Johnica: One Last Party

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The group of five friends stand around the bonfire talking away. Veronica snuggles up to John; they were deep in the woods on a chilly autumn day. It was the perfect party to throw before Brian went off to college. Brian makes small chit chat with them,

“So what are you studying for?” Veronica asks,

“Well I want to do astrophysics but if I can’t I’ll teach maths to high schoolers.”

Veronica nods and smiles, “You’d make a good teacher.”

Brian beams some his long curly hair tied back a curl escapes hitting his forehead, “Really? Thank you!” He hugs Veronica some and they both giggle.

Veronica made a small Oreo with a cream cheese frosting like Brian likes. She hopes Brian will like it. Roger was now telling dumb ghost stories to try to make the other scared, “They came in with four friends and they left with five!” Roger says, putting the torch under his chin.

Brian snorts, “Old camp story,” he laughs, “That doesn’t actually happen.”

“You never know!” Roger pokes him with the light. Brian playfully shoves him knocking him off his log, Roger takes Brian down with him.

Veronica pulls John’s jacket tighter around herself, “John can we start with the cake?”

“Yeah baby.” He kisses her temple,

“Hey where’s my kiss?” Roger jokes walking over to them the leaves and twigs crunching under his boots. He was wiping dirt and leaves off of himself,

John laughs and kisses the top of his head. Roger has the faint scent of Brickell shampoo, “Ew now I got cooties, Veronica help me before I perish!” 

Veronica rolls her eyes giggling she places a quick peck on John’s lips as Roger pouts and sulks off somewhere. The copper haired woman fishes the cake out of the cooler with the beers and juices are kept. Freddie jumps up on a tree stump pumping his arm up and down like was trying to make an imaginary truck honk its horn , “Who’s ready to party!” He holds his phone up, “Time to party!”.

Loud pop music begins to play from his phone. Brian laughs and asks if anyone brought a knife to cut the cake since he didn’t want to tear off hunks. Veronica searches through her bag frowning some the more she digs through it. Roger rummages through his bag. The blond winces as his hand makes contact with something,

“Here.” He says swinging the object over at Brian who’s hand was out waiting for something to be placed into it.

Brian jerks his hand away as Roger swings a machete down, “Why do you have that!” He squeaks, “Trying to ruin my music career while I’m young?!”

“Wanted to mess with some trees.” Roger shrugs,

John rolls his eyes and cuts the cake passing slices around the best he can. They sit on logs and stumps telling stories through mouthfuls of cake.

“And that’s why I’m not allowed back at Chuck E Cheese.” Roger says as frosting sticks to the corner of his lip,

“All because you had to punch the rat.” Freddie laughs.

“Not my fault it lumbered over at me!” Roger throws his hands up.

Veronica gets up and makes a retreat to the trees, John follows her asking what’s wrong. Veronica waddles some, “I really gotta pee, John.”

“Oh do you want to find a hole or something?”

Veronica glares at him and finds somewhere flat to pop a squat at. She begs John to turn around. John does as his girlfriend wants arms crossed from the cold, “Did I ever tell you the story of the duck and the pub?”

“Not the time, Johnny.” She mumbles getting embarrassed.

“Rawr!” Roger yells jumping out of the bushes.

Veronica falls down letting out a few surprising cuss words, “Roger!”

“Sorry…” Roger blushes, “Just wanted to scare you.”

John glares at him and Roger slumps back to the party. John kisses Veronica’s hand, “Oh baby you scratched your hand up.”

“I’m fine.” Veronica looks away.

“No, no come on now.” John takes her by the hand and to the lake, “Wash your hand off here and we’ll go back and get the plasters from my bag.”

Veronica cleans the dirt and muck from her hand, “It’s just a small scrape. I don't know why you’re acting like I’m dying.”

“Because I love you.” John kisses her cheek, “It’s my job to take care of you.”

John glances around and he scoops up his girlfriend. The brunette takes off running, making her squeal and scream. She laughs, flinging her arms around his neck, “John!” She laughs nuzzling into his neck and cheek, “Don’t drop me!”

John giggles and runs faster; they hear the music and slow down. Veronica walks the rest of the way giggling and loving on her Johnny. They make it back to the party to see Roger dragging out fireworks,

“Roger, you know that’s illegal.” John  and Brian pipe up. They both look at each other and laugh. John hands Veronica a plaster quickly keeping his eyes out on Roger.

“Oh hush.” Roger says, he takes his naked lady lighter and lights one. He takes off running covering his ears. Freddie hides behind a tree. John grabs Veronica and pulls her close. They pop off into the sky bright explosions of colors and sound. Not even a minute later it seems, they heard sirens. Roger smashes a bottle to get everyone’s attention,

 “Scatter! The police are here!”

The group of five friends take off running in various directions; they don’t even know how they manage to get back to Roger’s Subaru outside the forest. Roger pants he unlocks the car and trunk for everyone to climb into.

Veronica rubs at her ankle since her heel snapped on her shoe, “Did anyone grab the cooler?”

“I did!” a voice from the back calls. Roger slams on the gas doing a donut almost in the parking lot as he turns the large car around. He floors it out of there cheating heaving that really was a stupid idea. The group of six friends thankfully made it out alright in the end. 

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