Maycury: You Misplaced It!

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Freddie unloaded the last box into their new home. Finally!  No more stuffy flats and noisy neighbors, they got a nice home in a wooded area where the cats can run free. Brian was unpacking the box and stepping around the cats. 

“Liking our new home so far?” Freddie asks opening one of the boxes,

“It’s big and roomy. I love it.” Brian grins putting books onto the new shelves, “Even the cats like it and you know how rare that is.” 

Freddie laughs and sets the DVDs on the bottom shelves, “Delilah’s been purring in the kitchen since I got her out of her crate.”

Brian giggles, “There’s big bay windows in there that's why. She’s soaking up the sun.”

Freddie kisses his cheek, “Can’t wait to break in the new bed.”

Brian blushes and giggles, “Once all the boxes are all unpacked, old man.”

Freddie dramatically puts a hand on his chest, “Old?” He screeched, “I’m not old! I’m twenty nine!”

“So old I can see gray hairs!” Brian teases getting himself swatted at.

Soon the two somehow managed to get most of the boxes sorted and put away in proper places but something was missing. Brian digs around in their bedroom and then down the hall and down the stairs until the whole house was nearly turned upside down.

“Babe what’s wrong?” Freddie calls coming out of the kitchen to see Brian pale sliding down the wall,

“It’s gone.” Brian says, “My baby.”

Freddie pales, “O-Okay maybe I misplaced the Red Special.”

Brain grabs Freddie by his shirt, sending Freddie trying to fight him off and ducking from imaginary hits, “What do you mean you misplaced the Red Special?”

“I t-thought I put it in the van.” Freddie’s voice quivers,

Brian sees the fear in Freddie’s eyes, his voice, Brian didn’t want to be like Paul or Bill he lets Freddie go and runs his hands through his hair, “I’m sorry.”

Freddie is standing there trembling, Brian stands up and hugs Freddie tight, “I’m so damn sorry.”

“It’s my fault. I should have checked the van better before Roger left.” Freddie says in a soft voice.

“It’s my fault. I should have kept it in my lap.” Brian whispers softly, looking miserable and sad.

Freddie kisses Brian’s head and goes into the kitchen. He dials Roger’s number twisting the cord around his finger. It rings once, twice, thrice, and he finally picks up.


“Fred? Hey uh you left something in my mum’s van.”

Freddie felt his heart race, “Black guitar case?”

“Yeah with a dick scratched into its side.” Roger says, rolling his eyes some, “It’s Brian’s I assume?

“Yes it is!” Freddie says, “Brian’s Red Special should be in there."

“Alright I’ll give it to you in the morning. Mum’s in bed and I’ve had a beer.” 

“No, I need it now. Brian’s about to be in tears.” Freddie whispers pulling on the cord of the phone.

“Sorry Freddie I can’t-“

“I’ll walk to your house.” Freddie states grabbing his coat off the table,

“You walk a mile? Are you really Freddie?” Roger teases, 

“Just wait up for me, I'll be there in like an hour or so.” Freddie tells him before hanging up.

Freddie slips his coat on and waddles into the living room, “Bri baby?”</p>

Brian was watching old black and white movies on cable and he was absentmindedly stroking the cats, “What?” He still sounds sad.

"I’m going out for a bit.”

Brian makes a small sound of sadness and Freddie’s out the door after kissing Brian on the head. He walks down the dirt path and down to the main road roughly two blocks away. He stays on the side walking. A car speeds up and Freddie can hear the roar of its engine.

Before he has time to react the car speeds by hitting a puddle and splashing Freddie with dirty puddle water. He bites his tongue so he doesn’t yell out that his $90 outfit is now ruined. This was all about Brian. He had to make Brian feel better.

After what felt like hours walking he never thought he would be so happy to see houses before in his life. He walks past a house and a dog comes running out. Not one of those massive beasts but an ankle biter and those are the worst. Freddie takes off running and the little shit leaps up and bites his asscheek. 

The Parsi Indian runs harder. He leaps and grabs Roger’s fence vaulting over it. He gets hanged by his coat. The dog retreats back to its yard. Freddie kicks and squirms. He sees Roger’s porch light come on.

Freddie's coat rips and he’s in mud, at least he hopes it’s mud. Roger comes out there in his sweatpants and bunny slippers, “Fred?”

“I’m okay!” Freddie scrambles to the porch, “Gimmie the case!”

Roger rubs his eyes and darts inside; he returns with the case, “Do you want Debbie to fix your coat?” Roger asks, pointing to the gigantic rip in it.

“Yes, please.” Freddie takes it off and hands Roger some money for supplies.

As Freddie is let out the gate and ready to start his long journey again a neighbor stops him. He’s young and fit, athletically built, “You and your case want a ride, stranger?"

“Yeah.” Freddie says, hugging the case closer to his chest. He was soaking wet and filthy still and now it was picking up wind. You could smell the rain coming. The stranger helps Freddie into the car and puts the case in the back seat. Freddie gives him directions to his new home.

“Looks like you had a rough day.” The stranger laughs,

“You could say that. I left my boyfriend’s guitar in the van and he got really sad. I had to make it up to him.” Freddie says softly 

“You’re a great man.” 

Freddie smiles, “Thank you.”

The stranger pulls up to the house, “There you go.”

Freddie thanks him and grabs the case. He heads in tired and soaked to the bone. 

Brian  gasps and runs over to him, “Baby!”

Freddie holds up his case, “Here.”

Brian sets it down and kisses him. He examined him all over, “Baby you didn’t have to.”

“I didn’t want you to be sad anymore.” Freddie says softly.

Brian got him bathed and changed. He lays him on the bed and kisses him sweetly, “You’re the best boyfriend ever.”

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