George x Reader: A Surprise

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Y/N pulls into the driveway. It was a nice day out for once and they were happy about that. They park the car in the driveway and unlock the trunk grabbing groceries for their party. They were making their famous dip and only them could make it.

Their husband George tried to make it once and nearly burned the kitchen down so it was left to Y/N. Speaking of George, Y/N came home early to surprise their darling husband.

Y/N  walks through the door carrying in groceries for their birthday today. They frown, realizing the door was unlocked and an extra pair of shoes was at the door..They furrow their eyebrows together, "Georgie?" Y/N calls out.

There was no answer only the faint soinds of a door closing, worried filled through them. This wasnt like George at all. They call out again, setting the bags on the table, "George!"

They kick their shoes off and go down the hall calling out to their husband and getting no answer still. Did he take a nap or something? What is it?

They do a slight jog down the hall and into.the master bedroom. Where George looks at their spouse like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Babe! You're uh," he paused, chewing his lip, "...home early."

Y/N's eyes look around the room, the pile of unfamiliar clothes on the bed. They felt their chest puff up, their faces turning to anger, "Y-You cheated on me? And on my birthday too!"

George raises his hands up in mock defense, "Babe no! It isn't what it looks like!"

"That's what they all say!" Y/N shouts tossing.their hands up, "I'm leaving!" They announced as their husband stammers and sputters.

They go to leave then stomp back in, "I need my coat!"

George grabs onto their waist as they reach for the closet doors, "Let go!" They shout slapping his hands away, "What you got.something in there? Is it your side bitch?"

They rip open the doors and John Lennon dressed as a clown tumbles out at their feet. Y/N gasps and looks at George. George rubs his neck,

"You said you never had a birthday party as a kid. So I'm giving you a kids dream party. Clowns, ponies, bouncy castles, shit tons of sweets you know dear the works but I've only got started since I had to beg John to dress up, " he chuckles, "I'm not cheating plus I'm not into clowns."

"Hey." John whined some, "I can be sexy."

"Only to Paul." George teased, "See YN nothing is going on."

Y/N tears up some and wraps their arms around George's neck, "Oh baby! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" George kisses Y/N sweetly and cups their face,

"I love you, Y/N."

"Love you too, Georgie."

George scoops them up nearly tossing them over his shoulder making Y/N squeal and laugh. George grins, "Now it's time to party

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