chapter 39

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i woke up the next morning with a headache. god why did I dare Louis to blow an air horn in the lobby?

I pulled my self up and looked around the room. niall was gone. I looked at my phone I had a text from niall.

From: Niall

hey I left early this morning. im at Malibu beach right now. don't ask just put on something nice and Louis will drive you here. don't ask any questions. ok? love ya babe.

To: Niall

you know I hate surprises. maybe I just wont go.

hehe imma bitch.

yes im going

why did I say that?

to see him beg.

I looked at the time 12:56 wow I slept in late. I finally got myself to get out of bed. I forced my self to go into the bathroom. I turned the light on.

"Holy fuck!" I scream as I looked at my horrific expression. my makeup was allover my face. I guess that's why I should have taken my makeup off. oh dear god im still in Zayn's clothes. I took off his clothes and threw them out the door. ill return them to him once im dressed and presentable.

I turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. once it was warm enough I stepped in.

I immediately slipped down to the bottom of the shower. I scrubbed my body clean and washed my stubble I call hair. its been getting longer. my hair resembles Liam's after him and Danielle broke up. yeah its that long already. my hair grows pretty fast. I thank the lord for that.

I don't know why Liam and Danielle broke up. I was very confused. she was amazing. but I guess they broke up while I was in treatment. since they broke up we haven't spoken. I guess that's the same with Perrie. I gave up on trying to talk to them it was useless.

I guess our friendship was just because of the boys. too bad I really liked that. but hey, as long as Louis doesn't screw things up with her. I love her like a sister already. why doesn't he just propose already? geesh. ill talk to him about it in the car.

I turned the water off and slipped out of the shower. I grabbed my towel and wrapped myself in it.  I stepped out of the bathroom and headed for my closet. I walked in after turning the light on. well I have no clue what to wear because niall failed to tell me what he has planned.

god, why does he have to be so difficult?

well he told me to wear something pretty  and that he was in Malibu beach. so I should wear something beach like. judging that it is 1:30 already we wont be swimming.

god why cant he just tell me?

I walked over to the back of the closet to where I kept all my sundresses

yes I have a lot.


because I like them.

I grabbed my turquoise and white one. the top half was eggshell white the waist band was black and the bottom half was turquoise with small black polka dots. I walked out of my closet and threw the dress on the bed.

I then walked back into the closet ands pulled out a turquoise cardigan that went down to mid stomach. I then went to where my shoes were and picked out a pair of white wedges that were brown on the bottom. I grabbed my turquoise clutch then threw them onto the bed next to my dress.

I went to the dresser and put on a silver chained bracelet with a turquoise heart attached to it. I pulled out a silver ring and placed it on my middle finger on my right hand.  I still had my necklace on with the gold 'N' on it I didn't care if it didn't match my outfit. it was a gift from niall that I will NEVER take off.

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