Garden Lodge: Is A Big Girl Now

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Freddie was pacing around the room, his precious baby girl meowing in distress. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong with his Delilah. He checked her paws for splinters or sores even to see if she got cut. That wasn’t it. Checked her for fleas or even any lumps. Nope. Delilah eats homemade meals and drinks filtered water, so that wasn’t it. Her bed was freshly cleaned and she got a new pillow yesterday so that wasn’t it.

Phoebe kneels down and rubs over Delilah’s belly.

A worried confused look crosses his face, “I think she’s constipated. Her belly feels firm and I can’t press down without her biting me.” He says looking over at Freddie who practically paced himself into a hole, he was going to get wrinkles if he kept furrowing his brow.

“Get her to the finest vet!” Freddie
demands nearly tripping over the rug, “My baby can get help at the vet. She worked wonders last time.”

“Isnt your boyfriend a vet?” Phoebe asks,

“He’s a part time vet assistant.” Freddie says nearly melting, mentioning his beau Jim, “Yes. Yes, take her to Jim’s. Jim is like the animal whisperer.”

Freddie tries to bundle up the meowing distressed Delilah who scratches him. Freddie gasps,

“Ms. Delilah Princess Mercury you hurt dada. You must be really hurting, my poor baby.” He buries his face into her fluff, “Don’t worry dad is going to take the pain away.”

“You sound like you’re going to old yeller her.” Phoebe laughs grabbing the car keys,

Freddie gasps, “How dare you! I would never!” He holds up Delilah wrapped in a baby blanket with tiaras on it,

“This is my baby!”

Phoebe holds his hands up in a mock surrender,

“Okay! Okay!” He laughs.

Phoebe gets Freddie into the passenger seat of the car as Freddie rambles on about his baby and he’d do anything to make her feel better.

Phoebe begins to drive at the appropriate speed limit which earns him a smack on his shoulder,

"Come on Granny Phoebe my baby could be dying and a cyclist just passed us! Go faster! I’ll pay your speeding ticket!” Freddie whines, his arm is still bleeding from where Delilah scratched him.

Phoebe sighs and floors it making the engine roar. They get to the vet barely thirty minutes later when typically it’s only an hour to get there. Phoebe barely has time to park before Freddie is sprinting out his car and into the vet’s.

Jim isn’t working today so Freddie is left with a young vet and her assistant, an energetic young man of about twenty with orange curly hair.

The pair start the examination and Freddie whispers comforts to his fur daughter.

A mere few minutes after Phoebe arrives the vets smile warmly at Freddie.

The young woman Dr. Blackwell pats Freddie’s arm, “She’s having kittens. Congratulations.”

Freddie froze and he had an interesting look on his face,

“Delilah you hussy!” was all he could get out before kissing her forehead, “Don’t worry dada will be here for you.”

Dr. Blackwell takes the two humans and Delilah into a private room since Freddie insisted no one is allowed to see his baby have kitten unless it’s the doctor or himself and Phoebe who called Jim to let him know about Delilah.

“I can’t believe I’m becoming a grandpa!” Freddie says softly stroking
Delilah’s forehead, “Phoebe do you think I’m too young to be a grandpa?”

“Well you’re fift-“

“You like Garden Lodge?” Freddie asks in a teasing tone trying to sound serious,

"No sir you’re too young to be a grandpa.” Phoebe says with a laugh.

Shortly before the first kitten is born

Jim shows up and pulls Freddie close. Freddie says in a soft voice, “Jimmy we’re becoming grandparents.”

“I’m so excited.” Jim says softly eyes watching over Delilah with so much love in them.

Freddie whimpers as Delilah gives birth. It hurt him to see his baby girl in pain. Jim squeezes his hand and rubs his back, “Hey, hey baby. Just think in a few hours we will get to meet our grandbabies.”

Freddie smiles at the thought but he quickly darts back over to Delilah and tries to make her comfy even if Dr. Blackwell scolds him for getting in the way. By early morning Delilah had a litter of six kittens. Four girls and two boys.

Two of the girls has their mama’s fur and the others were black the runt of the litter was a ginger color with black little paws and black spot on its top lip that looks like moustache,

Jim points a finger to the ginger, “That one is clearly Freddie Jr.”

Freddie giggles with delight and scratches Delilah behind her ears, “You did it baby girl, you’re a mama.”

Delilah licks each of her kittens as they nurse.

The only black cat Freddie had was Goliath so they assumed he was the father. Freddie was sure to give him a lecture when they got home.

Jim keeps a smile on his as pets each kitten gingerly under the watchful eyes of their mother. Phoebe pipes up, “We’re not getting rid of any of them are we?”

“Nope.” Freddie says, “Delilah’s babies are staying. You’re not getting rid of my grandbabies.”

Soon the Mercury-Hutton household got a whole lot bigger and Freddie made a big deal on Delilah’s birth and her kittens.

They got a whole room for themselves, Brian even sent Freddie a few more cat toys and some extra baby blankets. And Roger jokingly sent him baby onesies which the cats weren’t happy with wearing since Freddie being Freddie put those poor kitties in them.

Freddie and Jim named each new kitten that Delilah had. There was Patrick, Brittney, Jessica, Kevin, Ireland (Jim’s idea. Which Freddie only loves cause Jim loves it), and Fred Jr who was a girl but Freddie is both a boy’s and a girl’s name.

They are very proud grandpas to their six little grandbabies. And they can’t wait for them to get big and strong, and start exploring the vast Garden Lodge which is basically any young cat's jungle. But for now they are still teeny tiny and need a whole lot of love

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