Johnica: Isnt He Pretty?

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Joan comes into the room lugging a small box in her hands. Ron looks up at her, setting the book to the side, “What dear? What did you find?”

Joan giggles, “My old makeup.” She grins, “I need to test some of it out.”

“Oh.” Ron unbuttons his shirt some, “I know what you have planned, dear.”

Joan lets out a small cheer and rushes to Ron struggling to get the old rusting clasp open. Ron’s large hands wrap around the box taking it from her, “Let me get it, honey bear.”

Ron’s thick fingers somehow managed to open despite his wife having thin long fingers and years of a bass playing under her belt she couldn’t get the clasp but Ron’s gorilla hands could, “There you go babe.”

He smiles and Joan kisses his cheek, “Need to take you on tour. Your hands might be useful.”

Ron laughs, “I much rather stay home and tend to the kids.”

“And that’s fine too.” Joan places a quick peck to his lips before she starts wiping down his face.

“Is this an alcohol wipe? The smell makes my nose sting.”

“Shouldn’t be.” Joan says, “My skin is sensitive.”

Ron nods and leans his head back some so she could clean him better. She giggles softly and dries his face.  She starts applying the makeup giggling to herself, “You know this is my stage makeup.”

“Oh lucky me.” Ron grumbled 

Joan giggles and kisses him gingerly, “Just hold still.”

What felt like an hour Joan was done just as the doorbell rang, “Can you get that babe?” Joan asks him as she cleans up the makeup putting it back into the wooden box.

Ron groans as he gets up, “I’m getting old.”

Joan giggles softly and watches him disappear down the hall. Ron nearly jumps when he sees himself in the hallway mirror, “Babe!” He squeals, “Why am I green!”

The doorbell chimes again  Ron groans and opens the door, “What!”

Freddie blinks looking up at him, “Calm down hulk.” She says tossing her ebony hair over her shoulder.

Ron blushes and grumbles, “What do you need Freddie?”

“Your wife.”  She walks past him, her heels clicking against the floor, Regina follows behind her nearly knocking him on his ass. Regina stops and stares at Ron,

“Did Joan get to you too?” Regina asks


Regina shows her arm a big green splotch, “Can’t get this shit off, I ran out of that cream shit I was using.”

Ron froze and looked at his face in the mirror. He runs to the bathroom and dunks his head in the sink scrubbing at his skin. With his hands and a rag, he got the water a greenish color. It was running down his face but it was tinted green now. Ron runs to Joan, “Joan!”

Joan jumps and whirls around as Freddie fidgets with her shirt buttons, “Ron! You scared me!”

“I’m going to get my revenge for this!” He points to his face.

The woman starts laughing and Ron scoops up Joan making her squeal and kick, “Ronnie!”

Ron peppers her with kisses smearing the green mess all over her. She squeals and kicks him in the knee by accident; they both topple down. They laugh as the other 

women look at them like they’re crazy.

“Dogpile!” Regina jumps down on them cackling like a madman.

Joan screams and her arms flail about in a surprised panic. Freddie giggles and leaps down her skirt pools around her like a dark blue ocean, Ron can’t see anything.

“Joan! Regina! Fred! “ It was Brianna, she has a small bag with her, “I got the stuff you texted me about. Hope you don’t mind that I let myself in!”

“No I don’t care.” Joan says muffled under Freddie’s skirt and Regina’s ass.

Brianna helped the women up and tries to help Ron up. They got situated back on the couch and Brianna hands the bag to Regina who thanks her with a small smile. Her wheat blond hair frizzled up now a devious smirk on her thick lips.

“This is what I was talking about!” She shakes the bag, “This the only thing that helped me get rid of that green goop.”

She slathers it on Ron’s face he gags and shudders, “Smells like chemical plant.”

“It’s vegan.” Brianna pipes up like that would fix anything about the smell, “And it’s not animal tested.”

“Yeah because when they tried they ran away from it!” Ron sputters as Regina holds his head still.

They all share a small laugh and Regina takes Ron to the bathroom nearly tripping on her untied shoelace. They follow Regina to see what she has planned for poor old Ron.

She dunks his head in the sink and washes him off telling him to hold still and be good. Ron flips her off once she’s done, “Thanks for your help.”

“I should have left you green.” Regina tuts looking over at Joan.

Joan giggles and goes to put the stage makeup up, “Well that was fun wasn’t it.”

Ron rolls his eyes, “You’re a dork but you’re my dork.”

Ron stands on his tippy toes and kisses her sweetly. Regina whoops and hollers, “Get some ass Joan!”

Joan rolls her eyes giggling softly into the kiss. She slings her arms around his neck and makes out with him. Regina whoops louder and the married couple pulls away laughing bumping their foreheads together.

Joan grabs her makeup bag, “Now I’ll actually do your makeup.”

Ron sits down and lets Joan style his face. Once done she turns to her friends, “Now ladies, who wants their makeup done?”

Freddie chuckles, “I don’t think you have my color.” She nudges Regina, “Maybe she needs a makeover!”

Regina hisses and crosses her arms, “I hate makeup.”

“Oh come on,” Freddie teases, “One of us! One of us!”

Regina sticks her tongue out and gets up, “I’ll go make us some dinner. How does Chinese sound?”

“You mean ordering Chinese?” Joan teases, 

Regina laughs, “Yeah. I can’t cook.” She walks to the kitchen to get the phone.

Freddie turns facing Joan she grabs the makeup from her, “How about your turn now, Mrs. Tetzlaff?”

Joan giggles and squeals, “Let Ron do it. I owe it to him.”

Ron smiles and kisses his wife sweetly, “I’m going to make you beautiful dear.”

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