chapter 40

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Niall's P.O.V

she said yes. im so happy. you have no idea.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the beach. we walked for a few minutes unit a table with a white table cloth and 2 brightly lit candles came into a view. her face was priceless. I loved it. I cant believe that I will spend the rest of my life with this girl.

I cant wait.

we walked up to the table. I pulled out her chair for her she took her seat and I pushed her in. I took my seat across from her.

"This is beautiful niall." she said looking around,

"well anything for my beautiful fiancé." I said with a wink.

god I love saying that.

she giggled and lifted up the silver platter.

"Steak...yummy." she said. I laughed as I watched her chop the steak up into little pieces. she looked like me in nandos.

I cut up my steak as well.

"so do you want to start talking about ideas for the wedding?" I asked.

"Sure." she said in a happy tone.

"Any ideas already?" I asked interested.

"of course." she said happily.

"Well??" I motioned for her to continue.

"well I think we should have red roses for me, you and the flower girl. and white roses for the bridal party." she said with a smile.

"I love that idea. I think we should dance to little things for our first dance." I said.

"Perfect. I already have my dress picked out." I smiled then laughed.

"Did you expect this?" I joked.

"No im like any other normal girl. I have had this wedding planned out since I was 10. so of course I have a dress." she said as if it was normal.

"I see." I said.

"what should we have for our dinner?" she asked.

god the hardest decision...

the food.

" about steak?" I asked.

"Sure I love steak. we also need a chocolate fountain. im going to be knee deep in details for this wedding. oh I need Eleanor out her. she needs to help me. I know we should get married in Mullingar, Ireland." she rambled on.

"ok. yes. yes you are but I will help, and yeah we should." I said.

"yay." she yelped.

god I have never seen her so excited.

it's quite adorable. we talked through dinner and dessert about other things and when we should get started. things like that.

"alright love you might want to put your shoes back on." I said as I slipped mine on.

"yeah." she said as she put hers back on. I grabbed her hand in mine and led her across the street to where Louis was waiting.

"hello love birds." Louis cooed.

"shut it." emma said as she started to blush.

how cute.

we got into the car and drove back to the hotel.

"You need to get El out here SOON." emma said.

"yeah, yeah." he said.

"No I mean call her tonight and get her out here by Friday. I need her here to help plan this wedding and so you can propose so we can plan both of these weddings." emma said.

"ok and I don't think you should help us plan our wedding. I mean I don't even know if she  will say yes. plus its so much work just planning one wedding lets take this one at a time." Louis said.

"Fine." she huffed.

I laughed ay her childish gesture.

"what?" she said.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Tell me." she begged.

"its just that..." I said purposely stopping.

"Its just what?" she asked.

"Its just that your adorable no matter what you do." I felt my cheeks heat up after I said that. she crawled over to me and sat on my lap. I un buckled myself and then wrapped it around us both. she leaned back and fell asleep.

ok she's even cute when she sleeps


ok sorry for the short chapter

so im going to write another fanfic its going to be a Harry fanfic and im starting it today so the first part will be up tonight read it if you want

also yes there will be a second book. so seriously long live NEMMA

in the book im starting now it has NOTHING to do with she's not afraid or still the one. (btw still the one is going to be the name of the sequel) oh and I wont be writing the sequel anytime soon there is still so much to be written in this book.




love you guys

bye my lovlies

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