Breaky: Letters From My Love

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The party is loud and John can’t take it. He doesn’t understand why his parents want him to get married so soon. He hated everyone here. He really did. John thinks it's because his father is sickly and John's the ripe adult age of 16. Blossoming into adulthood in their land. He needed a mate.

John leaves for the garden which only his family is allowed in and a few respected guests. He stops in his tracks seeing some sitting on the stone bench.

She had long dark curly hair, pale, and scrawny. She had the most beautiful hazel eyes and plump pink lips. She was so beautiful. But John didn't know what to trust.

John approaches cautiously, "Excuse me ma'am? What are you doing here?" 

"I needed to rest." She replied, "My feet hurt." 

John watches her movement as she stands up, "I'm Dame Brianna May." she bows,

"Prince John Deacon." He bows too and they headbutt each other falling on their asses.

Brianna laughs and poor John is mortified. He apologises over and over again. Brianna laughs it off and helps him up. She's got a strong grip that makes John weak at the knees.

They got to talking and flirting around before John's father ripped him away from Brianna and demanded she leave. She's not from their land, the colors of her sheath on her sword give it away. Plus they would never allow a woman to be a knight.

John fights against his father but he loses and Brianna leaves waving a sad goodbye to John. John spends the rest of his time in his room and refuses to come out. The first time he felt love and his father ripped it out of his hands.

A few days later a pigeon lands inside his room with paper tied to its ankle. John hastily untied it trying to be careful not to rip it. He tried to think of anyone who uses pigeon anymore,  it's all about horses anymore,

"My Dearest,  John

I told you truly that I love you too much. You engross my thoughts too entirely to allow me to think of anything elsenyou not only employ my mind all day; but you intrude upon my sleep. I meet you in every dream and when I wake I cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness. ‘Tis a pretty story indeed that I am to be thus monopolized, by a little nut-brown maid like you and from a statesman and a soldier metamorphosed into a puny lover. I believe in my soul you are an enchantress; but I have tried in vain, if not to break, at least, to weaken the charm—you maintain your empire in spite of all my efforts—and after every new one, I make to withdraw myself from my allegiance my partial heart still returns and clings to you with increased attachment. To drop figure my lovely boy you become dearer to me every moment. I am more and more unhappy and impatient under the hard necessity that keeps me from you, and yet the prospect lengthens as I advance. 

Until We Speak Again. Forever yours, Brianna." 

John felt himself get choked up. He felt tears welling up. He kisses the letter and hides it under his pillow. He hastily scribbled a letter back before groaning and crumbling it up. It wasn't perfect for his, Brianna.

The pigeon pecks at his desk eating little seeds and bread crumbles from breakfast earlier in the day.

John scratches the pigeon's head and manages to write a letter back to his beloved dame. John was excited and scared this was the first time he's ever rebelled against his parents. Let alone his dying father but he knew something was special about Brianna.

Brianna had a way with words that made John weak and he didn't understand it and that just made him want Brianna more. The letters turned to talking about John running off to be with Brianna. Brianna sent his one last letter before John would leave the castle for the first time. Two days and he would run, 

"My love, 

 Though the period of our reunion in reality approaches it seems further off. Among other causes of uneasiness, I dread lest you should imagine, I yield too easily to the barrs that keep us asunder; but if you have such an idea you ought to banish it and reproach yourself with injustice. A spirit entering into bliss, heaven opening upon all its faculties, cannot long more ardently for the enjoyment, than I do my darling Johnny, to taste the heaven that awaits me in your bosom. Is my language too strong? It is a feeble picture of my feelings—no words can tell you how much I love and how much I long—you will only know it when wrapt in each other's arms. We give and take those delicious caresses which love inspires and marriage sanctifies.

Please never forget. Your beau, Brianna HM." 

John picks up his own pen and begins to write feverishly. This would be their last letters to each other until they're face to face again. He's shaking just thinking about it, 

"My darling,  Brinnie

Your last letter is as old as the middle of Sept. I'll be dressed in plain civilian clothes and my hair will be shorn. It will be just as you please; so consult your whim and what you think most consistent with propriety. If you mean to follow our plan of being secretly married then yes. We're still going to get married. I long to see you soon.

Forever Yours, 

John R. Deacon"

He sends it off and packs a bag. He stole some clothes from his servants. He had to dress normal and not be a sore thumb in the crowd.  John was so excited when the final day came. He had his servant boy Freddie who was 14 slice off John’s hair and hide the hunks in the barn.

The two walk side by side through the kingdom. John was shocked at how many people spit at them or even whispered under their breaths about them. Most likely good things weren’t said. They go into the woods hand in hand, 

“Be quiet, I heard monsters live here.” Freddie whispers,

John rolls his eyes and peeks out from behind a tree trying to see around. They were far from the kingdom now, away from civilization now, “The coast looks clear.” John says stepping out and onto a branch.

It snaps beneath his foot and they hold their breath. There was a low snarl and before they can blink a creature comes running out of the cave and snatches them up using its claws, 

“My home.” the dragon snarls, “You’re not meant to be here humans.”

“Please we are just trying to find our friend!” Freddie shouts behind held upside down,

“I’m so hungry.” replied the dragon looking at Freddie,

“Put us down!” John kicks and squirms

The sound of hooves fills the air and the dragon raises them up higher, “No man can defeat me! You cannot fight out of this!”

A knight comes charging out from the shrubbery. Sword plunging into the belly of the beast, “Good thing I’m no man then.” the knight says taking off their helmet,

John gasps, “Brianna!”

The dragon shifts back into a human with a snake tail dropping John and Freddie. Brianna caught John like how a groom would carry a bride on their wedding day.

 “I meant no human can defeat me. But uh I’ll let you have your humans back for now.” The shifter yanks the sword out from their bowels and hands it back to Brianna. They slitter back into their cave.

“I hate jokesters like that.” Brianna growls nuzzling John and kisses his head, “You look handsome with short hair.” She smiles.

“I’m okay!” Freddie shouts from the bushes climbing out and running over to them.

The three of them look at each other. Brianna takes John’s hand and gestures for Freddie, “Time to start our new lives. Together as a family.”

John kisses her sweetly and together the three of them disappear into the late summer night to start their newest journey together.

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