chapter 24

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its been three weeks since the whole demi thing and Emma seems to be avoiding me. im starting to get worried. I mean she talks to me. but only things like hi or how's your day been. I think im losing her.

just thinking about that makes me tear up. I cant lose her. I have to win her back. but how?

"hey lou could you help me?" I asked looking at Louis nervously.

"yeah anything." he said. he saw me almost tearing up. he tensed a bit.

"I think im losing emma." I forced my self to say. here we go the tears again. "how do I get her back?"

"well mate, make her fall in love with you all over again." he said with a slight smile.

"How?" I asked I was truly interested in his plan.

"well she seems to like it when you sing to her. well how about you take her on a picnic to a park late at night. the guys and I will help" Louis said. I don't know if he was more excited or if I was.

"Lou that's an amazing idea." I got up and attacked Louis in a huge hug.

"ok ill tell the lads and we will do it tonight. ok?" he asked with a big grin.

"yeah sounds good. ill go get ready and you have harry, Mr. romantic set up the park."I said with a bigger smile.

"Alright operation get emma back is a go." Louis said as he ran off into the other room.

I took a quick shower then put on a grey tux. I combed through my damp hair then went to the flower shop.

I picked up 2 dozen red and white roses....her favorite. I dropped then off with harry who was scattering rose petal all over the path. I was curious to see the rest of his plan but I had other things to do.

I went back to the hotel and packed up my guitar. I then packed a dinner. I made 2 ham sandwiches with chees, mayonnaise and lettuce. I then put a bottle of red wine into the basket. then a bundle of purple grapes.

all of her favorite things in one basket. next I added the box of chocolates. I hope I get her back. after getting that already I headed to the park.

on my way there I called Eleanor.

it rang a couple times then she picked up.




"Hello?" Eleanor said through the phone.

"Hey take emma shopping to charlotte rouse to pick up a dress for tonight. im guessing Louis told you the plan right?" I said in a hopeful tone.

"Yeah." she said in return

"well please don't tell her. say something day out. yeah girls day out." I said a bit unsure.

"Ok I will...oh and good luck." she said in a perky tone. I could tell she wanted us to be together or at least normal again.

"Thanks you too." I said then hung up. I reached the park and helped harry set up the rest.

Emma's P.O.V

there was a knock on my hotel room door.

"ugggg." I screeched.

I opened the door to an eager Eleanor.

"get dressed me and you shopping now." she said pushing me to the closet.

"ok." I said unsure of her evil plans but whatever I could use some shopping.

I took a quick shower then slipped on some random clothes.

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