chapter 1

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Emma's P.O.V

" Ugh...." I bellowed still unpacking boxes. I've lived in England for a month and I still have a lot to unpack. I'm such a procrastinator.

" Emma!" That was my roommate, Monica. We are both from America. she has been my bestfriend for a long time. I just turned 18 and used that opportunity to leave my dreadful past behind me and start over.

"What?" I scream. I brought the last box up to my room. My room was typical. I painted it blue. My bed was in the far right corner of the room next to the window. I have always loved looking outside. It gave me inspiration when I couldn't think of anything to write or draw.

"Hurry your lazy ass up so we can go shopping." She screamed.

I could tell she was down stairs. She got her packing done last week. I get distracted with my singing, writing and drawing. I opened the last box. I smiled looking at 5 beautiful faces gazing up at me. I pulled out my One Direction poster up kissed it then put it on my wall. they brighten up my room so much. I continued adding more posters to my wall.

" Ok I'm done." I scream down to her.

I looked around my room in amazement. I quickly change into black skinny jeans, a blue areopostale shirt and a black beanie. I looked in my long mirror. I was impressed, I actually looked nice. I knew I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't drop dead gorgeous either I was just average. I had deep blue eyes and long, wavy brown hair. My foster mom always told me I was going to be something great one day. I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my purse. I ran down the stairs two at a time.

" Ok let's go." She said hopping up from the couch in excitement. We walked out the front door. Nica locked the door as I started the car.

The car ride was short and quiet. Well except for the radio it was playing Kiss You by One Direction.

When we finally got to the mall she went to Victoria's Secret and I went to Hollister. Hollister is my favorite store. I went to the back of the store where their clearance section was located. I was surrounded by a lot of posters of half naked, but extremely sexy men on the wall.

As I was looking at a cute shirt I backed up and I bumped into 5 boys wearing black sweatshirts and Raybans. I fell to the floor looked up at the 5 boys already staring back down at me.

" I'm so sorry" I say while one of them was helping me off the ground.

" Its fine." One of them said in a thick Irish accent. Wait Irish accent? 5 boys!

" Y-Your." Is all I managed to say. Before I could finish. My mouth was being covered by one of the boys.

" If you promise not to scream Ill let you go." He said with a smile. I could tell it was Louis he was usually never serious. I knodded and he let me go.

" I'm Emma." I said holding out my hand.

" Well we dont need to introduce ourselves since you know us already." One of the boys said. I believe it was Liam. He laughed a bit.

"Your beautiful." Harry said with a cheeky smile.

" Thank you" I said trying to hold back my inner fan girl. My face was proabably bright red.

"No problem, love. Would you mind coming back with us to our flat?" Harry asked. His dimples were so cute.

" Um...Sure. But I'm here with my friend Nica." I managed to say calmly.

" She can come too." Niall said with a smile. I walked out of Hollister with 5 boys following me. I walked over to the escalator and climbed on we went downstairs to were Victoria's Secret was located.

I didn't talk to the boys but they were quietly talking amongst themselves. I walked into Victoria's Secret and looked for Monica. I turned around to see 3 of the 5 boys following me.

" Um...what are you guys doing?" I asked them confused.

"Looking for this Nica girl with you. " Louis said eyeing the bras and underwear that was on every stand and shelf in the store. I ignored them and continue looking for Monica.

" Hey are you ready because I met some very important people that want us to go to there flat with them" I whispered in her ear pointing to 3 of the boys.

" who are they?" she whispered back.

" One Direction." I said. all she could do was smile. she payed for her things and we left the mall and headed over to there flat. the car ride was pretty interesting.

" so Emma you and Niall are looking pretty close back there." Louis said with a grin. Niall and I were holding hands. I don't know why. our hands fit perfect together.

" Louis I'm no afraid to come up there and.cut your balls off." I said with a grin. zayn high fived me and Niall laughed his beautiful laugh.

" you wouldn't dare." Louis said.

" oh why wouldn't I." I said with an evil grin.

" because you love me and I'm the sassmaster from Doncaster." Louis said snapping his fingers in a z formation.we all laughed. the rest of the ride was pretty quiet.

~Authors note~  

So what do you think? should I continue?comment and vote. if you like it look up Haillehoran and read I loved you first I wrote it. follow me on Twitter


thanks guys..

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