Never Lonely: Jimcury

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Jim shivers and pulls the thin blanket up to his chin. It was Christmas Eve and Jim was all alone in his cheap one bedroom flat. He climbs out of bed keeping his blanket wrapped around himself. The pipes buzz and some even drip, there’s exposed pipes everywhere.

His stomach grumbles demanding to be fed. Jim knew the pickings were slim.

He couldn’t afford to go grocery shopping this week. His boss didn’t pay him once again. So Jim had nothing to eat. Once again this was once again going to be a lonely holiday. God he wished he had someone.

Jim's mind wanders to his crush the beautiful dark curly haired Freddie but his grumbling stomach once again interrupts him and he sighs knowing he’s going to have to get out of bed.

Jim shuffles into the kitchen and rummages through this fridge. The fridge came with the flat that was old enough to retire by now. And go to the junkyard where all old ancient refrigerators go.

The only good thing worth grabbing in it is beer. Which is barely cold, the power keeps going on and off, gotta love the lazily landlord. Jim cracks it open off the counter and drinks it quickly.

There’s a knock on his door and Jim groans. He didn’t really want to have visitors to see how he lived. Jim undoes the locks and chain. He opens the door, teeth chattering.

Freddie wrinkles his nose but tries to hide it,

“Come on Jim. Get dressed.”

Freddie eyes the living room that he can see from the doorway.

There’s barely any furnishings and you won’t be able to guess it’s Christmas Eve as there’s no decorations, not even a lone stocking. Just everything was bare.

“Where are you taking me?” Jim asks getting his boots on and his puffy purple marshmallow coat he stole from lost and found a few years back. He finds his ragged purse and grabs it.

“To my place.” Freddie says grabbing him by his elbow.

“Why?” Jim asks, shivering from the cold the snow falls down and numbs him more.

Freddie puts his scarf and hat on Jim they were wool, “No one deserves to be alone on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.”

Jim smiles softly and blushes. He gets to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with his best friend and crush. Oh lord maybe he could get a mistletoe kiss? Jim fans his face and blames his rosy cheeks on the cold.

When they make it to Freddie's home. Jim'd takeover by the warmth of the house and how brightly lit it is. His home looks like Christmas barfed all over it. And it was comforting in a way.

Jim takes off his outerwear and warms up by the electric fireplace.
Freddie steps into the kitchen and comes out a few minutes later with the most delicious looking hot chocolate Jim has ever seen.

Jim wolfs it down greedily; he does try and savor the warmth of the beverage.

Freddie giggles as Jim gets some cool whip on his upper lip. Jim looks up at him blushing,

“Is there something on my face?”

Freddie leans down, “A little cool whi-“

Jim kisses him. He took the chance and kissed him with all his love. Jim started to pull away when Freddie didn’t kiss back.

But Freddie pulls him in and kisses him passionately. Jim gasps softly and Freddie deepens the kiss. Jim's back hits the arm of the couch and they pull away from each other panting,

“H-How long have you liked me?” Jim asks softly lips swollen from their kiss,

“I have loved you since we were 18.”

Freddie whispers caressing his cheek, “I couldn’t wait any longer.”

Jim blushes and smiles wide, “Oh Freddie!” he kisses him again.

On Christmas morning Freddie woke Jim up by bringing him breakfast in bed and spoiling the hell out of him.

They go downstairs to open up presents. Jim feels awful for not having anything for Freddie. So the younger man fishes inside his bag and finds a faux gold bracelet with little charms on it.

Freddie adores it and it’s his most treasured presents. He puts it on right away. Jim is in near tears at all the clothes, shoes, and bedding Freddie bought him for Christmas he was in desperate need of all of this. For he was broker than broke.

Jim happily snuggles his plush soft white blanket that Freddie gave him as one of Freddie's servants cooks a Christmas dinner for the two of them. Jim watches the tv, it was some cheesy Christmas movie.

You know the one. City guy moves to a small town, starts work at an office or something, small town girl works for said office, they meet, they fall in love, but oh no her big bad ex is back, what will the city guy do!

Jim isn’t really interested in the movie. He’s very bored by it, his mother used to force him to watch these movies growing up and they are still the same. Freddie comes in with big platters of food that take up the entire coffee table by then Jim had on some Saturday cartoons.

Jim gladly digs into the meal. The ham tasted a little funky but it was still delicious smothered in the gravy and potatoes.

Jim didn’t even realize how full he could get. His belly was bloated and swollen by the time they could see the bottom of their plates.

Freddie cuddles him on the couch and the blankets spread all over them. Freddie's maid will be coming in the morning to clean up Christmas dinner so Freddie doesn’t have to worry too much about it.

Freddie rubs Jim's stomach and peppers him with kisses. They kiss passionately holding on to each other tightly,

“You’re my best Christmas present ever.” Freddie whispers.

Jim's eyes light up and he blushes. Freddie loves on him, “I’m so lucky to have you.” Jim whispers.

And after that Jim never spent another Christmas alone, and he never had to live in that shitty apartment ever again. For he now has the love of his life and a nice warm home.

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