Johnica: Japan

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John is barely focusing on his driving. He hated having to leave his dear Veronica at home but his friend called him out and he was sent to fish Roger out of the ditch as Brian and Freddie couldn’t. Veronica was pregnant with their first child and due anytime. At least Veronica was at their rental home in Japan since they were on tour there.

John wasn’t really thinking about how to fish Roger out, it was his dear wife he was thinking about. Would she even call and let him know? Would she have to give birth alone? What if the boys make him stay late? John will just decline and speed home to his adoring wife. Who looked even more beautiful carrying their child.

Each day seemed to fill John with worry because he was scared for his wife and their unborn child.  John nearly falls out of the ditch seeing his manager Paul come over. Peeking down into the ditch. Tall and with small beady eyes filled with hatred and anger for anything. He was searching the ditch with such a nasty scowl that you thought his dog shat on him.

“Deacon!” He barks loudly, “Come here.” 

John scrambles out of the ditch long brunette hair flowing behind him

They stop in the road beside John's car and John leans against his car. He looks down at John, “Your wife called.” he yells into John’s face and John can smell his lunch,

“S-She did?” John asks about to bolt to go check on her,

“She went into labor,” he yells seemingly going louder, “She asks you to join her at the hospital, St. Luke's International Hospital. You’re free to go.”

Before John can fully process or even get his legs in gear he’s being pushed and “Go! Go! Go!” is being screeched into his ear. John stumbles and takes off sprinting grabbing his keys he left in the ditch; he gets in his car and races out shouting that his wife’s having a baby to Freddie, Brian, and Roger.

He slams on the break about a mile down the road at a nice traffic jam. Why was there a traffic jam, what is going on! John taps his fingers on the wheel gritting his  teeth together as the radio plays softly. John shuts it off as traffic begins to move at a snail's pace. John rolls the windows down to get fresh air, he smells a weird smell. He assumes there was a small accident and feels less mad, he wasn't even really mad just worried for his beloved wife, he slams the brakes again seeing a family at the crosswalk.

They wave at him and hobble along. The father dragging a little girl with pigtails, her eyes squinted shut from the sun she looked disgusted, the mother is holding a little baby in a carrier. 

“This lizard is useless!” The girl shouts, “Since he got engaged!”

John was sure he misheard since his Japanese wasn’t that good but the father and mother were laughing hard as they made it across. Such wise words for a little one, John can’t wait for his little one to spew the same wisdom. That would be years away, for his child was inside his wife and trying to escape out of her playground as he speaks.

John shakes his head and slams on the gas cruising down Main Street he sees the looming building of the hospital in his sights. He didn’t even think his little car could go that fast but it did.

John skids the car into a parking lot and runs in, “Veronica Deacon.” He yells at the nurse, “What room is she in? I’m her husband!” He holds up his ID and shows the small wedding photo he had in his wallet.

The nurse tells him she’s on the 3rd floor, she puts a band on his arm and sends him up there. Another nurse helps him to Veronica’s room where she’s screaming and grabbing the sheets tight. Her face matches her hair at this time, “I’m going to rip your cock off!” She bellows at John jerking her head up and glaring at him with such fire in her eyes, it made John cower before her. And he’s meant to be a tough “manly man”.

John takes her hand and her death grip latches on. He’s pretty sure he heard some crunching sounds but doesn’t have time to care about his hand as Veronica lets out another furious roar as another contraction hits and she’s forced to push. 

“You’re getting a dick in your ass!” Veronica yells at him, “You’re never touching me again!”

“I love you too.” John kisses her sweaty cheek, “You’re an amazing wife.”

“Fuck you!”

John comforts her the best he can. She goes back to gripping the sheets after their hands get sweaty, it was a grueling nine hours with plenty of cussing, “Your dick is never going near me again motherfucker!”

“I guess I am a mother fucker since you’re having a baby.” John tries to joke, resulting in a major death glare from Veronica who looked ready to rip his throat out with her teeth.

There was a shuffling and tapping, “One last big push.” The midwife tells her, 

Veronica screeched her hands go flying, one contacts John in the face and he’s on his ass groaning covering his eye. The nurse held up the screeching baby, “Would dad like to cut the cord?” She asks as John was about to get up off the floor.

It was like time froze. John looked up at this bloody, pinkish red looking thing that has a long cord connecting them and his wife together. How they looked slightly blue in the face from all the screeching , “Holy shit it’s an alien.” 

John faints, thankfully he was still on the floor. Veronica named their boy, Robert Deacon since John was still out cold. Oh Veronica couldn’t wait to tell the guys how big strong John fell. For now she’ll hug her new son close and enjoy some peaceful mother and son time.

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