Chapter 555

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Back with the Caseys as Matt comes out of the washroom:
Matt's POV: After taking a shower and getting changed into something comfortable, I smiled when I saw Gabby sitting in our bed while wearing one of my shirts and some sweats. "You look comfortable whenever you are wearing that, you know that right?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me when I said that. "That's because I am comfortable. I always am when I am wearing some of your clothes." I smiled when she said that before going to move into bed with her. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled and just held her close as we cuddled up to each other in bed.

Gabby then went to grab my hand and smiled as she looked into my eyes. "Thank you for changing jobs again." I looked at her when she said that and smiled. "Hey, I am happy to change jobs if it means you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Gabby, I don't want you to be stressed while you are pregnant. That isn't healthy for you or the babies. Whatever I can do to make sure that you have the least stressful pregnancy as possible, I am going to do it....I promise babe."

Gabby nodded when I said that before moving over in bed more. "Here, I don't want you to fall off while we are cuddling in bed." I smiled when she did that before moving close to her. Feeling her lay down on my chest while I laid down on my back, I just went to wrap my arms around her and smiled as I kissed her head. "Twins or a single baby?" Gabby looked at me when I said that. "What?" I then smiled at her. "What do you think this baby is? Twins or a single baby?" 

Gabby then sighed as she decided to sit up and reach for the McDonald's we bought on our way home. "Nice way to distract from the question I asked." Sitting up against my pillow, I looked at Gabby. "Babe, if you are nervous to answer because you don't think I am going to like the answer...then just say it and I promise it'll be okay." Gabby then sighed as she went to set the bag of McDonald's on the bed. "It's not that Matt. It's that I don't know if I want to even consider it may be twins yet. I am scared. Could we really do 5 kids?" I nodded when she said that.

Going to grab my burger, I looked at Gabby. "Babe, this is us we are talking already know that we could do it. Gabby, this is me and you we are talking about. We have done a lot of hard things that normal couples could've never gotten through. We did a lost distance marriage for almost a year. We survived loosing our foster son that we later got back. We didn't divorce even though people thought we were crazy to stay married. Gabby, we've overcome so much."

Gabby nodded when I said that, taking another bite of our burger. "I guess I like that you are going to be out of the fire zone from now on. You sure that this isn't a step down for you? I mean babe you were a fire chief..." I laughed when she said that. "And now, I am a Deputy Commissioner. Babe, that is a great job and I am going to be much safer. And, I am the perfect guy for this job because I have a background in construction. By the way, more time at home."

I then looked at her. "And it might also give us more time to think about me building us a home of our own. We wouldn't have to live in downtown Chicago anymore and we could live in the suburbs more. I could probably try and work out of the CFD offices on the outskirts of Chicago. We can commute when we want to hang out with our friends. I could build us a great home. Our own floor, the girls have their own floor and the boys have their own floor. How does that sound?" Gabby then thought about it and smiled at me. "You would really do that for us?"

I smiled when she said that. "Gabby, it would be my pleasure to do it for us. I could make it really safe, and we could customize it. It would be our forever home." Gabby liked the sound of that. "Enough bedrooms for the kids. A private flor for us definitely. Maybe we can be in the basement." I thought about that and smiled. "An indoor hot tub just for mommy and daddy to use." Gabby smiled when I said that before getting close to me. She then kissed me softly.

"That sounds perfect. A place where we can hide from the kids and get close in the water. An indoor pool would be kinda cool too." I nodded when she said that. "Let's just see how big of a piece of land we can afford and then we can talk about that." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "That sounds like a plan. But right now, we need to figure out where you are going to work? Are you going to work in bed or are you going to go work down in the basement?"

I bit my lip when she asked me that. "I hate to say this but...the basement sounds like the best bet. It's close enough that you can call me and ask for help if you need me to help with the kids. Yet, at the same's secluded and there's a place where I can hide in for a while. The room that will one day be Louie's." Gabby nodded when I said that. "How are we going to tell Louie this? We haven't told him yet. What is he going to think of sleeping in the basement?" I sighed when she asked me that. "I am not sure. Let's wait a year. He can stay up here for a while."

I nodded when she said that. "We could keep the baby in here for 6 months to a year." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Yeah, sure..." I looked at her. "Gabby, we are done having kids. We don't need to have sex on a regular basis...we can save that for special nights like our birthdays and our wedding anniversary. So believe me when I say this, I love the idea of our kids sleeping in here. That way, I have all the people I love close to me all day, every day." Gabby smiled at the thought of that. "Honestly, that sounds perfect." Moving close to me, she kissed me softly.

However, the kiss didn't last for long. Instead, we were disturbed by me getting a FaceTime call. Going to roll over, I saw it was Severide. "Severide, answer?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Cuddle up to me and do it on the iPad. He's going to have questions." I agreed with her and nodded as I got my iPad so that we could talk to Severide and Stella.

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