Breaky: Cool Cat

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John hops off the wall landing on all four feet. He licks his front paws and walks down the street to the little cottage on the hill. He hops over the fence and leaps onto the window sill, “Freddie!”

He heard a faint mew and a cat with long luscious dark black fur digs his paws into the sill and climbs up next to John, “What is it?”

“There’s a new cat on the block.” John swishes his brown town from side to side, “ He’s really big.”

Freddie licks his muzzle, “Bigger than you? He must be ginormous then.”

John purrs nodding, “Come on. I saw him playing with Roger.”

A shoe comes flying from the home owners, “Shut up you stupid cats!”

“Come on, let's go.” John hops down and licks his paw looking up at Freddie with his sleek green eyes.

Freddie purrs and jumps landing gracefully down, “Let's go see this cool cat.”

They climb up a tree, Freddie huffing and puffing about it, “After all I’m a house cat!” he says.

John rolls his eyes and hops into the bushes. He lands in a bush and walks through the mud, Freddie hisses and walks around the mud head high swishing his tail. The bell from his sparkling collar chimes.

John climbs under the fence and Freddie mewls pitifully, “It’s going to mess up my fur.”

“Come on you big kitten.” John says walking ahead, he knew Freddie hated to be left behind.

Freddie quickly jams his plump self under the fence and chases after John meowing loudly. They hop on top of the abandoned car that Roger is sunbathing on. A strange kitty with dark brown fur and hazel eyes is next to him purring and chatting away.

John steps back. This new cat was gorgeous, he’s only heard of him between rumors on the streets. And by golly he was massive. Tall and thin with curly dark fur and the prettiest eyes. He most likely was a savannah cat.

Freddie nudged John in his side with his snout, “Go on say hi.”

“How does my fur look? Any fleas?” John asks, “Can you tell I ate a bird?”

“You’re fine and no.” Freddie says nuzzling him, “Go.”

John stands up tail and gracefully walks over, “Hello.”

The tall cat looks up at him, “Hello.”

John purrs and closes his eyes and slowly opens them, “Hey, I’m John.”

Roger leaps up on his feet and nuzzles John, rubbing against him, “This is Brain he moved from uh Liver.”

“Liverpool.” Brian corrects as he licks his paws and rubs them on his head, “That’s where my pets lived.” 

John purrs a little and he and Brian get to talking. They make it onto the roof of the mechanic’s shop, “What do you like to do for fun?” John asks 

“I like to stare up at the sun’s sister that comes out during the dark hours and count the sky lightbulbs.” Brian says, referring to the moon and stars and night time.

“Oh…” John couldn’t see that as fun but it made the older cat so much cooler, “ I chase birds.”

“Oh,” Brian shakes his head, “I don’t like doing that makes me feel bad for the birds. That’s why I only eat kibble and don’t hunt.”

Brian’s teeth looked very sharp for someone that doesn’t hunt. John nuzzles up to him, “Do your humans bathe you?”

“They did but they haven’t been back in about a week.” Brian licks his paw, “I’m waiting for them to come back.”

John licks Brian’s neck, “Come with me to my home, we can wait for your owners there.”

Brain wiggles his nose and sits down. He looks up to the sky as if he’s thinking, “Alright,” Brian finally says getting up, “I’ll like to nap at your place for a bit.”

John nuzzles him again purring he really liked Brian, yet the young cat didn’t seem to reciprocate the same feelings. They walk next to each other talking softly about their days. John hops into the window and helps Brian in. They share the kibble bowl together and Brian nearly eats it all. He hasn’t eaten much since his owners “accidentally” left him behind. John nuzzles open the pantry door and drags out the small bag of kibble with his teeth. 

Brian eats more purring away, he looks up at John and nuzzles him, “Thank you.”

“Hey you would have done it for me… at least I hope you would have…”

Brian licks his head, “Don’t worry I’ll pay you back one day.”

The two of them slowly become mates bonded for their lives. They loved each other dearly even if John’s owners weren’t too happy that John brought home a cat. But they accept their new pet with open arms and as time passes Brian forgets about his old family.

One day Freddie comes howling at the window sending John and Brian racing out there, “What’s wrong?” John asks,

“Oh it’s Roger.” Freddie howls, “He got hit and the man took him!”

The pound got to Roger who’s been mostly a stray cat his whole life, “And look what he left behind!” Freddie says, tossing his head back to point.

A little dirty blond kitten limps over it and has Roger’s bright blue eyes and fur color only it’s had a slight curl to it. They know they'll never see their golden friend again. Once the pound gets you, you're never seen again.

"They are our kitten now." John says taking the kitten by the scruff of its neck,

"Don't worry Freddie. We'll take care of them." Brian nuzzles Freddie, "You can come and see them anytime." 

"They are, a her." Freddie whispers, giving the kitten a lick across her face,  "Take care little one. Mommy and daddy will kill me if I bring another cat home." 

They weren't too pleased when Freddie brought a Irish shorthair cat named Jim home. Freddie wishes them well and he heads back home. Brian and John tend to their new daughter.  Bathing her with their tongues and cuddling her. And that's how the story of the cool new cat and the feisty brunette cat started a family. 

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