chapter 28

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A/N~ ok I got three votes so here is the next chapter......enjoy

I cant sleep. Niall was sound asleep, but I couldn't. I tried but no. tonight kept on replaying over and over in my head. I haven't even spoken since then.

he had a gun to my head. poor Louis, innocent Lou. he walked in at the wrong moment. I felt my father move the gun from my head to point at Louis.

everything moved so fast. next thing I knew niall shot him in the arm. those few moments replayed over. they were permanently pressed into my head. I knew I will never forget tonight. no matter how much I try.

I turned to face the boy who saved my life. he was sound asleep. he looked so peaceful, almost angelic. then he started to snore lightly. ha-ha still cute.

his arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. i slowly lifted it up and set it beside him. before getting up to go to the living area of the bus I lightly kissed niall's cheek.

I slipped out from under the covers and tip toed to the front of the bus. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

I forgot that it was off. I turned it back on it lit up 10 seconds later revealing and apple symbol. that stayed there for about 30 more seconds. once I put my pass word in I noticed I had several missed calls and some new voice mails.

they were all from my foster mom. it was around 1:30 a.m  but I didn't care. I pressed her contact on my phone and called her back.

"Hello?" a boys voice questioned from the other end. it was one of the twins. I had lived with them for years, but even now I couldn't tell you which one was Ryan or which one was Adam.

"Hey!" I said

"Emma?" the voice questioned.

"Yeah." I replied.

"This is Ryan." he said like he could read my mind. they could always do that. I was really close to only 4 people while I was in my foster home. that would be Monica, Ryan, Adam and my foster mom.

"Sorry for calling so late I couldn't sleep and I just turned my phone on. I didn't get a chance to listen to my messages though. so what's going on?" I asked totally clueless.

"Um...Well mom died." he said in a pained voice.

"How?" I asked trying to hold back tears. she may not have been my real mom but for the past few years she was the closest thing to it. I even called her mom. I didn't think of her being any less.

"K-Kyle. He worked with your fucked up father. he-he shot her then told me he is going to find you and teach you a well deserved lesson. that's why I called. he's coming for you emma." he said crying into the phone. "I don't want anything to happen to you." he sobbed.

Ryan and Adam were like my real brothers. they were only 16 but they acted quite mature. I guess it's because they were taken away from there family at such a young age they had to grow up so fast. I feel so bad for them.

"W-When?" I said tears rolling down my cheek

"3 hours ago." he said "He's been watching you, emma." he said sobbing once more.

"I-I-I don't kn-know what to do." I stuttered. my life is so fucked up.

"I don't know either Emma your like my sister that I never had. after he raped you 3 years ago I have been planning his death, but I guess he has also been planning mom's as well. but why? please tell me your safe." he pleaded.

"Ryan I really don't know. I think im safe. my boyfriend Niall. he wouldn't let anything happen to me nor would the boys. plus the security is pretty high." I said reassuring my self and Ryan. but I knew that I cant be watched at all time. the boys had concerts and interviews and photo shoots to go to.

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