chapter 21

817 12 2

Emma's P.O.V

it was Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor. I was so happy.

"I've missed you so much." Perrie said nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.

"I missed you too." Zayn said.

"Hey guys." Eleanor and Danielle said awkwardly.

"Oh hey." Zayn said running his hand through his hair.

"Where are Louis and Liam?" Eleanor asked peering around the room.

"Sleeping. you guys should go lay next to them so they will be surprised In the morning." niall said with a smile.

"Emma!" Danielle whisper screamed.

"Danielle, Eleanor!" I whisper screamed.

I ran into the two girls holding there arms wide open.

"We need to have a girls day tomorrow while the boys do there own thing." Eleanor suggested while holding her arms out to Nica as well.

"Yeah." I exclaimed.

"Well we should get to sleep. tomorrow the boys and I have and interview and a concert so you guys should have a girls day." harry said starring at Nica.

we all said our good night. harry,nica,niall,and I all went back to our rooms. Eleanor and Danielle climbed into bed with there boyfriends.

Niall pushed the door open. I ran to our awaiting bed. I literally jumped into the bed. I plopped down face first.

niall laughed then did the same.

I flipped over and faced niall. he gave me a smile. I scooted closer to niall.

his arm wrapped around my waist. my head was on his chest.

"Good night Emma." niall said. he was half asleep.

"good night nialler." I was soon asleep.


the next morning I was so excited for the girls day I hopped out of bed.I kissed the sleeping niall on the cheek then ran to the bathroom.

I took my clothes of then jumped into the inviting warm water.I woke up instantly. I washed my body then my hair. I decided to shave as well.

I turned the shower off then hopped out. I picked up my dirty clothes. I walked over to my open suit case and set the clothes in there. I picked out the white shirt and threw it over niall's suitcase.

I dropped the towel and slipped on a pair of underwear. I then put my bra on. I dug through my suitcase, till I found something to wear.

I pulled out a black and white batman shirt. I had quarter length sleeves. the batman symbol was  silver and sparkly.

I pulled out a pair of knee high leggings then pulled them on. I went over the  bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror. I blow dried my hair. I decided to leave it down wavy.

I put on some mascara, brown shimmery eye shadow and some concealer. once I was satisfied with my appearance I went over to my suitcase once more and pulled out a black sparkly beanie. I pulled it over my head.

I went over to my carry on bag and pulled out a pair of sparkly black strappy heels to match my out fit. I walked over to my phone. my phone was in a boring pink case. I pulled it off and replaced it with a batman case.

"Perfect." I whispered to myself.

I put my phone in my black clutch along with all the things I needed. I walked over to the sleeping niall. I climbed onto him. I was straddling his legs.

I started to shake him violently to wake him up.

"HMM" he moaned.

"Get your lazy ass up now." I screamed.

"UGGGG!!!" he bellowed.

"Now." I said sternly.

"Yes mother." he said sitting up.

"That's better." I said. he opened his eyes and shook his head.

"No, no its not. what time is it?" he asked looking out the window beside the bed.

"12." I said looking at my phone.

"God." he whispered. I leaned in. our foreheads touching. we were only about an inch away.

niall kissed me on my lips. I kissed back.

we stayed there passionately kissing. neither one of us wanted to stop or even let go.

my hands were at the back of his head. my fingers running through his blondish brown hair.

his hands with caressing circles into my back. niall laid down pulling me with him. I had 2 hours till I had to meet with the girls downstairs. he had 3 hours until he had to go with the boys to the interview.

we both had the same thing on mind. this time I wasn't going to stop him. I wanted this. I wanted him.

"Are you sure." he said breaking the kiss.

i nodded vigorously\


well I wonder what they are gonna do ;) ;)

well im enjoying leaving you at cliff hangers. as usual. so you wont get to hear what happened until tomorrow or even later today. I cant promise anything about later today tho. ok?

well what do you think so far??? please comment your feedback.

ill pick my favorite commenter to be in the story briefly.

oh and just to let you know there will probably be a sequel. I haven't decided for sure yet. but as of now im pretty sure there will be one.

but anyways comment/vote/fan

follow me on twitter @Louis_tomlinson

follow me on tumblr too I give my fans sneak peaks sometimes.

follow me on instagram too.

this is what I imagine Emma to look like.

this is what I imagine Nica to look like

ok bye my loveliess

thanks for reading

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