chapter 34

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Dedication tooo.....

AlinaDesirreRosa, Newyorkgirly, futuremrshoran031799, haillehoran

all your comments made me smile.


Monica's P.O.V

oh my lord she emailed me. I have to text her


To: Emma mah bestiee

OMG your alive.. its ok I forgive you. we all love and miss you so much. Louis isn't his normal self. Niall hasn't eaten since you broke up with him. all he does is sleep and we can barely get him to say one word. emma this boy needs you. now.

"Louis William Tomlinson get your ass back here now." I screamed from the back lounge of the bus.

"What?" he barked.

"I have amazing news. and you know what I didn't even have to use my plan. she found me." I cheered

"No..your kidding..right?" he said completely shocked.

"Im not. im texting her now. heres her number." I say handing him my phone he pulls out his phone and adds her number.

"What are you doing now?" I asked

"Im sending her number to the boys." he said calmly

"Ok." I say

"So what happens next?" he asks

"well like I thought she is in Colorado. so we will go see her. she gave me her room number. then we make a plan on how to get them together. she told me that she still loves him and she made a mistake. so we wil stay in Colorado until her cancer is gone which if I might add is almost completely gone." I said as a matter of factly.

"Ok whats your plan from there?" he asked intrigued.

before I answered him I answered the text from Emma.

From: emma mah bestie

ok that's great but thanks for making my phone explode. I have texts from all of the boys...yes even niall. and why is paul texting me? oh and the other girls are too. when are you going to be here?

I laughed at her text.

To: emma mah bestie

sorry. I don't know why he is texting you and we will be there next week. we have a few more concerts here in Nebrask then two in Kansas then we will be there. so how are you feeling?

"Ok so my plan is to take her from the hospital once she is all better. then take her with us back on tour. " I said

"Oh well nice plan." he said sarcaticly.

"well I want to go to Disney land when we are in California." I said

"me too." he said happily. Louis walked out of the room and went to go talk to the boys I just decided to text Emma.

Emma's P.O.V

To: Monica

im doing well. its almost gone.

I lied to her. well not technically. I am dong well and it is almost gone. but now I have no hair. and im so tired. the doctor now has me on Chemo too. she says it helps kill it. today I have a surgery planned to see if they can just remove it. I hope they can.

I didn't tell monica about it though. I don't want her or anyone else to worry. I also asked the doctor to get me a wig that looks just like my old hair, just to wear until my hair grows back. well she found one and it looks great. I love it.

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