chapter 11

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Nialls P.O.V

We sat there for what I felt like hours. but in reality it was only a few moments. I could tell she was thinking.

"um... id have to ask Nica until then I don't know.".she said, quietly.

she layed down and I heard soft wimpers.

"what's wrong?"

"why is my life so fucked up?"

"you were just delt a shitty hand of cards. if you play them right you should be able to turn your hand around."

"why are you pretending to be zayn?" she laughed and turned back around.I laughed with her.

"I'm not pretending to be zayn..I just thought I should quote zayn." she laughed then turned around and kissed my cheek.

I felt the kiss linger on my cheek. my cheek also turned bright red.

"well I'm hungry. so I'm going to make bacon. unless...."

" you want me to make you bacon don't you?"


"alright,orange juice?"

"yes please and extra crispy bacon too. ill be waiting."


Emma's P.O.V

I waited for Niall the leave the room and walk down the stairs before I called Nica.

"hello?" Nica answered groggy.

"guess what!"

"you've decided to hangup and let me go back to sleep!"


"damn, then what?"

"Niall and the boys want us to come on tour with them. should we go?"

"yeah, when?"

"don't know. ill text you the dets. start packing. ill be home in a few days. when I get back ill pack and we will have a movie day. ok?"

" sounds good. ill pack when I get back from my date, with Harry."

" wait date?Harry? since when?"

"yes date with harry and since a few days ago."

" right then, well night."

"yeah, night.". I hung up and waited for Niall to return. I casually walked to the bathroom and checked myself out. I do this once in a while.

" well its good to know I'm the the only one checking you out." Niall said peaking his head in the bathroom door.

"food!! oh and yes" I grabbed the bacon and orange juice out of his hand and walked over to his bed.

" yes to what?"

"tour. I talked to Nica. I guess her and Harry are a thing now." Niall smiled.

" that's great! hey do you want to do a twitcam with me?" I nodded and sat next to Niall as he pulled out his MacBook.

we did a twitcam for a few hours but we both got really tired so we logged off and crawled into bed.

"hey em?"

"yeah, Ni?"


"well what?"

"I ...."

"you what?" I was nervous. and I could tell he was too. please don't let him be like Kyle please oh please.

I cuddled deeper into the covers and nialls warm, fit chest.


hey guys sorry the chapters so short but I decided I enjoy leaving you at cliff hangers plus it helps make the story longer so yeah.

thanks for the votes, and the reads I really do appreciate it. I'm also sorry if you dont like the story. I'm trying my best I truly am.

please comment/vote/fan. please I would love to have 4 or 5 votes. ill continue even if you don't vote I would just love it if you did.

please also follow me on Twitter. ill follow back. @Louis_nialler13

that also goes if you fan me. also message me if you can relate to the

story or if you have a story you want me to read.

thanks guys ill update again tomorrow.

love you guys....bye....

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