Chapter 561

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Meanwhile, back with the Caseys as Matt gets home with Louie:
Matt's POV: As me and Louie walked into the kitchen together, I sighed because I knew she was not too happy to be home. "Louie, come here please and talk to me." Louie then turned around to look at me. "Daddy, why couldn't I stay at uncle Toni's?" I then sighed as I went to set down the Subway we picked up on the counter. Bending down, I went to look at him. "Buddy, it's because you weren't safe there anymore. You remember that other woman that was with Antonio today?" He nodded when I asked him that. "She's a paramedic like mommy."

Louie then walked up to me. "And you remember how we can't go outside much right now? Because it's not safe to share are with some other people?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Well, she comes into contact with a lot of those people on a daily basis. We did it because we didn't want you to get sick like those other people. We brought you home because it's safer for you to be here with mommy and daddy right now instead of at uncle Toni's." Louie then agreed as he walked over to me. Hugging him, I held him close before hearing Gabby come down.

"Now if that isn't a great explanation." I smiled when she said that. "Also, we actually have some news buddy. Daddy is going to be home a lot more. He got a new job which lets him work from home." Louie smiled when I said that. "Does that mean I get to play with daddy all day?" I then bit my lip. "Maybe, we'll see okay? I haven't figured it out yet...but maybe. Right now though, how about we go upstairs and you can get into your jammies. You got your other ones all dirty. Then, I will put your sandwich on a plate and you can have your supper with me and mommy."

Louie nodded and smiled when I said that. Gabby then looked at me. "How about you take him upstairs and give him a bath?" I then smiled when she said that. "You want to take a bath first Louie? Maybe you can use mommy and daddy's bath?" Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled. "That sounds like fun. Go ahead, I got the food." Gabby then looked at me and smiled. "Remember that we need to stay calm today. However, we still technically haven't really had a big conversation about us and the new..." I nodded and smiled when she said that.

Note to Readers: Sorry I haven't been mentioning the pregnancy much...I will mention it more.

I smiled when she said that. "Oh, I already know what you are talking about. Give Louie a bath and then come join me in bed. We can eat, put a movie on for him and then we can talk about that." Gabby smiled when I said that before wrapping her arms around me. Kissing me softly, she just held me close. "No regrets right?" I shook my head when she said that and just smiled at her. "Nope, none. Now, go upstairs before Louie finds about about you know what before we tell him upstairs. I think it's safe to tell him now." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Me too."

Walking away, she went to make her way upstairs to give Louie a bath. Meanwhile, I went to start getting supper out when I got a call from Hermann. Going to answer it, I smiled. "Hey Hermann. Let me guess, you told Cindy?" Cindy laughed and agreed. "Yes, congratulations to you both. This is shocking. Was it planned?" I then laughed. "Not really, I was just as shocked. However, we are taking it as a blessing. We are not going to complain that we are having another kid." Hermann agreed with me. "That why you quit being Chief of Firehouse 71?" I sighed and agreed.

"I need to be safe. I can't take the risks much another considering I need to be there for Gabby." He agreed with me. Cindy then laughed. "Just remember to breathe and take it slow. This time, there will be no problems...knock on wood." I agreed with her and went to knock on the counter just in case. Hermann then went to bring up something else. "So, what are you doing for a job now?" I then laughed. "Hermann, you already know. Remember the meeting we had today?" Hermann then remembered that. "Right, can you talk to Delaney and ask about Lee Henry?"

I agreed with him when he said that. "Right, I forgot to mention that. I promise to talk to him when I get a chance. I am not sure when I am starting my job. I might have to come in for another shift. And if it doesn't work out....I am back as Chief. I made that a condition." Hermann agreed for me. "Just to let you know, you might have an opening on Truck 81 soon. I am thinking of retiring now that it's Delaney...I mean, I trust him but..." I understood. "I am not going back to Truck though. So, get that out of your head. And stay on Hermann...I need someone there."

Hermann agreed with me when I said that. "Sure thing Matt. By the way, what are you guys going to do about Molly's? If you work 9-to-5 now, you could probably help out more at the bar if you get your bartender's license?" I then sighed. "With a pregnant wife, twins and a toddler. Yeah, that is not happening Hermann." Cindy agreed with me. "Should've thought about that one first Christopher. Listen, you know that you can always talk to us if you need to talk about advice and stuff. We have 5 kids and understand what it's like to have that many."

I agreed with them both when she said that. "Thanks Cindy, I will keep that in mind. Now listen, I just got back from getting Subway for the family. I am in the midst of putting it on a plate. How about we talk later and we can maybe video chat. You can see the twins." They both loved the sound of that. "Sounds great. Talk another time Matt." Going to hang up, I smiled after talking to our friends/my former co-worker before grabbing my phone and the plates of food so that I could make my way upstairs and relax with my wonderful family in bed.

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