Johnica: On Tour

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They were on tour in Las Vegas. It was hot and miserable but the city came alive at night. That’s where all the fun begins, or at least that’s what Freddie told his band mates after they finished another concert. Touring in Vegas had been Roger and Freddie’s idea after all they’re reliable with the ladies. At least Roger is, Freddie would much rather take their boyfriends.

John knew he should stay in their hotel room, maybe stay with Brian he didn’t go out. He was like granny, when the sun goes down he goes down until early morning then he’s up making cookies and knitting sweaters. He shakes the thought from his head. John did promise his fiancée that they’ll go and explore the city together after the concert. Well Veronica did really like the exploring, her wild side had come out among the city of gambling, drunks, drugs, and prostitution.

John found her more dazzling under the bright lights, the way her eyes shined as she looked around like a child in wonderment. He also felt protective over her as men gazed at her as they wandered the lit up streets. John didn’t even think they could walk this closely but they did without tripping over their faces. 

Veronica already stole some drinks from Freddie backstage after the concert. Well Freddie forgot to tell her they were alcoholic so now John had the fun task of taming his wife and keeping her on the right path. After all she’s a goody two shoes who doesn’t do any wrong.

He takes her hand as they go inside a bar, it was a dinky little dive bar crammed between casinos and brothels. It reeked badly of urine and sweat. Veronica and John sit by the bar chit chatting away with each other, 

“I want to get married.”  Veronica tells him, “Right now. In Vegas! Under the bright lights of the city!” She swings her arms nearly hitting a pot belly man in the gut.

John offers a small apology and makes Veronica drink some water, “We’ll do a small little fake wedding here but it’s gotta be quick. We’re touring after all and I need to be bright eyed and bushy in the morning.”

Veronica nods thoughtfully before dragging John away out of the bar and down the streets. They find a small chapel of sorts labeled “Presley Heaven”, they talk to an obese man in a stained Elvis suit. He says they need a witness for the wedding in order for it to happen.

John just wanted to turn around and go back to the hotel but seeing Veronica’s puppy dog eyes, John phoned his friends one by one. No one answered, John thought all hope was lost till he saw a man sitting on the ground begging for food or work outside the chapel.

“Hey sir!” John yells darting at him making the man flinch, “My girl wants to be married and I need a witness to it. Can you do it?” 

The man looks up at him scraggly beard and he smells foul, “Okay I’ll do it,” John wanted to cheer, “For a fee.” 

John could feel himself deflate some, “What is the fee?”

“I want a turkey Subway sandwich,” he said with a grouch, “Lots of olives.”

John sighs and goes to Subway grabbing what the man wanted. They went inside the chapel, John ignored the smell. He smelled worst in the clubs, but he would never tell Veronica he’s been to the clubs.

The hefty Elvis begins to read aloud from a tattered book Veronica clinging to John’s hands a look of love and adoration on her face. “If anyone thinks this young man and this sexy mama shouldn’t get married, speak now or forever hold your peace!”

An awkward silence fills the room before the homeless man grunts, “I didn’t get my olives!” He wails.

John snaps his head around, “I’ll get your damn olives when we’re done here! Don’t make my girl cry!” He chuckles nervously and looks back at Veronica who’s giggling, a rosy blush on her cheeks.

The man grumbles and the wedding finishes up. John scoops up Veronica, “Whoo! We’re married now!” 

John goes to run out of the building but the homeless man tug’s on his shirt, “Olives!”

John hands the man $200, “Buy all that you need! I’m married now!”

He runs out, making Veronica scream and cling to him. They make it to the hotel, John panting loudly and his shirt drenched with sweat. Veronica’s face was stunned  and she reached for John, “Holy shit! That was amazing!”

John giggles and kisses her, “We got married in Vegas!”

Veronica cups his face and sloppily kisses him, “Come on now. Let’s go inside for a warm bath and some cuddles!”

John takes her hand and they go inside. She’s practically shaking with excitement or booze probably booze mostly since she’s not used to it. Veronica bolts down the hallway, John is thankful they rented out the floor because Veronica swings Freddie’s door open and runs in there.

“Veronica!” John hisses chasing her, 


Freddie lays curled with a young strapping man, “Oh Veronica dear what is it!”

“I got married!” She climbs into the bed and shows her ring off slapping Freddie in the face, 

“Very nice dear.” Freddie replies, “Why don’t you go back to John I bet his misses you.”

Veronica goes to climb off the bed but John snatches her up, “Sorry!” He runs out of the room slamming the door. They make it to their room where Veronica is already winding down for the night. 

 The two flop into bed Veronica snuggling into John’s chest. As he kisses her copper hair he knows Freddie will never let him forget this tour for the rest of their lives, knowing Freddie he’s going to outlive John and taunt his ghost. John chuckles softly and turns the lights out. Las Vegas is truly a wild untamed place. At least he got to experience it with his true love.

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