authors note

685 13 5

once again sorry if I got your hopes up

eeeekkk. I have 5fans (.I know its not that many.)

I have 1000+ reads and 50 votes

thank you guys so much.

I bet your thinking why couldn't you just say that during the update. well I want to make you work for what you want.

hehe I know Imma bitch. but you love me.

and love me you will meet my demands right?

I want 5 votes

5 nice comments

and 5 more fans.

if you do thus for me I will make sure that the next chapter is good

p.s I have pre written the next chapter on paper. by the looks of it it is pretty long and suspenseful.

all of you Nemma lovers out there enjoy.

by now you know Kyle is in north Carolina for " teaching Emma a lesson" well I hope you like it.

if ii get what.I want you will get that update tonight that my lovelies is a promise.

so pwease comment



bye bye my loveliness

you guys are the best

love yah

until tonight ( hopefully)

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