Deacury: Demons

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John thrashes around as the ropes dig into his wrists and the gag in his mouth chokes him. The last thing he remembers is exiting his apartment. He wishes the stupid bag wasn’t on his head.

The room smelled of stale cigarettes and coffee with a faint whiff of Axe body spray. The bag is lifted from his head and he’s in a dimly lit room, his vision is blurry. He squirms and twists around to see an older man, about 50 or so standing over him. He looks strict and angry. The man takes the gag out of John’s mouth, “My son is 25.”

John croaks out a confused, “What?”

“He’s getting old. He likes men, you’re a man. He needs a husband to have kids.” The old man rambles pacing around the room, “We fatten you up and bring him to you. He likes fat men you know.”

John just squints confused as fuck on what’s going on. His head throbs and he groans, “Can I just go home?”

“No, he needs a husband.” The man says mumbling pacing around the room muttering about weddings and getting John fat.

The light gets turned on and a gasp is heard, “Dad!”

"You like him? He’s your husband now.”

There’s shrill squeaks as a ebony haired angel kneels beside John trying to undo the knots. He brings John’s wrists up to his mouth and chews the ropes. He spits a hunk out, “Dad I told you to stop kidnapping men.”

“You’re old. You need a husband.” The angel’s father says mumbling,

“You’re going to get arrested, dad.”

The man mumbles more, “You don’t want to die alone.” He stomps out of the room.

The young man feels John’s forehead as John rubs at his rope burn wrists, “I’m sorry about him darling. Do you need water? Painkillers? Phone?”

John blinks some as the man’s fingers gingerly massage John’s head where he got hit, “A-All three?”

The man nods, grabbing a bottle of water and two white pills. John hopes this isn’t poison, the man seems more sane than his father. John accepts the pills and the man puts the bottle to his lips, “I’m Freddie, and you are?”

“John.” John says between gasps of water it was cold and felt sweet in his parched mouth, 

“I'm sorry dad kidnapped you.” Freddie says softly, feeling John’s forehead, “You feel warm.”

“Your basement is cold.” John quips,

“You’re going to catch a cold.” Freddie says softly dragging him under his armpits and up the stairs because you know Freddie can’t lift a man, even if Freddie’s an ex-boxer and could probably lift a man.

John groans and squeezes his eyes shut as the light blinds him and the warmth of the house chills his body. He shivers more, Freddie lays him on the couch and gets a blanket on him.

Freddie brings John a phone, “You can call you, a ride or whatever you need.” Freddie looks away, “Even the police if you want.”

John sits up, “I just want to go home and sleep.”

Freddie nods and fishes some money out of his pocket for bus fare, “I’m so sorry about my dad."

John shakes his head and stands up. His legs felt like jello and the room seemed to spin, “I’m sorry you deal with that.”

“Never thought an old man would kidnap me.” John jokes some even if he didn’t feel better, maybe joking would lighten the mood,

Freddie shakes his head a small chuckle escaped his lips, “Dad’s senile at times, don’t worry about him. He just wants to see me get married before he’s dead.” He gives a sweet sad smile.

John blinks and swears he saw something coming out of his mouth, “Are you hungry?”

John just stared at Freddie’s mouth waiting for the thing to appear, whatever the thing was. He stumbles backwards as Freddie shoves him, “What?!”

“I asked if you were hungry and you drooled on yourself.”

John blushes and wipes his mouth, “S-Sorry.”

Freddie giggles and goes into the kitchen, “I think mama made sou-”

There was a loud yell followed by a thunk and John was on the floor again, Freddie’s father holding a busted lamp in his hands. Father and son make eye contact, Freddie slowly kneels down. He cups John’s head and lifts it up some, 

“Father, he’s bleeding.” Freddie’s voice dropped the sweetness it had in it. His voice turned cold, 


Freddie felt his fangs poking his lip, “Father there’s so much blood.” Freddie says watching it run on his hands. The smell was sweet, reminding Freddie of the fruit he stole out of the trees when young.

“You’re of age now, don’t hold back your urges. You're a Dhampir after all .”

“Father…” Freddie trails, “I can’t.”

“I won’t tell.” He backs out of the room.

The fangs dig into Freddie’s lips forcing his mouth open, he felt them pulsate, twitch seemingly having a mind of his own.

Freddie bites down on John’s thick neck, the fangs piercing the pale warm flesh. The sweet nectar hit Freddie’s tongue, he doesn’t pull away, his body shudders and a chill takes over the room. Freddie cleans his eyes and drinks. The warmth flowing into his mouth and down his throat. His first meal of the century, it’s been too long.

Freddie pulls away and licks the wound healing John, “Father help me hide him.”

The father and son wrap John up in a tarp and toss him down the hill, “He was going to be your husband.” His father says, “But you ate him.”

Freddie rolls his eyes as they glow orange under the moonlight, “I didn’t take that much. Let’s head inside before he wakes.” Freddie pulls on his kimono, closing it tighter, "After all we must blend in with humans still. We're Dhampirs."

Guilt bubbles in his stomach, the human was awfully cute. His father places a hand on Freddie’s back shaking his head. His father nods towards the house leading his son away from the human.

They stand on their land the moonlight casting shadows on everything but them. They don't cast shadows it's not within their powers.

Bomi sighs seeing the look on Freddie's face. He was only joking about the human becoming his son’s husband. That wasn’t allowed, only woman shall breed with the males like it's been done for eons.

The father and son walk back inside the house, the land keeps their secrets safe. As it’s done for centuries. Hopefully the frail human doesn’t remember a thing for Freddie would like to rescue him for real this time and let the mortal male human become his bride.

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