Through Thick and Thin

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Tim struggles against the bouncer cussing him out saying the guy started it first and he doesn’t deserve to be kicked out. That it was the guy's fault for starting the fight. The bouncer boots him hard and Tim nearly falls into the road.

He sniffs some and wipes his face feeling embarrassed and humiliated. He stumbles to a pay phone and crams the change it needs to work. He babbles and sputters that he needs help. His friends are still inside and he has no ride. Everything hurts and he needs help.

Tim felt like the biggest baby right now and he doesn’t believe Brian will really come and scoop up his ex-bandmate and take him somewhere but here. Though Brian is too nice, he’s going to get hurt one of these days. He’ll happily pick up Tim.

The dark haired man sniffles and wipes his face hoping anyone would think it’s just the rain he’s wiping away and not the tears. He felt so stupid right now. He couldn’t believe he let that happen. He knows better than to be so wild yet here he was wild and now kicked out of a pub crying. Like the time he got smuggled into the pub underage and got his ass kicked. Less painful but you get the idea.

Tim sniffles some and hides his face maybe out of shame or embarrassment. He sits at the curb outside the pub looking like a mess.

He had no idea why he called them. They have Freddie now, they probably think he's being annoying and are going to hate him now.

Though that wasn't the answer, the three men arrive. Brian and Roger getting out the front, Freddie climbing out the back. He's really a beautiful young man, long silky ebony hair running down his back in playful curls. Dark warm eyes full of concern for a man he barely knows.

"Help him to the car." Brian's voice chimes above like some god from above.

Freddie and Roger load Tim into the back. Freddie uses a torch and checks on Tim's face, "You got into a pretty nasty there."

Freddie's gentle hand wipes at Tim's cheek with a tissue, "Does he need a hospital or more booze?" Roger jokes,

"He's coming back to our flat." Freddie says, "We can patch him up there." He pauses, "Roger can you look at Tim's mouth too? Make sure nothing is broken?"

Roger shrugs, "I guess. I learned enough. I'm doing biology now though." He rambles some.

Brian chuckles, "You can fix his teeth and then stabbed him with your scalpel."

Roger giggles and scolds Brian playfully. They lug Tim inside the tiny flat, "You having a party?" He asks,

"No, just flatmates." Brian got him to the bathroom and sits him on the toilet.

Freddie grabs the first aid kit and patches Tim up gingerly. Tim looks up at him once, "Why are you three being so nice to me? I left the band!"

Freddie tells him to stop worming and finishes off his face, "You are family Tim. No ifs ands or buts about it. Even if you leave. Hell, even if you lived in America in a mansion somewhere, you're family."

Tim sniffles still a little drunk, he slings his arms around Freddie knocking them back into the shower ripping the curtain down, "I have another brother!"

Freddie laughs ignoring the pain in his back and head, "Yes, yes. I'm brother. I'm going to keep you safe."

"I want a little brother though." Tim giggles getting giddy again since the pain to his face was going away,

"Hmm," Freddie taps his chin like he's really thinking about it, "Maybe one day."


Brian chuckles walking into the bathroom, “Having a cuddle in the bath?”

Freddie laughs, “Come and help me, Bri. Roger still needs to check Tim’s mouth.”

Brian drags Tim from under his arms out into the tiny backyard onto a lawn chair, “Yay adventure!” Tim mumbles sleepily,

Brian pries open Tim’s mouth, Freddie shines a light in his mouth, and Roger pokes around some. Checking the teeth with his fingers hoping Freddie won’t lose his grip and he hopes Tim isn’t a biter.

Roger thinks back to the time they had their dental practice and a toddler clamped down on his finger. He almost said bitch, instead his brain stopped him and he said cunt instead. Ah good times, glad he didn’t finish that career. Music was his thing.

“You’re missing a tooth.” Roger says, “Where did you put it?”

“Probably a girl’s fanny.” Tim tells them, “I was going to town on her and her boyfriend clobbered me in the head! She could have told me she had a boyfriend!”

The three men nod, “Okay who wants to go find Tim’s tooth?” Roger jokes, “Brian you want to go digging?”

Brian makes a face like he saw something foul and the three men burst into laughter, Roger slaps his shoulder, “Oh lord, Brian! Your face!”

Brian shakes his head and gets Tim into the bedroom. Tim flops on the bed and smiles at them, “You guys are the best brothers ever.” He makes grabby hands at them, “Come here!”

The three look at each other. Roger shrugs and leaps into the bed cuddling Tim, “It isn’t queer if you keep your socks on!” Roger jokes.

Freddie blushes and shakes his head. It’s a joke, Roger is joking. No one knows. Freddie climbs into bed and Tim points to Brian, "You're the blanket!"

"What-" Brian gets yanked down with a squeal and Tim nuzzles him,

"Shut up blanket."

Brian chuckles and finds an actual blanket since he's too bony to make a good blanket. Roger yawns some, "Should we give him some space?"

"Family doesn't leave family." Freddie snuggles them, "We don't want Tim to feel scared in the morning."

The others agree and Roger smacks the lamp off since the switch doesn't work anymore. Tim can't believe how lucky he is to have three great brothers.

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