Dealor: Wedding

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Roger adjusts his tie and smoothes his hair which has recently been cut short, he fiddles around for his glasses. Roger grabs the mirror and checks his teeth making sure breakfast wasn’t hidden in them.

“Hey,” Roger calls to his best man Freddie, “How do I look?”

“You look like a million bucks right now.” Freddie grins. He looks so grown up in his suit which it actually looks like it belonged to Freddie’s father first.

“Do you think he’ll still like me?”

“You’re marrying him.” Freddie laughs, “I would hope so.”

Roger smiles and heads out there. The room felt hot no matter how high the air conditioner was on. Roger tugs on his collar as he stands at the altar people are piling into the pews waiting for the bride to come.

Roger can smell fried chicken for some reason. He tugs on his collar. Is this a sign of a stroke? No, that's toast… Roger looks around, who the hell is frying chicken? Roger choked and jerked his head hearing the doors open and the piano music started to play. Roger felt something get caught in his throat as he watched John come down the aisle.

He looked so stunning in his pale blue suit, hair tied back holding a lovely bundle of rhododendrons. It looks like Brian put a light touch of makeup on John, something about the eyeliner makes John’s eyes pop, or how he carries himself as he walks down the aisle with his mother at his side.

Roger felt himself tearing up as John reached the altar; he couldn't believe this was happening. It felt like a dream which he has longed for. John sniffles and smiles, he looks so grown up in a suit. Lillian, his mother hugs her son tight before sitting down next to a space reserved for her late husband so he too could be there even in spirit.

The minister clears his throat, “We are gathered here today to witness the union of John and Roger . Welcome friends and family! We're glad to have you with us.mToday is the beginning of a remarkable journey for this couple. Drawing on their mutual admiration, respect, and trust, they are ready to embark on the next chapter in their lives. We celebrate the love and light evident in their relationship, and wish them well on this joyous occasion.”

Roger sniffles looking over at John with such love and care, he can’t believe it. This was it, they were becoming one. Roger can smell John’s cologne, it was the one he wore on their first date years ago.

“Under the eyes of the Universe, together we take a moment to acknowledge the seriousness of the commitment being entered into today. With great joy, we also recognize the special bond shared by John and Roger . Love is the soil from which life itself grows. As Carl Sagan famously wrote:  "The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth. We should remain grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides. The sum of all our evolution, our thinking and our accomplishments is love."” The minister reads off, “We’ll begin our vows.”

The elderly man looks at John, “Would you like to start?”

“With this ring, I give you my promise that from this day forward I will give you all my love,
and you shall not walk alone. I have no greater gift to give. As your love is my anchor, and your trust is my strength, May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home. As this ring has no end or beginning, so shall my love for you be. As I place it on your finger, I give you all that I am, and all that I shall become.”

John takes his hand sliding the ring on, it was a simple ring of gold with two gems on it, a blue and green stone. Roger felt like he forgot the words to the vows he wrote in a time that seemed like eons ago. The words flowed back as he looked into John’s dishwater colored eyes.

“I am proud to take you as my husband. For all the time we have been together, there has always been the kind of mutual understanding which is only shared when there is true love.
You have helped me triumph over challenges presented, encouraged my personal growth and boosted my self-esteem. You have helped me become the person I am today, And with your help, I will be a better person tomorrow than I was yesterday.”

Roger slips the ring on John’s finger and the two tear up. Candles are brought over as the altar's lights dim. The minister clears his throat, “John and Roger, today we've had the great pleasure of witnessing your union become official. As a symbol of your bond, you will now light a unity candle – the flame of which is emblematic of your two souls coming together as one.” He hands each of them a candle,

“John and Roger, you each hold in your hand a flame. Think of this flame as a representation of your individual lives. Your dreams and sorrows, passions and fears, joys and disappointments – all reside within the light of this candle. Now, give one last look into this singular light, for it is about to merge with another.” He pauses, “Now light the center candle.”

John and Roger light the center candle together, the flames crossing and dancing around. The minister smiles, “The two flames now burn as one, just as your two spirits have formed an irreparable bond. This bond is powerful enough to help you through any difficulties and struggles that may arise. As your love steers you through the obstacle course that is life, remember that your lights burn brightest together. You are now truly husband and husband until death shall take you.”

Roger cheers and kisses John all over again. The crowd cheers for them and they have a small ceremony, the whole eating, dancing, speeches that sort of thing that happens after the wedding.

Roger was more than happy to carry John “bridal-style” into their new home and to lay him on their new bed. They slowly undress each other's hands roaming over their bodies they longed to see. They waited until marriage to see each other like this. To get to know each other. Roger kisses John sweetly and lovingly holding their bodies against each other. Heart to heart, kiss to kiss. Two bodies became one that night, and it was tender and loving. Sweet and kind. They wouldn’t change a single thing that happened.

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