Breaky: Lets Sleep Beneath The Stars

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John tosses the bag into the Jeep and hops in. Brian goes over the list and John just nods to it all having heard it for the bazillion time that day,

“So we got everything?” Brian asks for the millionth time today,

“Yes daddy.” John says sarcastically rolling his eyes

That earned him a swat on the thigh and Brian telling him to hush up or they weren’t going camping anymore. John reclines the seat and closes his eyes. Brian starts singing along to the rock station which was blasting Led Zeppelin’s latest hit “Stairway to Heaven”.

John cat naps for a bit despite Brian singing at the top of his lungs to rock music, and John thought Brian’s snoring was bad. They arrive at the campsite and the owner gives them a small golf cart to get their stuff to base. Brian straps everything into the back it was holding on with rope and John gripping what he can.

“So have you ever been camping before?” Brian asks,

“A few times, when I was a knee baby.” John says, “And once when I was a tween.”

“I guess we got a lot to learn because I’ve never been camping before.” Brian laughs,

“We’re going to die out there.” John jokes trying to hold back his laughter

"Nah we're too cute to die." 

They both break out into giggles and laughter as they pull into base. They tie the golf cart up to a tree using a rope then they started unpacking but decided on the tent last. They wanted to have some fun first. 

They head to the lake and strip down to their birthday suits they jumped in and swam around. Splashing and laughing like little kids at a summer party. They climb out bug bitten and a little red from being in the sun.  John starts slattering then in sunscreen and anything that can protect them from the sun, 

"No getting sunburnt." John says dabbing a wad of cream onto Brian's forehead,  "You're so pale."

"Maybe I'm a vampire!" Brian says, "Blah! Blah!" He doves down and attacks John's neck with little bites and licks.

"Wha! Brian!" John squeals and laughs dropping the sunscreen bottle.

"Blah blah!" Brian shouts standing back up,

John gingerly touches the freckle on Brian's lip, "You do have the fangs to be a vampire." 

Brian giggles and kisses him smearing sunblock all over. They laugh and chase each other around base. They have a gay time together.

Brian scoops up John and nuzzles his neck, "I want to suck your blood! Blah! Blah!" 

John laughs and shoves him off, "Okay enough is enough. My neck is sore." 

Brian kisses his neck lovingly, "Sorry baby." 

John nuzzles him, "It's okay you didn't mean to." 

They go on a small hike following the trail. John picks some flowers and braids them into Brian's hair. He told Brian that he looked like a God.

It soon gets cooler and the sun gets lower they scamper to the little campsite and John gets the grill going standing only in his boxers and Brian searches for their tent.

“Hey babe?” Brian calls, 

“Where’s our tent?”

John walks over and grabs it, Brian thanks him and gets it set up. Brian’s pretty sure his feet will be sticking out of the tent but it made John happy so Brian bought it. 

They had their dinner and wine, roast some s’mores and tell spooky ghost stories. 

"So my man Harris was a grave digger okay?" John says with the torch held under his chin, "So he dug the graves for them dead folk." 

"Okay." Brian giggles softly, 

"And this was back in the 1800s or some shit where they had bells hooked to graves in case one of the dead was just in a coma or taking a really long nap. " 

Brian tries to hold back a giggle. He stuffs a s'more into his mouth, "And one day this bell is just a ringing singing on this one woman's grave. So Harris walks over with his shovel and asks, 'Are you Sarah Thorn?'" 

Brian leans in to listen better, "The woman screams yes that she is Sarah Thorn. Harris asked, "And you died February 9th?'" 

Brian sits up, chewing on a hang nail, "Ms. Thorn replies yes once again and begs to be let out. My man Harris says, "I'm sorry, Ms.Thorn, it's October. You're not Sarah Thorn.' and he grabs a clump of grass and plugs up the bell." John finishes,

"Wow, so scary." Brian says dusting crumbs off of himself as he yawns,  "I think it's time for bed."

"Yes, bedtime sounds wonderful right now." John turns off the torch and they feel their way to their small tent. It would be a miracle if their tent would survive a storm. 

Then they crawl into their tent for the night. And Brian was right his feet did poke out a little bit but it made John happy to have this tent. Brian fishes his penguin plushie out of his bag and cuddles it. He pulls up his penguin blanket,

"What's with you and penguins?" John teases, 

Brian giggles and kisses his cheek,  "Goodnight, my favorite penguin." 

John blushes and kisses his cheek back, "Goodnight my favorite tree." 

John snakes his arms around Brian and tosses his leg around his waist. Soon they fall asleep.

Few hours later John is woken up by a breeze. He thinks Brian stole the blankets but when he looks he realizes something.

John nudges Brian awake, “Hey babe. What do you see?”

Brian faces up, “Millions of stars.” He croaks not fully awake,

“And what does that mean?” John asks,

“Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo." Brian rubs his face, “What does it mean to you Johnny cakes?”

“It means someone stole our tent!” John says getting up.

Brian rubs his face more and gathers their bedding up into a nest of sorts, “Don’t panic my dear.”

John looks a little startled as Brian pulls him down on top of him, “Let’s sleep beneath the stars my love.”

John kisses his cheek, “You know how to make everything romantic.”

Brian snores loudly and drools on John he’s already fallen back asleep. John giggles softly and wraps around Brian. John is so glad he snatched up this little nerd. Brian can make everything alright even being robbed.

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