chapter 37

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Niall's P.O.V

the concert was amazing. I was so excited to finally head to California. this is going to be great. I hope she likes it.

I immediately ran off stage and ran to the dressing room. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was up with Zayn. he hasn't been himself lately. maybe Emma knows why.

I ran to the dressing room and pushed it open.

"hey emma do you know what's up with Zayn?" I asked as I shut the door and sat next to her on the couch.

"yeah." she said.

"Well?" I nudged for her to tell me.

"well what?" she asked innocently.

"What's wrong with Zayn?" I asked

"well...he cheated on Perrie on accident. and they broke up." she said as if it was nothing.

'Oh." I stated shocked that he would do that.

"well we should go now." I said as I sat up and headed for the door.

"yeah."  she said getting up.

we walked to the tour bus and got on. I went straight to the back of the bus and picked up a controller. the guys were already playing the walking dead. I love this game.

"Die zombies die." Zayn shouted as he chopped there heads off.

"NO don't touch me." Louis shrieked as Louis started to shoot random things.

"Lou your wasting ammo." I yelled at him.

"Sorry." he said. I heard giggles coming from next to us.

"Hey I bet you wouldn't even last 10 minutes in this game." harry said to the 2 girls.

"Oh really now?" monica said cocking her head to the side.

"Yeah." zayn added.

oh god this is going to be interesting.

"Give us your controllers." Emma said.

"No." Louis yelled.

"Now." she stated.

"No." he said. monica ripped the controller out of Harry's hands and Emma took Louis's .

"Look what you caused." Liam stated amused. Louis stuck his tongue out then started to watch the girls play.

(1 hr later)

"No fair." Louis yelled.

"Are you mad because we are still alive, found food and shelter and killed 500 zombies?" Emma stated in a 'in your face' tone.

"No." Louis said as he crossed his arms and started to pout like a 2 year old.

"Liam I think Louis needs a diaper change." monica said glancing over at Lou. Harry, Liam, Zayn and I started to laugh.

"I don't need a diaper change." Louis protested.

"Then shut up." Emma piped in.

"No." he said sticking his tongue out.

"No what?" monica said with a snicker.

"I don't get Louis." said. wow how is he older than me.

"NO JIMMY PROTESTED!" emma screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Oh...HEY that is my line." Louis said as he pounced at Emma.

"Take the controller Zayn." emma said handing it to zayn.

She's not afraid (Niall Horan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now