This Is Going To Take A While

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Brian scribbles something down in his notebook. His hair is a huge mess, tangled and knotted. A chard lump of something sticks into the rat's nest of hair. Soot marks on his face and dry blood under his nose.

"Note planet, Huilara of the west Chronos Galaxy, isn't friendly." Brian underlines it thrice.

"They're delicious though." Roger jokes, "Especially the women." He winks.

"And this is why they're not friendly," Brian rolls his eyes, "Eyes on the road now before you get us killed blondie."

"We're in space. There is no road." Roger retorts, "Where we're going we don't need roads!"

Brian shakes his head, getting up, "You know our boss doesn't want you to wreck another company spaceship."

"That asteroid came out of nowhere!" Roger whines to him glancing back at him, "How was I supposed to know?! I had the right of way!"

Brian smacks the back of his head making Rogers eyes rolling, "The GPS was literally beeping and flashing and saying turn left over and over again!"

Roger pouts and focuses on the road even if there wasn't one. Just so Mama May would shut the fuck up. Brian sits down next to him, "What planet is next?"

Roger clicks a few buttons shifting in his seat, "Silles 5854."

"Ugh we've been there before they tried to eat my feet." Brian grouched,

"I know it sucks." Roger grouched back, "I hate boss man."

The two two talk for a bit about how much they hate their boss. They don't pay attention to anything, which is shocking for Dr. May and his big astrophysics degree.

They are too engrossed in their conversation to care about the GPS beeping and flashing. Then there's an ear splitting screech as they collide into something. The lights flash and they crash land. Things go black.

Brian wakes up with his head beating; it felt like he got hit with a thousand bricks, maybe a hammer too. His helmet has a faint crack in it now not enough to kill him. Brian quickly puts it on and grabs his suit even if his body was screaming and begging him to just lay down, Brian cussed putting all weight on his right leg, his left leg is useless.
Brian goes out into the strange land; it's hazy and he doesn't even know where Roger went. All he knows is that it's not Silles 5854. The smell of sweet is in the air, it makes Brian hungry. He shakes his head, it could be dangerous.

He limps over seeing something, wincing some. It was oddly cool on the planet, and felt like what a nice spring day could be on Earth.

Brian felt his stomach drop. It was a mangled ship, not from their company. This was a blue and orange, rustic looking. An oil-like substance was oozing out of the ship.

It was a lot worse off than their ship. The other ship was twisted and bent in so many directions.

Brian uses his scanner which by some miracle survived the crash. It said that he could breathe in the air. He takes off his helmet and coughs. It smelled awful out here that he's at the wrecks but the sweet smell lingers some. And he knew what that smell was but he didn't know if it was his friend or the other ship. It was the smell of death,

Brian cups his hands around his mouth, "Roger!!" He screams digging through the wreck. He was next to him when the crash happened. Why wasn't he next to him still? Did the other ship's crewmen take Roger?

Brian rubs his eyes when he sees a purple furred rat climb atop the rubble. Before Brian can even make his next step the rat turns into a humanoid alien. A very handsome alien with a purple streak running through his curly ebony black hair.

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