Breaky: Dont Play Game

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The party was booming, the music vibrated the woods and everybody was dancing around.  John sits in a little nook on a stump sipping his little cup of punch he was curled up. He was only here since Freddie dragged him along. He wished he stayed home. The noise was too much.

The lights gets blocked as a tall curly haired man lumbers over stepping around people with his mile long legs. His name was Brian he’s the popular nerdy kid who usually had a flock of buddies following him like he’s mama duck. John doesn't see any friends with him, just Brian.

“Hey.” Brian says softly, “Care to dance?”

“I don’t dance.” John says wishing he was smaller he looks at the grass and ladybug crawling. He glances up at Brian,

"Oh come on. You look like you can dance." Brian grins his little fangs showing. 

For some reason that made John's heart skip a beat. The damn little smile. John uncurls himself and tosses his drink into the trash, "Fine let's dance."

Brian takes him by the hand and they get absorbed into the crowd of sweaty bodies. John's head was pressed against Brian's chest. Brian eases him into a less crowded area. They slowly begin to dance hand and hand learning each other's movements. Now John wasn't the greatest dancer but he can dance and he swept Brian off his feet.

They dance the night away pressed against each other. They make it out into the garden area laughing and joking. 

John stumbles a little and Brian catches him, "Easy there." 

John blushes, his face has been burning the entire night. Brian squeezes his hands, 

"You're very handsome tonight." Brian flirts leaning in. John pushes his chest,  

"Don't play games with me."  

Brian touches his cheek caressing the warm flesh,  "I'm not playing games."

John leans into his touch laying his hand on top of Brian's, 

"Promise me?" John says softly, "Don't break me." 

Brian leans in and kisses him, 

 "I will never ever hurt you or break your heart." the twenty-four year old tells him.

John kisses him back slowly and gingerly like he was scared to get hurt. Brian pulls him closer and puts a hand on his lower back.

"Why don't I buy you a drink?" Brian asks pointing to the small bar,

"Oh you don't want me drunk." John giggles a littler nervous.

Brian offers John a Roy Rogers which John accepts and the two sit outside the party area talking and sipping on drinks.

"You said you were in college? What are you majoring in?" Brian asks,

"Electrical engineering." John replies casually,

"Damn really big brains you have," Brian chuckles, "I'm going to be a astrophysicist." 

"Damn," John says slinging a arm around Brian, "Someone's got really big brains." 

Brian blushes and giggles nervously, "Nah.."

"Maybe you got something else bigger too." John flirts getting closer to Brian. John is hoping Freddie's teachings will pay off.

Brian nearly chokes on his drink and he laughs nervously. His face going red and the blood is flowing in different areas,

"Don't pop a boner here. Don't pop a boner here… think naked grannies,  think naked grannies.."  Brian thinks to himself crossing his legs.

John kisses his jaw a little,  "We'll just have to find out later." 

Freddie and a drunk blond guy named Roger comes over. Roger is carrying a shit ton of illegal fireworks. Which thankfully distracts John and Brian can cool off as they all wander to a clearing.

Brian takes John's hand as they watch Roger light one and run for cover behind a metal barrel, "Hey Brian," John says softly,

"Yes babe?" Brian kisses his cheek and flinched as the fireworks go off,

"No playing games right? You love me?" 

"Yes I do love you." Brian says leaning in for a kiss.

Freddie runs by screaming as his coat has been lit ablaze. Roger had his right hand over his heart and was singing the national anthem,

"God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen."

Brian shoves Freddie down and John pours his drink on Freddie is yelling gibberish at them, "Stop! Drop and roll motherfucker!" 

Roger stumbles over, "He's speaking Indian again." 

"Indian is a nationality not a language and he's not speaking any language right now." Brian says peeling Freddie out of his burned soaked coat, "He's in a state of shock." 

"£120 wasted!" Freddie cries,

"At least you're alive." John tries to look at the positives.

"Yeah at least I'm alive." Freddie dries his tears, smearing mascara all over making him look like a racoon.

He folds up his coat,  "Maybe Mary can fix it?"

“Maybe.” John says even if he knows the coat is trashed.

Freddie thumps Roger over the head with the coat, “And I’m never ever going on another date with you!”

Roger holds his head and pouts, “Baby!” He trips over his feet and lands in the dirt as Freddie runs from the scene.

Brian puts his arm around John’s waist and walks him back to the parking lot, “So feel like a second date?” He jokes

John laughs, “How about a proper first date and we’ll go from there.”

“Mm, a first date sounds nice. I can take you to the movies on Monday. How does that sound?” Brian asks,

“That sounds lovely.” John blushes, “Tribble’s Theater right?”

“Yep, the one and only Tribble’s.”

John giggles, “I can’t imagine naming my business after my cat.”

Brian chuckles, “Sounds like something Freddie would do.”

They walk hand and hand to John’s car, “I guess this is where we say goodbye?”

“Yeah.” John kisses his cheek, “See you Monday.”

“Hey.” Brain grabs John’s wrist, “Why don’t I pick you up Monday?”

“Hmm..” John looks up at him, “Okay I live at [random British address].” 

“I’ll pick you up at 7 then.” Brian leans some and kisses him, “Don’t forget.”

John giggles, “I won’t forget my dear Brian.”

John gets in the car and drives away from the party. Brian’s heart is racing and he can’t believe how lucky he is. Brian’s face seems permanently reddened now but he can’t wipe the lovesick from his face as he thinks of John. Oh he can’t wait for Monday. He’ll prove to John he’s not playing games.

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