Johnica: Pretty Little Model

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John barely glanced at his papers before he walked into the room with his equipment. He was a photographer and finally got hired at Pictasia.

He stops in his tracks when he sees a familiar copper haired model sitting on a white table in a long flowing dress. She looks up, "John?"


They look at each other, "Oh my!" She jumps down and hugs him tight, "It's been so long! I missed you!"

John hugs her back, the scent of her perfume brings back memories, "I-I missed you too. I guess college treated you well?"

"I graduated with a degree in elementary education but that doesn't pay the bills so I took up a side job." 

John looked her over, she was such a beautiful woman. Flowing copper hair, dark eyes, and plump pink lips. She could have any guy she wanted and John fucked that up at the beginning of college but she didn't seem to care now.

"I can't believe you're going to be my photographer!" She smiles, "It's been so long since I last saw you." 

She messes with the buttons of her top and looks at the camera. John hid his fluttering behind the camera as each picture was beautiful to him. Every day since they last saw each other, Ronnie was the only thing on his mind. Ronnie was the same, she missed John but knew this photoshoot was strictly professional. 

“Move a bit away from the window, love,” John quickly said before realizing he had called Ronnie love. She fluttered in reaction as John gave his one of a kind smile and a slight laugh. Which made Ronnie radiate a smile. 

“I forgot how cute your smile is,” Ronnie moved her copper hair out of her eyes to see John’s adorable sculpted face. 

“So.. uh.. What grade do you teach?” John tried to change the subject.

“Year one, they’re so cute!” Ronnie smiled, “They know how to behave but still get a naptime so I can get a small break. What about you? How’s the band?”

“They don’t pay enough, as you can see, so we have to do side things. Our record company is taking our money,” John muttered. This is true, Queen is doing good popularity wise but EMI takes the majority of their money. So the four boys do all kinds of jobs so they still can comfortably live. 

“That’s awful!” Ronnie gasped in disbelief.

“Yeah, no worries,” John smiled again with an awkward laugh. 

“I’ve listened to your records, they sound good,” Ronnie smiled as John softly glanced at her, inspecting her beauty. The sun shone onto her, John then quickly took a shot of Ronnie talking with the lighting.

“Beautiful,” John muttered under his breath, now feeling guilty and stupid about his fuck up that split them up. Though it seems like Ronnie had forgotten it, it started to haunt John now realizing how much he loves her. They took a few more pictures before John wanted to fix her position but his shyness overcame him to even go any closer to her. 

“Is something wrong?” Ronnie looked at John as John froze.

“Yeah.. your position needs to be changed,” John awkwardly walked over and tried to explain but Ronnie didn’t understand what exactly John was saying. After ten minutes of trying to spudder what he was saying he gently touched her and showed the position that looked best for the picture. Ronnie slightly lost her balance on the table and John caught her, their faces were not even an inch away from the other. Her dark eyes looked at his, they both leaned towards each other and shared a small and short kiss. This gave them a flowing reaction that linked the two together with the kiss. Once they broke the kiss, John went fully shy and went back to his job since he was in need to pay his bills. 

“Thank you again,” Ronnie put her coat on then rummaged for a piece of paper and wrote her new phone number on it.

“Here,” Ronnie winked.

“W-what is this for?” John felt a knot in his throat.

“To see the pictures when they’re done of course,” Ronnie smiled then kissed John on the cheek.

“Bye Disco,” Ronnie smirked then walked away as John blushed with Ronnie’s kiss and called him by his pet name she gave to him years before. 

Weeks Later

John paced back and forth on the phone, he left Ronnie a message saying the pictures came in. He had the photograph of his once love in his hand, flipping through them as he’s waiting for her to answer his message. He heard the phone and zoomed to it, he took a deep breath before answering it.

“Ronnie?” John hoped loudly before he winced in emabarrasment. 

“John,” Ronnie giggled.

“Hi,” John sighed.

“The pictures are in?” Ronnie slightly whispered.

“Yes,” John coughed.

“Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight, y’know to look through them,” Ronnie suggested.

“Sounds perfect!” John agreed. 

Later that night, the two met up at the local diner. John started to show Ronnie all the pictures of her and pointed at the ones he thinks should be submitted.

“They’re perfect!” Ronnie gasped at his talent. As John smiled while rubbing the back of his neck. The waiter brought out their meals and John of course asked for cheese on toast from the breakfast menu.

“Somethings don’t change,” Ronnie laughed as John dived into his favorite dish. John smiled with his cheeks filled like a chipmunk with cheesy toast. He forced down the toast in his nervous dry mouth before speaking.

“I want to say how wonderful it is to see you again… and would like to know if we could see each other another time?” John asked.

“Are you asking me to date you… again?” Ronnie lifted an eyebrow in question.

“Yes,” John’s voice lowered, now mentally panicking that Ronnie had remembered. Ronnie grabbed onto his hands and kissed his cheek.

“Why do you think I asked for dinner instead of a quick cafe trip,” Ronnie softly spoke, “I miss you, and not in a friendly way.”

“Are you serious?” John’s face perked as Ronnie nodded and smiled. John smiled, hugged her and gave her one more intoxicating kiss as the pictures of Ronnie were swarmed onto the table along with their food and drinks. 

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