Maycury: Nightmares

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Freddie runs his feet pounding against the forest floor. Branches and twigs snap underneath his feet. The dogs howled and sweat pours down Freddie’s exhausted body. He felt sick, everything seemed to spin, he could barely breathe, he wanted to throw up or fall down and cry. Freddie grabs a branch panting heavily, some of the wood dug into his hands cutting it. His chest throbbing and he could taste blood from the harsh running in the cold. His husband of four years was dead, murdered in cold blood, they slaughtered him right before Freddie’s very eyes. Stabbing and slicing him open as he screamed helpless cries into the night. They took his hands and burned the rest of him. Freddie vomits again and again until his stomach is emptied.
 The twenty-eight year old looks at his blood soaked hands and begins to cry and wail. He can’t live with Brian… he can’t…

Freddie bolts up in bed drenched in a cold sweat, he’s shaking all over. The soft lullaby music playing fills his ears and his hands fly around the bed. He feels over on Brian’s side needing comfort that only Brian could give to him. He doesn’t feel Brian there. He groped around and threw the blankets about making the cat screech from being flung. Brian wasn't there. Panic and fear takes over. Freddie calls out for Brian but doesn’t get an answer back. The young man steps out of bed, the coldness of the hardwood floor numbs his feet but he doesn’t care he has to find Brian.

Freddie walks to the front of the room and peeks into the crib. Their little one is still sound asleep. Freddie kisses their little one on their head and heads down the hall. The floorboards creak and groan at Freddie like he weighs a gazillion pounds or something. Freddie peeks into the kitchen seeing the light was on, “Brian baby?”

No answer again. Freddie’s nightmare replays in his head over and over again. The blood, the screaming, the look on Brian’s face as he died. Freddie covers his ears and lets out a small scream of frustration,

“Brian!” Freddie cries 

The back door opens and Brian comes in with some wrapped boxes. He sets them down and races over to Freddie who’s in a distressed state. Brian wraps his arms around Freddie’s chest and carries him to the couch. Freddie cries into Brian’s chest curled up on his lap like an infant.
rubs Freddie’s back and whispers words of comfort to him. Freddie was as light as a father sometimes,

“Please don’t ever leave me.” Freddie cries sniffling and crying all over Brian.

Brian kisses his lips sweetly, “I won’t ever do that to you. I promise.”

Freddie sniffles and nuzzles his face into Brian’s chest, “Why did you leave the bed and go into the backyard?”

“Well your birthday is tomorrow’s” Brian looks at the clock and sees that it’s midnight, “Your birthday is today so I was bringing in your gifts from the garage.”

Freddie hugs him tight, “You’re so smart.”

“Nah. I have you. You’re smarter.” Brian tickles him, making him laugh and squeal, “You’re my little calculator.”

“God you’re a dork.” Freddie giggles, “A big dorky dork.” 

“You love me though.” Brain grins, “And all my nerdiness too!”

“True, very fucking true.” Freddie kisses him sweetly the nightmare is slowly leaving his head as he snuggles into Brian’s neck and smells his scent. He can’t believe he’s married to Dr. Brian May. They were high school sweethearts too. And they got a perfect little miracle sound asleep upstairs… all alone….. just left there by their lonesome.

Freddie leaps off Brian’s lap and races upstairs. The nightmare and mothers panic sets in, his mind can’t stop racing now. He can only think of them getting to his baby like they did in his nightmares. Freddie trips over the rug and bangs his knee on the small end table but he doesn’t care. He keeps running.

He can hear Brian follow behind him. The older man opens the bedroom door slowly. Nothing was out of place and their little one was still sound asleep. Freddie’s heart races as he looks around like some boogeyman might come out and snatch them up.

“Can you tell me what that dream was about now?” Brian asks sitting on the bed, Freddie lays next to him,

“They found us and took Rube away… we went on the run together from the law…”

Brain rubs his thigh, “That sounds bad baby.”

“God, that's not even the worst part.”  Freddie shudders, “They killed you. Mobbed you with pitchforks and daggers…. Killed right in front of me… I was the only one left.” Freddie tears up remembering dream Brian’s face and how helpless they all felt, “I was scared… so.. so scared.” Tears fell down Freddie’s face staining his cheeks and shirt.

Brian kisses him on the forehead then his lips the taste of the salty tears on his lips. Brian holds him close, “I promise everything within my power that would never ever happen.”

“It’s been nearly a year… the dreams have to stop at some point, right?” Freddie whimpers, “It has to.. right? I’m I crazy? Will it stop?”

“They will baby,” Brian strokes Freddie’s hair, “They will… How about you open up one of your gifts early? Does that sound good?”

Freddie sits up, “That sounds nice.” He manages to smile at that.

Brain goes downstairs and returns with a small wrapped box, “Open it up.”

Freddie hastily opens it and gasps grinning wide, “You want another one?”

Freddie flicks through the baby naming book, “Where should we go this time to pick?” Freddie asks,

“Hmm we can’t go to the park, that's where Rube came from… How about Northwest Hospital?” Brian suggests,

Freddie leans up and kisses him, “You’re a bloody genius.”

“My partner in crime.” Brian giggles nuzzling him, “Come on forget about your nightmares and come take a relaxing bath with me.”

The two giggle and head into the bathroom. It was by far the best birthday Freddie has ever had.

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