The Princes

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They stand in the hall chatting away. Tall young Prince Brian dresses in a beautiful blue dress shirt and tight black dress trousers, his dark curly hair spilling down to his shoulders. He refused to wear those fancy shoes and instead opted for his beloved clogs.

Prince Roger was next to Brian he was shorter, more meat on his bones. His blond hair tied back, he is wearing some expensive t-shirt and jeans looking excited as he chatted with Brian. Next Roger was the youngest nearly as tall as Brian, his name was Prince John.

John had his hair braid pushed back, nice purple shirt and white dress trousers. He stood tall and proud, his mother ruled the next kingdom, she’s ran it by herself since her husband passed some odd years ago. John looked like his father, and would be a fine king one day.

Their conversation is stopped by a new prince, stumbling down the hall with the grace of a newborn deer on ice. The prince was older than the three of them. His family has just inherited a kingdom close to the meeting hall and it was his first day here.

“Hello.” Freddie smiles sweetly, his warm brown eyes shimmer and he looks happy to be hopefully making new friends.

Roger’s eyes shoot down and he can’t imagine a king with such poor teeth. Poor little prince will be a laughing stock one day, if not now. The two other princes greet the new prince warmly. Roger shakes out his thoughts and shakes the older prince’s hand, “Roger.”

“Freddie.” He says shyly, pulling his lip over his teeth.

The four begin whispering among themselves about tonight’s ball so they can find wives and husbands. Freddie looks nervous, this will be his first ball. His kingdom never did this before but now they have to look good in front of the other kingdoms.

The princes lead Freddie down a long hallway into a bathing room, “Come on, we’ll get you clean.”

A woman pops into the room with towels and blankets, “This is what you give me to work with?” She asks, pinching Freddie’s cheek, “Well, don’t worry, I’ve seen worse.”

Freddie turns scarlet as his clothes are stripped away and he’s sunk into a tub of hot soapy water like he’s some dirty dishes. The old woman’s hands get to work scrubbing and massaging Freddie with delicate care.

“We’ll have you washed and dried. Primed and polished,” she begins drying Freddie off, “Till you glow with pride. Trust me you’ll find your royal partner tonight.”

Freddie closes his eyes as the princes and the woman talk. He thinks of his father’s stern face telling Freddie that he must bring honor to them. He must find a suitor and carry on the line. Make his father proud. Have a son of his own so he can finally be seen as a good son, a good prince, a good anything to just make his face smile and say he’s proud.

When Freddie opens his eyes he’s wearing very fancy clothes, much too fancy for his tastes and his hair is styled and combed back with a pink ribbon. He’s in some type of dress shoes with a heel to add extra height.

Roger and John tell Freddie he looks good and he’s bound to find someone. Brian talks about a pretty redhead in the eastern kingdom across the river that could be a good match for Freddie but the eldest prince wasn’t interested in that. They didn’t really have much time and soon big burly guards were escorting them into another building far grander than the last.

Freddie bumps into John who knocks over Brian and Roger into some lovely ladies with golden hair and sun kissed skin. The group of royals scatter deep into the building not wanting to get in trouble with anyone.

Freddie is in a mash of people, ladies and lads all intermingled, not paying attention to Freddie one bit. And Freddie can’t help but feel out of place, he’s very clearly the only non white person at this entire place.

He pushes his way through the crowd with one last squeeze he pushes through the crowd to the nearly empty grand garden. Freddie sighs softly and sits on the edge of the water fountain. He looks up at the mansion he can see Brian with some girl, Roger is with two girls. Freddie squints around for John, he sees him leaning against the door on the balcony, some redhead on her knees.

Freddie shakes his head and kneels down washing off his makeup in the fountain. He’ll never be like those princes. He doesn’t even want a girl! Freddie undoes his hair letting it fall to his shoulders and looks at his reflection in the water, “It’ll be us ruling father’s kingdom.”

Freddie tells his reflection before shaking his head and sighing softly. He heard a branch snap and he’s head shot up. Fred could feel something pop but that didn’t matter right now. He stands up quickly, smoothing his trousers out, “Who’s there?!”

Freddie kicks off his heeled shoes and holds one up, “Stay back!”

The gardener comes out of the bushes, he’s around Freddie’s age, maybe younger. But hot damn, he was jaw dropping hot. Freddie felt his face flush as the man dropped to his knees, head bowed, “I’m sorry your majesty.”

“Hey now it’s my fault for getting started. And call me Freddie, I don’t suit royalty well.” He laughs.

Freddie shakes the gardener’s hand, who’s name was Jim and he lived on the property in the far back to not disturb the royals. Freddie smiles sweetly heart racing like a horse, something about Jim was special.

Freddie takes Jim’s hand, “Come on the party's still going. You look like you could use some fun.”

Jim blushes as Freddie tries to dance with him, both of them seem to be affected by two left feet syndrome and can’t dance to save their lives. Yet as they dance across the garden letting the music sweep them about, Freddie knew he found his prince charming.

Freddie pulls away hearing his name. He says goodbye to Jim and heads inside. The princes are gathered around, "Come on curfew has started."

Brian takes Freddie by the wrist and the four of them are carted off to Brians palace for the night. Brian had far more glamorous things than Freddie did in his room.

Brian even had this thing called a Sega! The three of them nearly brawled over who got to play next with Brian. And for once Freddie felt like an actual teenager instesd of royalty. And he made three new friends. When night hits and they're all meant to be in their beds, Freddie can't help but sigh dreamily and wish for another night like this.

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