Breaky: I'll Teach

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John is interrupted by a tall lanky young man with a mane of curly dark long hair coming to his table carrying a stack of notecards that are sticking out everywhere. His hands are trembling and John is a little worried the kid is going to collapse or spew everywhere.

John raises a brow and closes his textbook shut, "Can I help you?"

" uh..," he shuffles through his note cards practically sweating bullets,  "Did you, uh, did… you fall out of heaven because um," he drops his cards everywhere as his hands get very clammy. 

"Shit! Fuck!” The man cusses, hitting his head off the table as he scrambles to pick them up. John stands up to help a little worried for this man that seems to have a crush on him,

"Oh god.. oh fuck!" The man mummers, "I'm so sorry," the man says to John, "Fuck I'm so sorry! You're.. You're so pretty.. and I'm...  I'm sorry." 

He tries to leave but John grabs his wrist, "Hey, I'm John." 

"B-Brian." He stutters he tries to hide his braces,

John grins, "You're cute."

Brian blushes more and looks through his cards. He furrows his brows, "I don't have a card for this." 

John giggles and grabs his belongings, "Come on, Brian I'm going to take you out." 

Brian puts his cards away and follows John to his car. This is how he’ll get murdered, right? But he doesn't care, he's finally got John. And that’s all that really matters.

"Fancy going ice skating?" John asks as his textbook falls into the floorboard and makes a loud bang behind them startling Brian, “They just opened up a new ice skating rink in time and it shouldn’t be too busy at this hour since schools are still open.”

"Y-Yes, I would like to try ice skating." Brian says softly,

"I'll show you the ropes." John pats his knee making Brian blush darkly. John’s hands looked soft and warm.

They sit in silence afterwards, the faint noise of the radio being their only sound in the car. Brian can faintly make out Buddy Holly’s voice singing, but he isn’t so sure. He’s got to strain to hear plus Brian can barely hear it over his own heart racing. John looks even more handsome up close. God his eyes were beautiful. A dashing shade of green with grey sprinkled about in then.

Brian gulps, snapping his head forward. He sees the looming ice rank as they pull into the parking lot. Was this place always this big? Last time he saw it, it was a library. He’s shaken from his thoughts as John turns off the radio and parks the car.

John gets out and goes and opens Brian's door for him, "Thank you." Brian smiles, 

John nods and takes his hand. They walk inside and grab their skates. Brian can already feel his heart trying to escape from its cage. He hopes he can impress John even if he has no idea what he's doing. He doesn't want John to think he's boring.

They step out onto the ice. John does a beautiful spin and Brian falls on his ass and he looks like a baby deer with his leg all sprawled . John giggles and helps him up. Brian grips the wall and John’s arm, “S-Sorry.”

“Hey, don’t be. We all have to start from somewhere.” John smiles, “Don’t be shy.”

John holds his arm as they walk along the wall, Brian nearly falls a few times but John holds him steady. They skate around, well John skates, Brian mostly clings to the wall.

John takes both of his hands, “Do you trust me?”

“I trust you.” Brian says softly, taking his hands letting go of the wall. He nearly slips but John catches him. Brian trusts John even more now. He can’t believe he’s going on such an awesome date with his long-time crush.

John pulls him close. He smells so good like honey and wood. With something else thrown in. But it was John’s scent, and it smelled good to Brian.

Brian lets out a small squeal nearly falling, his thoughts distracting him once again. He really needs to focus, he’s going to ruin this date. He needs to act normal to impress John. Even if the younger man loves Brian for all his perfect imperfections. 

John keeps him upright, smiling softly, “Hey, you’re doing good.”

Brian laughs nervously, he's shaking like a leaf and he’s about to lose his lunch. How is this fun? John gets them toe to toe and leads him off the ice and to a bench to sit down he noticed Brian looked ready to expire, 

“You want to go to the movies instead?” John asks with a small smile,

Brian shakes his head, “No thank you. I want to try skating some more.”

“You sure baby?” John asks, “I don’t mind the movies.”

Brian blushes at the pet name and messes with his fingers, “I want to try one more time, please.”

John smiles and helps him onto the ice Brian has a death grip on John’s arm the entire time. Anytime he sways back Brian digs his fingers into John. Finally Brian pulls away and starts skating on his own. Nothing fancy, he's doing an awkward penguin shuffle right now trying to make it across the ice and not hit people.

John goes to cheer him on but then Brian falls on his face and John skates over to his rescue, “Brian?”

“I want off the ice.”

John helps him back to the bench and they change shoes. Brian keeps his head down. He just humiliated himself in front of John! John hands him some ice for his knees and helps him to the car, “Hey Brian, don’t worry about the ice rink. I still fall down and eat ice. Now how about dinner and we can go back to my place?”

Brian blushes and smiles shyly, “I would really like that.”

John squeezes his hand and off the new couple goes. This was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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