Smile: So Who Are You

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The pub was awfully loud after Smile finished up. Drunks and drunks stammer and mice around trying to figure out where they’re going next. The cord has been loud and chatty during the performance but Smile didn’t seem to mind. They just played louder. 

A ebony haired man by the name of Freddie with his cat-like eyes was watching the scene. He lowers his beer bottle and sets it on the table. He sees the two “security” guards blocking the “backstage” of where the band went to. A devious thought crossed his mind and he grins covering his mouth with his hand. Oh he had a plan already forming in that big brain of his. Fred takes a large gulp of beer for luck the bottle clinks on the table and the drunk folk seem to get louder, they must be playing pool now. Drunks get loud during pool.

Freddie glances around the bartender was too busy on the phone, the Parsi-Indian listens in, “Yes your husband was so drunk that he left his wheelchair behind and came home without it.”

Freddie takes this as a chance to go on with his plan. The sleek man takes a running start and leaps over their heads, in a move that shocks both the guards and Freddie himself. He ducks and rolls into the room like he’s seen in the movies. Making the band mates scream and shout at the blurry ball rolling at them. Freddie snatches someone’s underwear and runs out yelling.

The singer laughs, his name was Tim. He turns to his band mates, “That's the kid from my class. Can’t remember his name though.” He frowns.

The band mates just shake their heads and call it a night. Tim mutters that he was going to a party down the road and that they were babies for not going. It was a short walk to the party though. Tim happily runs inside ready for booze. Oh he was going to have the time of his life.

The music was bustling, the walls seemed to bounce and rattle with the music. Small Freddie bumped against the guy who dragged him here. Earning a glare. Freddie then sees him, Tim Staffell, a bloke that wandered down the halls in the college, didn’t even really seem to go there. Freddie recalls having one class with him.

Tim was drunker than a skunk right now and seemed more interested in two girls in plaid mini skirts and tight t-shirts. Freddie approaches him, “Hey Tim, it’s me Fred-“

 Tim drags Freddie over to the end of the room, “Fred these are my good friends Roger and Brian. They’ll keep you company.”

Freddie turns and sees a lamp and a tall speaker when he turns to tell Tim the bloke is gone. Freddie felt a little hurt that Tim just ditched him like that and he pushed his way through the crowd. He makes it out the door and heads for the pub. He was already tipsy, a few more drinks wouldn’t hurt him now would it? He needed to forget the night anyways.

Freddie has a grand time at the pub, no one seems to notice him. It was great until he decided it was time to sing karaoke and move around the small stage seductively. A blond with short cropped hair and a tall gangly giant  who’s struggling to keep his dark curls straight watch on in amusement.

“Hey, he’s pretty good.” The blond says watching Freddie get off stage they needed a new singer, Tim was going to leave soon for a new band, 

“He’s drunk.” The giant says blowing a curl out of his face,

“If he can sing drunk, he must sing amazingly while sober.” The blond grins, “Come on, let's go find him.”

But it was too late the ebony haired man was already swallowed up by the cords and sent off somewhere beyond, the pair were disheartened by this. They have to find this angelic singer.

The blond threw a house party better than last week's party. Everyone was invited, and nearly everyone came but the giant he had finals and wanted to be a loser and study. The blond sees the ebony haired man at the party chatting up an Irishman.

The blond  goes to approach him, get his name or anything. The ebony beauty turns face flushed red from the booze and he vomits on the blond’s boots. Before the words left the blond’s mouth the ebony haired man was whisked anyway and the blond was left with ruined boots.

A month passes, Tim and his band have a small concert at the local pub, his last concert with Smile, the blond was the drummer and the giant was the guitarist. Their “security team” was a handful of frat guys from the frat house nearby, they work for beer and wings. 

After the band goes backstage to clean up and go home. There’s shouting and yelling as a sleek being glides through the air and over the security’s heads. He lands at Tim’s feet,

 “Hey Freddie.” Tim greets, “Wouldn’t let you backstage even with a pass?”

Freddie nods and flashe his pass, it was a paper massed printed out reading “Smile Pass” with the date and pub name.

“He’s the one who breached security last time.” The giant points out, “He stole my pants.”

“He’s the guy from the pub and my party.” The blond seems to boast, 

“Fred, this is Roger,” Tim points to the blond, “And this is Brian.” Tim points to the giant,

“Huh how funny last time they were a lamp and speaker.” Freddie teased seeing Tim turn red and his band mates tease,

“I’m Freddie,” Freddie grins, “As you can tell I like singing.”

Roger invited the gang and Freddie back to his flat for beer and greasy wings, of course Brian can suckle on tofu cubes or whatever Roger clearly doesn’t have vegan food. From that moment on, a powerful history was made that was never broken.

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