Maycury: Space

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Brian scribbles something down in his notebook, "Note planet Chyke 719 isn't friendly."

"They're delicious." Roger jokes, 

Brian rolls his eyes,  "Eyes on the road."

"We're in space. There is no road." Roger retorts. 

Brian shakes his head, "You know boss doesn't want you to wreck another company spaceship."

"That asteroid came out of nowhere!" Roger whines, "How was I supposed to know!"

Brian smacks the back of his head, "The GPS was literally beeping and flashing and saying turn left over and over again!" 

Roger pouts and focuses on the road even if there wasn't one. Just so Mama May would shut the fuck up. Brian sits down next to him, "What planet is next?"

Roger clicks a few buttons, "Veon 411."

"Ugh we've been there before they tried to my feet." Brian grouched,

"I know it sucks." Roger grouched back, "I hate boss man."

The two two talk for a bit about how much they hate their boss. They don't pay attention to anything.  They are too engrossed in their conversation to care about the GPS beeping and flashing. Then there's an ear splitting screech as they collide into something. The lights flash and they crash land. Things go black. 

Brian wakes up with his head beating; it felt like he got hit with a thousand bricks. His helmet has a faint crack in it now. He quickly puts it on and grabs his suit even if his body was screaming and begging him to just lay down. Brian goes out into the strange land its hazy and he doesn't even know where Roger went.

He limps over to the other ship. It was a lot worse off than their ship. The other ship was twisted and bent in so many directions.

Brian uses his scanner which by some miracle survived the crash. It said that he could breath in the air. He takes off his helmet and coughs. It smelled awful out here. And he knew what that smell was but he didn't know if it was his friend or the other ship. It was the smell of death, 

Brian cups his hands around his mouth, "Roger!!" He screams digging through the wreck. He was next to him when the crash happened why wasn't he next to him still? Did the other ship's crewmen take Roger?

Brian rubs his eyes when he sees a purple furred rat climb atop the rubble. Before Brian can even make his next step the rat turned into a alien. A very handsome alien with a purple streak running through his ebony black hair.

Brian pulls out his scanner and presses a button. It tells him he's on planet Chobryria and the alien is from Aidni. Brian hits the translator button,

 "Excuse me!" Brian speaks the hand held machine whirls in Brian's hands, "I need help finding my friend! He's short, blond, blue eyed!"

The creature purrs and jumps down, "I speak human you know."

Brian nearly jumped out of his skin, "Pardon?"

The thing laughs like it's a joke, "I speak human. One of my crewmates was from planet Earth. She spoke human and taught me." 

Brian rubs his eyes. He's really gotta stop mixing Monster Energy and Starbucks coffee together.

"I'm speaking English." Brian says,

The creature shakes his head, his hair poofs up, "No you're speaking human,  silly." 

Brian sighs,  "Look fine whatever. Have you seen a blond haired man?" 

"What's blond?" The alien cocks his head,

"Yellow? You know the color yellow?" 

The alien nods and claps, "Find your friend with the yellow hair!"

"Yes!" Brian nods happy to be getting somewhere.

The alien grins showing his fangs,

 "I'm Brian do you have a name?" The creature shakes his head, "I'll call you Freddie then." Brian makes a note of it.

Freddie hunches over like he's about to spew Brian steps back not wanting to be covered in vomit again. His jaw drops as Freddie turns into a purple elephant. He moves the rubble with his trunk slowly but carefully to the side.

Brian gags as Freddie moves the bodies of his fallen crewmates with ease not showing any emotion. The smell was enough to make anyone toss their stomach up.

He helps Freddie move what he can by hand. It was a lot of heavy metals and it was blistering hot on this planet. The sun was beating down on them and Brian felt like he was going to be sick constantly. 

Brian saw the faint glimmer of a pale hand beneath a hunk of venting, "Over there!" Brian yells directing Freddie over.

Freddie scoops up Roger after knocking the metal pieces off, he grips Roger tight, "I found the yellow man!"

Brian cheers and Freddie stomps around and makes elephant noises. Brian demanded him to stop and unhand Roger so Brian can examine him.. Freddie eases Roger down on some large flat rocks.

“He’s leaking fluids from his head, B’ian.” Freddie says, going back to his normal form, “Does he need an oil change?”

“Do you even know what an oil change is?” Brian asks and Freddie shakes his head, “Anyway get me that rag off the ground.”

Freddie scampers over and grabs it with his mouth and plops it into Brian’s open hand, “Gross.”

Freddie sniffs Roger and drools on him a little. Brian tries to shoo the alien off, Roger wakes up to an alien slobbering on him. He screams and thrashes around hitting Brian and falling off the rock. He cries out and holds his arm.

“Here let me help!” Freddie reaches out and Roger screams more, smacking him, “Would this be better for you?” Freddie shape shifts into a woman and Roger ducks behind Brian whimpering and panting.

“No! No! He’s good.” Brian says softly, “He helped me find you.” 

Roger looks up at Freddie who gives him a big slobbery lick to the face and his head wound is healed. Roger still looks fearful but he holds out his mangled arm. Freddie heals that too and hops down, “Come on let’s fix your ship.”

Brian follows after dragging metal hunks over. Roger helps too and with Freddie’s powers and some very sticky orange tree sap they got the ship hammered and glued back together again. 

“Hey guys.” Roger says in a soft voice before they deem the ship fixed, “My hand is itchy and swollen.”

“Probably an allergic reaction to something.” Brian says beating in sheet of metal so it would stick to the wall.

Freddie looks over, “Mr. Yellow Man your hand is engorged with spots.”

Brian looked over and Roger’s hand was bright red swollen like a fat tick covered in hives. Freddie tried to heal it but broke out too and it was all over his mouth. Brian sighs and got them into the contamination area of the ship or what remains of it and doses them with whatever they got left. Looks like their little space journey is far from over.

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