chapter 31

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A/N~ ok so lemme say this now murder is and always will be illegal....please remember that...

so I decided to dedicate this chapter to Newyorkgirly, CiaraBranham, and AlinaDesirreRosa for leaving comment that make me smile Hailehoran I would thank you but you threaten to kill me but I will talk to you at school hehe

these days moved to quickly. Eleanor, Perrie Danielle and I were now saying our goodbyes to our friends. we are gonna miss them so much.

"Emma I will call you every night. I hope you get better soon. god I love you so much." Niall said as I hugged him one last time.

"I love you too." I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Flight 367 to England is now boarding." the evil lady said over the intercom.

"that's us well bye guys." I said as we walked to the desk and handed the lady our tickets. we took one last look at the people that we were leaving behind.

I found my seat then sunk deep into it. I put my headphones in to drown out the sound of the cheery people.

I soon drifted off to sleep. slowly but surely I did. then someone made the fatal mistake to wake me up.....who is going to die?

"Emma." a sweet voice said

"DEATHHHH." I screamed my eyes still closed.

"Emma get up we landed." gosh why was Eleanor so sweet?

"Your lucky you could be dead or dyeing right now." I smirked getting up. she gave me a scared look. I laughed then walked off of the plane.

"well you were sleeping we made reservations at a cancer treatment center. and since we cant be with you at all times we made sure it was nice." Danielle said giving me a side hug.

"thanks." I muttered.

I still had to get used to the idea of having cancer, being Louis's sister and now I had to leave my best friend, my boyfriend and my newly found brother. don't get me wrong Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor are amazing but....we weren't that close. close enough but you know.

we got into a car that had our names on it and headed to the center.

"So..." Danielle said breaking the awkward silence

"this must be really hard on you." Eleanor said.

"yeah." I stated hoping they would drop the topic.

"You know if Louis and I ever get married we would be related." she squealed.

well then

"Yeah." I said.

"you look tired." Perrie said.

"yeah." I said back

"is that all you can say?" Danielle questioned with a giggle.

"No." I smiled.

"She has a broader" Danielle gasped.

"Put a 10 inch Payne train in it." I said smiling at my come back. (For those who don't know what that is that my lovelies would be Liam's down town plain and simple.)

"Emma Anne Tomlinson." Danielle screeched.

"Yeah?" I asked innocently.

"How in the world do you know Liam's size?" Danielle asked quite take back by my comment.

"you forgot I am a directioner therefore better then the FBI." I stated with a grin.

"Um..." Eleanor said now realizing I knew her boyfriends size too.

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