chapter 5

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Emma's P.O.V

the ride ended and the driver waited outside for us to come back out. we walked up to the door. Niall waited patiently while I unlocked the door. after getting the stupid door to finally open I gestured for Niall to come in. he laughed a little bit because of my blonde moment I had just a few seconds ago. I shut the door behind us. Niall was turned around. I took that as an opportunity to lightly kick his butt.

"Emma! how dare you?" he said throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me upstairs. he opened several doors before opening the last door on the right.

"Niall don't open that door!" I said but I was too late. he swung the door open. I felt my cheeks heat up. he set me down and walked into my room. I followed closely behind him.

"I like this picture. but I think we should take some of us in the photobooth at the mall." Niall said looking at a poster of himself on my ceiling.

"sure. what should I wear?" I asked walking into my closet. he followed behind me. I turned the light on revealing my collection of clothes.

" this." Niall said holding up a reel crop top shirt with black lining and black buttons going down the front. he also held up black shorts.

"ok." I say grabbing the clothes out of his hands. I walked to my bathroom and locked the door behind me. I locked it as a force of habit. I quickly jumped into the warm shower. I washed my hair and my body then got out.

I dried my hair with the hair dryer. I put on the outfit Niall picked out. I put some light makeup on. I picked up the cloths from the floor and threw them into the hamper beside the shower. I unlocked the door and walked back into my room.

"wow, you look great!" Niall said. there was a smile creeping onto his face.

" thanks. but I'm nothing special to be smiling about." I said knowing I was blushing.

"no your my special thing to look at." Niall said coming closer to me. he grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek.I was definitely blushing now.

" let's go,babe." I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him downstairs and out the door. he opened the door for me. I got in and he was soon next to me. I felt his soft hand intertwined with mine. the driver dropped us off at the mall.

"take these." Niall said handing me a pair of Raybans. I took them and put them on. Niall did the same. we walked into the mall. we first went to the photobooth and got some pictures taken. then we went to the food court. after the food court we went to Hollister.

I was looking in the clearance section when Niall came over holding a bunch of clothes.

"go try them on" I grabbed the pile and went to the dressing room. I sifted through the mountain and grabbed a t-shirt and some skinny jeans that had been ripped up the legs. I tried them on. I took them off and threw them over my

shoulder. I gave the rest back to Niall.

"I like these. ill pay." I said in a stern voice. Niall grabbed the clothes from my shoulder and ran to the clerk. he payed for the clothes. I couldn't run fast because of the heels I was wearing.

"I win,love." Niall says handing me the bag. I grunted and walked away. Niall chased me down the escalator. I ran into Victoria's secret. I went to the back of the store and grabbed a bra and some underwear. I went to pay for them and

walked out of the store.

"I believe I win this round." I said gloating about the bag in my hand. Niall peaked inside the bag and looked at me with a sheepish smile.

" your going to look pretty damn sexy in these." Niall said grabbing hold of my hand.

"where to next?" I asked as we walked to my car.

" back to my shared flat with the boys. then I want you to come to my personal flat." Niall said getting into the passenger seat.I got into the drivers seat and started the car. Niall looked at me weird when he heard your still the one

come on the radio.

"hey, I love this song." I said turning it up. Niall turned it down and told me to sing with him. I laughed but started singing.

"your amazing at singing." Niall said. he began to sing with me. we did that the whole way back to the shared flat. I took the keys out of the egnition and walked inside. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone and my purse. I went to the couch and sat between harry and Louis.

"hey where did you love birds go?" Louis asked looking at the pictures of Niall and I in my hand.

" we went to the mall and picked up my car and a few other things." I blushed and looked at Niall. he was looking at the pictures too.

"well you guys are wo cute together. when is the wedding?" Louis said. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"there is no wedding and Niall and I are just friends." I said looking at Niall. he had a sad look on his face. I think I hurt his feelings when I said we were just friends. I got up and walked over to Niall.

" ready to go over to your flat?" I asked. he knodded. I gave the boys hugs again. when I gave Louis a hug I flicked his ear. we walked out the door. I threw Niall the keys since I had no idea where he lived. he caught the keys and jumped into the drivers seat. I got into the passengers seat.

"niall?" I said looking at him.

~authors note

hey guys if you like this please tell your friends.... vote comment...etc. love.yah guys.

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