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OMGGGG holy fuck, it's been one fucking year since I started this shit.... that's so insane to me,!

lemme start off by saying thank yalll sooooo much for 73k reads on this story that I literally thought was one gonna get a 100 and thats it like holy shit that's like 70k people reading this story I made up when I was high asf and stressed asf.

this journey has beeeeen crazy like a year later and I've written 2 complete books and 2 upcoming ones like wtf!!! 

I rly hope y'all enjoy this crazy story that doesn't make sense at some parts (ik im sorry eventually I'll do a deep editing when I have time in my life I swearrr and make it make sense) but thank you so much for sticking through it and enjoying it and ahhh!!

may I just mention I love reading yall's comments like I read every single one of them and they make me giggle in the middle of work or ill be like "OMGG true" like its crazy! I love y'all so much and ur lil comments.

ok imma stop here bc usually it gets all sappy and sad but there's no sadness here! only happiness! so if you're new here hi, I hope you enjoy this crazy fucked up world I created from my mind that was all fucked up on the green leaf LMAO. and if you're not new and just going back through it then hi ily and hopefully you enjoy my other work just as much!

which brings me to a lil self-promo :) if you haven't alreaddddy I have another COMPLETED PETE fic, Sympathy for the Devil, not as long as this one but just as much drama and a tad bit more smut ;) ;)

anddd my on-going one which is probably gonna be the longest shit I;ve ever written before is called The Lovers and in my opinion fucking love it, fucking bad ass main character alongside a bad ass Pete Davidson, like hello? what more could u ask for!

and finally, my fourth book! The first chapter isn't up yet but I'm heavily debating just saying fuck it and uploading it but idk, u tell me, u want that shit?? or no? idk. you decide. it's 5000 words long so do what you will with that LMAO. ( the cast, description, visuals are up tho if u wanna get hyped for it).

okay ill stop! go back to reading this crazy lil world and I'll go back to creating more crazy lil Pete worlds for you hehe, sry if this interrupted y'all but <3 just wanted to say a quick lil hi, thank you, and ily!!!!!! <3

okay ill stop! go back to reading this crazy lil world and I'll go back to creating more crazy lil Pete worlds for you hehe, sry if this interrupted y'all but <3 just wanted to say a quick lil hi, thank you, and ily!!!!!! <3

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Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now