Froger: Punk

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Freddie scribbled away at his notes. His glittery pen shining in the fluorescent lights. He was lost in his thoughts and only vaguely looked up when the door opened.  The school bad boy walked in late once again. Fred paid no mind to them. He went back to note taking.

“Just sit next to Freddie.” The teacher says 

Freddie jerks his head up and he blushes. The boy with long hair that has a shaved sides walks over to Freddie. He has eyeliner on and some dark lipstick. He has snake bite piercings in and his ears are coated in earrings and Freddie thinks he sees a faint tattoo near his left ear. His leather jeans have rips in them and his leather jacket looks a little too big on him. His boots look massive on his small frame. He kicks his feet up on the desk anyways and gets on his phone,

His fingernails are painted black and he’s got a few rings on his fingers with a bracelet, “I’m Freddie.”

“I know.” the punk says,

“Well who are you?” Freddie asks,

“Does that matter?” he looks over at him. His eyes look so pretty. Darling shade of blue the color nearly looks innocent.

“Well since we’re going to be table mates and-”

The blond blows his hair out of his face, “I’m Roger.”

Freddie smiles, “That’s a nice name.”

Roger grunts and looks at the chalkboard the teacher is scrawling on. Roger digs through his bag and huffs. He looks at Freddie, “Do you have a pen?”

Freddie hands him his pink sparkly glitter pen with feathers on it. He nearly laughed at how Roger’s face just fell but the lad accepted the pen with some defeat. Freddie giggles a little and Roger huffs.

The teacher raps her ruler against the board, "Okay class! Class!" She raps her ruler again,"We'll be doing group work.  I want you to pair up with your table buddy while I pass out the worksheet." 

Roger growls and grips the pen. He didn't want to be stuck with a bubblegum princess next to him. Freddie scoots the paper in the middle,  "Looks like we're doing a book report for the book the class has been reading." 

Roger rolls his eyes, "I wasn't here for that. You do it all." He scoots the paper to him.

"No." Freddie says firmly using the tone is used for when his sister acted out of line, "Together." He scoots it back in the middle.

They start scooting the paper around deep in argument. Freddie's hand touches Roger's and Roger froze. Freddie left his hand touching Roger's the older boy wasn't dumb, 

"Now let's work together, blondie. I'll help you catch up." Freddie grins.

Roger crosses his arms and sinks into his chair in defeat. This was going to be a long couple of weeks. They got halfway through the first part before the bell rings for the end of the day,

 “Come on. You’re coming with me.” Freddie grins as soon as they leave the school gates, “We can work on it more at my place.”
“No. My place.” Roger snarks lighting a cigarette,

“Sure your place.” Freddie says rolling his eyes, “Aren’t you a mister bossy pants.”

Roger flips him off losing his cool, “Just bugger off you fucking goth bubblegum twink!”

 Freddie gasps, “And to think I thought you were cute!”

Freddie steps on Roger’s foot which doesn’t really do much since he has steel toed boots on, “You’re on your own. I hope you flunk out.”

As Freddie walks back home it starts piss pouring rain. Freddie hugs his book tighter to his chest as his makeup runs and his papers get drenched. A beetle car pulls up to the street, “Hey.. uh Freddie! Get it!”

It was Roger. How did Roger find Freddie? He’ll never know but Roger’s car looked so much warmer than the rain. Freddie gets in and groans in satisfaction as the warmth hits him. He nearly purrs. Then he remembered he's in Roger's car and he's meant to hate Roger's guts. But Roger looks so sexy and Freddie's gay thoughts won't leave.

Roger starts to drive down the road in the general direction Freddie was walking but he had no idea where the hell he was going,

"Are you here to kidnap me or do you want my address?" Freddie asks giggling.

Roger gives him one of his rare smiles, "I'm here to kidnap you of course." 

Freddie rolls his eyes and turns the heat on more, "My address is 132 Guildry Street. The yellow house."  

Roger nods and tries to remember that. He grips the wheel as he turns down the street. Roger pulls up to the house. Very packed with the house the fence was practically useless, "Hey…" 

Freddie raises a brow and looks at him, "Hmm?"

"Look.. uh," Roger looks down, "I'm sorry for how I behaved towards you. " 

Freddie frowns,  "I don't know if I should trust you."

"I get that a lot." Roger says softly, "How about we work on the project?

Freddie bites his lip then pulls his top lip down, "I guess we could." He quickly glanced back at his house like he feared Roger was going to knife him any minute.

Roger parks the car in the driveway and Freddie leads him inside, "Let me catch you up on The Great Gatsby. You only have a day to memorize the entire book." He jokes.

Roger rolls his eyes and leaves his boots by the door like Freddie instructed. His mother hands Freddie a big plate of food, 

"For you and your little devil." She smiles happily. She was so gleeful her son made a friend. 

Roger chuckles softly and thanks her. He nearly bows but Freddie smacks the back of his head, “Not that type of Asian.”

Freddie drags him down the hall, “Did you sleep through geography?”

“Yeah.” Roger nods,

Freddie sighs, “You’re so fucking stupid but I like you.”

“You like me?”

Freddie groans, “Why must I like a stupid man like you!”

Roger blushes and kisses him smacking him into some pictures on the wall. Freddie turns many colors and he stammers and stutters,

 “Goddamn you.” was all Freddie could say.

Roger laughs as Freddie drags him into the room, “Come on we got a project to do.”

And for the first time in Freddie’s schooling he got no work done all thanks to a little punk named Roger.

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