does that work?" Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "That sounds great." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "I love you." Erin smiled when I said that. "I love you too. Now, let's get these little ones in their baskets. Then, we can cuddle in bed when we have our McDonald's." I agreed and smiled when she said that, waiting for Will and Natalie to get back.

Dawsey: Raising a Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now