Jimercury: Fairytale Wedding

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Freddie smiles softly twirling around in the mirror, “Come here son.” Jer says softly, her hand shaking some as she holds the makeup brush.

Freddie kneels down and his mother gingerly applies the makeup to her beloved son’s face. She stands on her tippy toes and kisses his head, beautiful dark hair cut short and tight. Jer smiles fondly remembering her own wedding and how much Freddie is looking just like his father.

She helps him down the hall, through the big oak doors that creak and lead them outside to the makeshift altar. She helps her son down the aisle. The minister smiles at them as Jim looks like he wants to cry or faint, “And who’s giving away our beautiful groom today?”

“I am.” Jer smiles proudly handing her son off and sitting beside her husband in one of the chairs.

The couple look at each tear in their eyes and smiles on their faces. Here was their fairytale wedding, they can finally be today as husband and husband. This was the day, this chill September day.

The minister clears his throat, “Marriage is an integral part of the human tradition. Let us remember, as we stand here before the Elements , that the vows taken today hold great importance, just as they did to our ancestors. As individuals, we make the choice to enter the union of marriage in order to share all aspects of ourselves with our soulmate. Today, this is true for Freddie and Jim,” he takes a pause, “In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.”

The minister looks to the couple, “Let us watch them become a union today and celebrate the rest of their lives together as one. May the vows begin.”

Jim’s hands shake as he pulls out the notecards, “Although it is until death do us part, I know that we will never truly part because our souls are made for each other. I promise that each kiss will be filled with more love than the last and that our days together will grow in love and devotion. From today onward, you and I will be one in heart, body and mind. Let us build a home, a life and a family from our bonds of true love and our vows to stick together through all life’s challenges. I take you as my partner, my soulmate, the love of my life.”

Freddie ducks his head down as the tears flow, Jim’s calloused hand caresses his cheek, “It’s okay angel, it’s okay.”

Freddie sniffs and looks up at him, “As I have spent my whole life looking for my other half, I knew it was you from the moment we met. I never knew that life could be a dream until I met you, Jimmy. I love to hold you in my arms each night. You are the best thing about me.” Freddie’s voice shakes, “To promise to love you in sickness and in health, in good and in bad is the easiest promise I’ve ever made, because vowing to love you was something I decided when I first met you.”

Jim chokes back his tears yet they still feel as he looks at Freddie this beautiful creature was his forever. His heart was joined with his forever. The minister hands them a small sapling and the couple plant in the prepared ground,

“With this tree it shall grow just like your love for each other as the years pass. It shall show your love for centuries to come.” The minister declares to the happy couple, “Now we may exchange rings.”

The little Ring Bear was Roger’s son Felix he charged as fast as he could at the couple, “Rawr!” Felix shouts as Roger chases after him telling him to be careful. Felix’s skids to a stop and his trousers fall down to his ankles. He holds up the pillow, “Ta-dah, unca F’eddie! Unca Jim!”

Freddie looks up at red faced Roger huffing and puffing like he ran a marathon to England to Wales and back, “Darling where’s his pants?”

“Don’t… Don’t..” harsh gasping interrupts him, “Know he.. he had them on this morning.” Roger pants trying to cover his child,

Feilx looks at his daddy sweetly, “I went poopy!”

“I’m your pants?” Roger seems to turn even redder as he yanks Felix’s trousers up. The little one nods hard as Roger quickly hands Freddie the rings and goes to deal with his child.

The crowd breaks down laughing and it takes a minute to continue the celebration. The minister clears his throat and hands Jim one of the rings. Jim looks at Freddie sweetly, whose makeup has smudged some since the wedding began, “With this ring I give you my love and soul.”

He slides it onto his finger, Freddie seems to melt as he puts Jim’s ring on him. The minister smiles, “With the power invested in me in the city of Kingston I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom!”

Freddie slings his arms around Jim’s chonky neck kissing him passionately. The crowd cheers for them, Freddie cries into the kiss. He pulls away to look at Jim, his husband. Soon the music begins to play and the newlyweds step out onto the dance floor. Freddie rests his head on Jim’s chest as they slowly dance together as husbands for the first time. Their bodies tied together in sync as they dance, Jim’s thick fingers run down Freddie’s back, the older man’s heart beats as Jim pulls him closer.

Elvis’ velvet voice plays over the speakers as Freddie closes his eyes savoring the moment as he breathes in Jim’s scent and takes in everything around him. Jim leans down whispering in Freddie’s ear singing along to the music just for him to hear, “Take my whole life too, for I can’t help falling in love with you.”

Together they become one, their souls bound together even death will not take them apart. For they are one mind and soul now. Together as one forever and ever. This is their fairytale ending

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