Breaky: Meat ≠ Vegan

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Joe and John are slaving away in the kitchen making a nice "autumn feast" as Freddie puts it.

"I'm making a turducken." Joe grins, "Phoebe taught me." 

"Well I'm making a tofucken!" John says he slaps a hand over his mouth as Joe  ursts into laughter.

"Oh my god." Joe laughs, "Deaky! Naughty, naughty boy!"

John blushes bright red and waves his wooden spoon at him, "Shut it!" 

Freddie struts in he's wearing a soft poet shirt with the front ripped showing off his mane of chest hair and some tight skinny jeans that look painted on, "Did someone say fucking?"

"No, tofucken." Joe laughs, "Vegan turducken." 

Freddie chuckles softly, "Poor Brian." 

John waves his spoon at Freddie and the dark haired man and him get back to cooking as Freddie makes lewd naughty jokes behind them.

After a few hours the house was filled with the aroma of tasty foods and sweet desserts. The others were stalking around the kitchen waiting to hear the sweet words of "dinner is ready". And just when they think they are going to starve and wither away John cups his hands over his mouth and shouts, 

"Guys dinner is done!" 

A stampede emerges from the shadows and doorways and poor John is swept away in a sea of hungry sharks. Joe barely had time to run with his own plate before the kitchen was swarmed with friends and hungry housemates. There was talking and laughter. Soft music played from the radio attached into the wall.

John stands on his tippy toes and kisses Brian's cheek, "I hope you enjoy." 

Brian smiles his little fangs showing, "If you cooked it I'm definitely going to enjoy it." 

John nuzzles him and gets his own plate and they pile into the living room. The tv is playing some kind of show. All John knows is there's a girl with a shaved head in a diner. Jim must have left Netflix on.

As Brian takes a few large bites his face looks puzzled, "Are you sure there's no meat in this?"

John furrows his brows and nods. He made sure not to cross-contaminate Brian's food with the many meats. He stood over Joe the entire time, "Here let me have a taste."

John leans over, nearly sitting in Brian's lap and tastes Brian's food. He takes Brian's plate, "I'm so so sorry Brian." 

Brian chuckles,  "Hey it could happen to anyone."

"Want me to order take out or something for you instead since I don't know what happened to the vegan foods?" John asks, reaching for his phone.

"Yes please." Brian says, handing his plate to Phoebe who runs off to finish it for himself.

John makes a quick call ordering Brian's favorites while still apologizing to Brian over and over again.

Brian just laughs it off and comforts John who looks so upset. happens and John isn’t the first person to do that. John sits in Brian’s lap and cuddles him still feeling really bad, “Finish eating baby.”

Brian kissed his head gingerly and ruffled his hair. John smiles and goes back to eating. He doesn’t leave Brian’s lap until Brian’s takeout arrives. Freddie kisses Jim then Roger and goes to get the door John following behind him.

Freddie hands John the bag and goes to sit down with his husbands. John hands Brian his food and John gets thanked by getting a soft kiss, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, dear.”

John cuddles Brian as he eats. There’s chatting and laughing, Brian starts shifting around some as time passes. John lifts his head off his husband’s shoulder, “Babe you okay? I keep hearing your stomach gurgling.”

“I need the bathroom.” Brain bolts up knocking John over and stepping on Elton’s and kneeing his husband in the back. Brian slams the bathroom door.

Freddie turns up the tv so Brian could have some privacy as it was getting loud and foul smelling, 

“I think the meat upset his stomach.” Freddie says softly,

“You think.” Roger says spraying cologne which just makes it worse.

People file out into the garden to enjoy the autumn afternoon and watch the kids play. John stands outside the bathroom door,


“I need a trash can.” Brian cries.

John gets Brian a trash can and enters the bathroom. He closes the door behind him and takes Brian’s hair back as he empties his stomach out. John leaves a note on the table and takes Brian to the ER. He keeps apologizing to Brian over and over again, he feels like the worst husband ever.

“John baby it happens. Please don’t beat yourself up over it.” Brian squeezes his hand as the doctors tend to him, “You didn’t mean it.”

They give Brian fluids and some medication to help his stomach. He’s asked to stay overnight so he doesn’t get dehydrated anymore and they can monitor him. Night falls and the hospital begins to dim its lights so their patients can sleep.

John is still moping and looking so upset. Brian scoots over in the bed and lifts the blankets up, “Coming pouty prince.”

John gives him a look but climbs into bed with him, Brian wraps an arm around his waist and buries his face into John’s hair, “I love you.”

“Even if I gave you food poisoning?” John asks softly,

“Even if you gave me food poisoning.” Brian chuckles, kissing him with a laugh.

John snuggles into his chest, “You’re not mad at me?”

“No baby.” Brian says softly. He picks up John’s hand and kisses his ring, “Remember our vows?”

John smiles a little and nods, “Through sickness and in health we’ll always love and care for each other.”

Brian kisses him, “Come on. Time for bed.”

John wraps around Brian like a monkey and Brian holds him, being careful with his IV. Even if the feast didn’t go as planned at least John still has his Brian. And Brian could never get mad at his Johnny. They’re in this together. Life does have its ups and downs, a little hiccups and rough bumps, but nothing will break them. They have each through thick and thin until the end.

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