A Little Different But Things Are Okay: Queen (Platonic)

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Special Request Done For: vampiregirl2131890

Freddie groans and rubs his head sitting up in bed, the alarm blaring. He smacks the damn thing off. Fred reaches over for the pill bottle on his table. Damn, he slept in late. He didn't even understand how he even slept that long.

Fred frowns looking at  the bottle. It's  empty, it shouldn't be empty.  Dammit he forgot to get his seizure medicine refilled. Fred makes a quick call to the pharmacy. Another sigh leaves his lips, the pharmacists can only get him a refill at noon. Just what Freddie needs today.

The middle age man, makes a note on his hand and dashes out the door. He was already late getting to the studio. He nearly got hit by a car as he quickly ran across the road. Fred turns the corner and pushes the door open.

"Hello Linda." He greets the receptionist she looks a little unamused,

"Morning, Mr. Mercury." She hands him coffee that is now stone cold, "You're late once again." 

Freddie mumbles a apology and heads for the hallway before stopping and turning on his heels, 

"Linda, do you think you can run to the pharmacy for me at noon? I need to get my seizure medicine refilled." 

Linda gets the motherly tone back to her voice smiling at him,  "Of course Mr. Mercury, I'll get my assistant to go and do that at noon." 

Freddie nods, "Thank you, Linda."

The receptionist watches as he darts down the hall. Nearly tripping over his shoelaces. Her auburn hair with streaks of grey catch the light and she tsks to herself before getting back to her computer. 

Freddie  busts into the first studio he sees. A group of women stare at him, "Oh sorry wrong room." He bows his head, the band called Fanny just glared at him harder.

He runs further down the hall and busts into the next studio. Brian looks at him unamused, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Sorry, sorry," Freddie sets the coffee down which he didn't want to drink since if was so cold now, "My alarm didn't go off properly, and I ran out of medication and was on hold with the pharmacy for like an hour!"

Brian rolls his eyes, "Come on, let's do rehearsal now that your majesty has just shown up." 

Freddie felt his cheeks burn and he looked down. The other two give him a sympathy glance before they start practice. 

As the studio got hotter and stuffy, the stress piling on, no medication, and the missed breakfast Freddie felt like shit. He walks out of the small recording booth setting his headphones on the floor. He really needed lunch,

 "Hey guys," Freddie starts, "How about breaking for lun-" He trials off the words sticking to the roof of his mouth like a big spoonful of peanut butter.

His vision blurs and the room spins. He tries to sit down, the furniture seems to be out running him. No matter how many times he swipes his hand trying to reach the faux leather couch it grows farther and farther away. Like a game of cat and mouse. Freddie didn't have time for games,  he only had seconds before he dropped.

Freddie knew what was coming he had to get down somewhere. Anywhere really. He takes a dive down onto the floor things go black. Roger 

Roger runs to Freddie's side and crouched down next to Freddie who was jerking his head and legs, jaw twitching. Roger blubbers and waves his hands at the others for help. The wheat colored blond had no idea what to do. He was dentist, or a biologist depending on what card he wanted to pull.

John grasps Freddie's jaw trying to make sure he doesn't bite anything, he's seen this in the movies before.  Brian was quickly searching up what to do while kneeling beside of Roger. Roger on the other hand had a death grip of Freddie's hand worried and scared for his best friend.

After what seems like centuries rather it was minutes but it felt like centuries to them Freddie stopped seizing. The older man was breathing heavily. Roger slaps his cheeks gingerly, "Fred," Slap went Roger's hand to Freddie's cheek, "Freddie," Another gentle slap by Roger's hand, "Fredrick," No response. 

Roger back hands him, "Farrokh!!!" Roger's hand stings and Freddie's cheeks are red.

The clock chirps Freddie's breathing seems to settle, another chirp and Freddie's eyes flicker. 

The friends help him sit up. Brian fetched Freddie water, the older man puts a hand on his head.

"I-Im sorry." 

Brian puts the water to his lips, "Don't be." 

A pregnant pause takes over before Brian speaks again, "I'm sorry for being rude to you earlier." 

Freddie just hugs Brian resting his head on the younger man's shoulder. His head was killing him, "Can you dim the lights, please? Any of you? My head hurts." Hs says softly like a sick kid.

John got the lights dim as the receptionist's assistant comes in with a pharmacy bag, "Mr. Mercury?" She looks around the room,

 "Mr. Mercury?" She asks again shaking the bag.

Roger takes the bag thanking the teenager and hands it over to Freddie. He takes two pills of Carbamazepine, small circular pills with a line going across it.

Freddie washes it down with John's juice and Roger brings him a sandwich so he has something on his stomach.

"I'm sorry guys really," Freddie pauses,  "I didn't mean for all this stress."

"Don't we're sorry for rushing you." John slings an arm around his shoulders pulling Freddie to his chest, "How's your mouth anyways, Fred?" 

"My teeth hurt but I'll be fine." Freddie promises, "It happens sometimes."

Then Freddie  goes on to explain what to do if he has another seizure again which there's bound to be a next time. Freddie was a forgetful person at times. The men listened and took notes, next time they'll be prepared.  Hopefully there won't be a next time though. At least they'll be prepared.

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