chapter 26

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when I arrived at MSG I paid the driver then ran inside. I was so excited to see the boys preform again. it was always so surreal to see then preform and to think that im dating Niall freaking Horan from One Direction.

I ran inside. I found the boys rehearsing on stage.

"EMMAAAA!!!!!!!!!" Louis creamed running to me.

"Ooof." I said as he jumped into my arms causing both of us to fall

"you were supposed to catch me." he said in a duh tone of voice.

"why on earth would you expect me to catch a 21 year old boy running at me at a pretty fast pace." I said back

"I thought you were strong." he said

"No im not." I said throwing him off of me.

he giggled then ran onto the stage. god why was he so immature?

I ran onto the stage and engulfed the rest of the boys in a hug. after that I wondered around back stage. I walked with out paying attention in front of me.

"shit." I muttered as I ran into some one. wait red hair. Ed Sheeran?

"Hello." he said with a smile

"Um...hi." I said speechless.

"You must be Emma." he said pulling me into a small hug.

"yeah and your Ed." I said back.

"what are yah up to?" he asks walking beside me down the small corridor.

"Wondering around. what about you?" I asked

"Im singing little things with the boys." he said in return.

"OH." I said.

"You seem distraught. do you want to talk?" he asked clearly reading my emotions.

"Umm...sure. where?" I asked

"my dressing room." he said

"Ok." he took me down the hallway until we reached a door that he was walking in to.

we walked over to a couch and sat down.

"So what's bothering you. oh and don't worry anything you tell me will never leave this room." he said reading my mind once again

"Well earlier I had a pregnancy scare." I said slowly.

"are you? and with Niall?" he asked truly interested.

"No im not and yes with niall." I said.

"Well that's good but then why are you so distraught?" he asked kind of confused.

"well the pregnancy scare just made me think. what if I was? what would niall think? would he leave me? what would happen? would he propose just because I was having his baby? would the hate get worse?" I started to ran questions and what if's.

"im sure niall wouldn't leave you. he loves you. I also think that he wouldn't propose just because you were pregnant. yes I think the hate would get worse. but just know that we are all here for you." he said embracing me into another hug.

"thanks. Ed  it means a lot." I said feeling better.

"im sure your family would be there for you to." he said rubbing my shoulder.

"no they wouldn't." I said with tears well up in my eyes.

"why?" he asked totally clueless.

I decided to tell him. I felt I could trust him.

" my mom had some problems. she had over dosed on alot of drugs and died. my parents were divorced so I had to go move in with my dad and my half sister Kayla. my dad was a horrible alcoholic. I was sleeping over at my friends house one night. that night I guess he got super drunk and when he gets drunk he is very irritable. I guess Kayla got him mad and well he shot my dad went to prison, he was sentenced to life. but what I didn't know was he could get out early on good behavier. well so since both my parents were out of the picture and my other family wanted nothing to do with me. I went into foster care. I lived with 7 other boys and girls. I was the oldest. my foster mom was great. she understood me. but my foster dad was abusive. he often beat me if I didn't listen to the slightest thing. school wasn't much better I got bullied because I lived in a foster home. well my foster mom told me that my dad got out of prison and he's looking for me." I said tears rolling down my cheeks and off my chin.

"Oh my god I had no idea." he said bringing me into another embrace.

"yeah." was all I managed to say.

"well we better go back out there before people start to worry." he says getting up. I got up to and we made our way back to the stage.

Jack's P.O.V (Emma's real dad)

I keep seeing Emma in magazines. she is dating this boy name Niall. hmm a famous one he is. I cant wait to see my daughter.

who am I kidding. I always hated her. she was a disgrace her and Kayla. Kayla got what she deserved. selfish little brats is all they are.

what am I doing? well im hunting emma down. I am going to end her. I always wanted to do it. the night I shot Kayla emma was supposed to be home so I could kill two birds with one stone.

I never wanted kids but no Beth wanted them. she wasn't even a good mother. she only ever did drugs. I had to take care of those stupid disgraces.

they are lucky I didn't kill them off at the beginning when they were first born. I should have.

god why didn't I do that?

well I got out of jail maybe a month or so ago and I have been looking up my sweet daughter, Emma.

I don't know where  she moved to but all I know is she is touring the world with this stupid boy band.

she doesn't deserve to be happy.

when I figure out what hotel she is staying at and what room I will kill her.


ohhh Jack I commin for her.

thanks for the votes and comments and all of the reading



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