Johnica: Through Childrens Eyes

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Veronica sets Robert in the playpen gingerly and kisses his head, "Mommy will be right back. I have to take a shower and daddy has to help me."

Robert sucks his dummy watching black and white cartoons. He looks at his mother and father sneaking down the hallway. He crawls over to the hard wooden blocks with little pictures on them.

He sits down on his bum and clashes them together having a epic battle in his head that he could only see. He giggles happily drooling on himself some, his paci lands on his leg and falls off to the floor.

His dark eyes dart from the tv to the blocks back and forth. The cartoons were slightly more interesting but the blocks made a funny noise when smashed together. Robert bum scoots around some his pen. He giggles some and chews on one. It doesn't taste that good, sadly.

Robert stands up and does that toddler butt squat wiggle dance holding his blocks, hey the cartoon has some good tunes. He runs around some before sitting back down and throwing his blocks around.

Robert perks up from his blocks when he hears the doorbell chime. He tilts his head some and grabs the bars of the playpen. He bounces some and starts climbing over as he hears a familiar voice through the door, “John? Veronica? It’s me Roger! I got that thing you wanted!”

He tilts over the edge and rolls covering his head with his arms. He ricochets off the table and goes still at the bookshelf. He knocks his mother's book down.

Robert scoots his mother’s book and opens the door. Roger looks up then down, “Hello Robert, where's your mummy and daddy?”

Robert squeals and hugs his legs, “Unca Wog!”

Roger ruffles his hair and tries to work his way in with the radio, “Did you use your mummy’s bible to get the door?”

Robert points to the Bible on the ground, “Book, unca! Book!”

“It is a book.” Roger scoops up Robert, “Where’s your mummy and daddy?”

“Potty woom!”

“Ah so they’re in the bathroom.” Roger grins, “Come on now.”

He carries Robert down the hall to where the bathroom is. The light leaks out the cracks in the door. Roger puts Robert’s face into his chest and pounds on the door, “Hurry up in there before I give Robert pure sugar and ten coffees!”

He bolts down the hall cackling holding Robert close, Robert is cackling along with his Uncle Roger even if he doesn’t understand what was funny. If he was laughing, Robert was laughing. They make it into the kitchen and Roger rummages through the fridge. He finds a can of soda and cracks it open, “Johnny! Ronnie! I’m giving you the count of 3! 2! 1!”

He crouches down, handing it to Robert. He helps the toddler drink right as his parents come in clothes rumpled and on backwards. Veronica has a look of horror on her face as her toddler takes his first sip of soda.

John smacks Rogers' head and takes the can from Robert, “Say bad Roger!”

“Bad unca!” Robert bounces slobbering on himself,  "Bad!"

Robert flails his arms about running around. He cackles looking up at his parents. Veronica and John try to share a quick kiss, Robert dove under Veronica's skirt.

He cackles softly as John fishes him out, "You naughty rascal!"

Roger chuckles and sets the radio on the table, "I'm heading out now."

"Can you say bye bye?" Veronica asks Robert.

Robert lets out a high pitched squeal that honestly probably beat Roger's falsettos any day. He waves his hands, "Bye bye Unca!!"

Roger kisses his head and walks out the door. John ruffles Robert's mane of copper red hair, "I think it's time for a nice nap."

Robert whines softly and coos to them. He nuzzles his mother's chest. He shakes his head and laughs clapping his hands, "No! No! No! Play! Play!"

Robert squirms down and takes off running as fast as his fat toddler legs can. He gets tired and reverts back to crawling fast his father chases him, "Play! Play!"

Robert gasps in surprise as he's yanked up by his pullup by his father, "Nap time little man."

Robert pouts and scrunched his face up, "Doodie head!"

"You get fussy without your nap." John brings Robert to the bathroom, "Go potty and brush your teeth before napping."

John turns around,  "I'm going to turn around so you can have privacy."

Robert takes his pullup down and sits on the plastic potty of doom. He waits and waits kicking his legs some. He tenses up as he goes to the bathroom.

Robert stands up pullup still down,  "All done!"

John smiles and helps him get his pullup back on. Robert clings to John as he's lifted up,  "Time to brush teeth."

Robert fusses some as John brushes all 20 teeth Robert has. John makes him spit out the toothpaste, Robert would rather eat it.

Robert starts crying as he's led down the hall. John decides to let Robert sleep in their room just this once.

Veronica scoots over in bed setting her book down, "Let's all have a nice nap together."

Robert smiles and cuddles into her mother's chest. John turns the light off and keeps one of the nightstand lamps on.

Robert decided to yank on John's hair, "Daddy!"

"Shh, my boy nap time."

Robert settles down on the pillows. He stares up at the ceiling. Watching the shadows move and tell their own stories.

He nurses on his dummy as his parents cuddle him. He looks between their resting faces as they sleep away. He smiles some and closes his eyes. His mommy and daddy are going nowhere now he can finally sleep away the afternoon. He snuggles closer to his mother and nurses on his dummy.

Robert stretches some and puts a arm on her chest. He curls up some and listens to her heartbeat. He's lulled off in a peaceful sleep happily sandwiched between his parents.

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